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。Unit1 Spring is coming春天是万物复苏、春暖花开的美丽季节。请以春天为主题,根据提示与要求写一篇短文,简单介绍一下这个季节的特点以及可以进行的户外活动。提示: 春天到了,雪开始融化,花朵绽放,树木发芽; 可以进行的户外运动有踢足球、放风筝、野餐、爬山等。要求: 语句通顺,语法正确,可适当发挥; 不少于 70 词。One possible version:Whenspringcomes,theweathergetswarmerandwarmer.The snowmeltsquickly. Everything begins to grow in spring. Trees are budding and different kindsof flowers are blossoming. They make our world colourful.Spring is the best season for people to go outdoors. Some like playing footballor flying kites in the park. Some may go for a picnic with their family or friends.Others can go mountain climbing. Itsalso good for their health.Unit2 Plant a plant以“Whyare plantsimportant”写一篇英语作文, 见一下植物的重要性表现在哪些方面?不少于 70 词One possible version:why are plants importantToday I am at home. I talked about plants with my family. I know why plants areso important for us.-可编辑修改 -。There are manyplants aroundus. And we can't live withoutplants.Doyouknowwhy?Letmetellyou.Plantshelp clean the air andit ispleasanttowalkamong the trees. We also can get the food from plants. Such as apples, orangesandso on.Corn,wheatandriceare allplants,too.Wecanmakeandbuildthingswithtrees-likechairs, bedsandhouses!Wecansit under atreeintheshade in summer. Plants cover the soil. Plants stop wind and water fromcarryingthe soil away. All plants take energy from the sun and make it into food. People andother animals need food to live. So we need plants. Plants are very important.Unit3 Animals are our friend动物是人类的朋友。 你的家里养了哪些小动物呢?你和小动物之间发生过什么故事呢?请你以“My favourite pet”为题写一篇英语短文,简单讲述一下你和小动物之间的故事。要求: 字迹工整,层次清晰; 语句通顺,语法正确; 不少于 70 词(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。One possible version:My favourite petThere is a special member in my family the dog Honey. Honey has lived withmy family for more than three years, and we all love it. It is not only my favouritepet but also my good friend. Last Sunday, Honey and I had a walk by the lake. Butwhen I stopped to watch the fish in the lake, I fell into it. Honey barked and jumpedinto the water at once. It did its best to pull me out of the water with its mouth.-可编辑修改 -。How brave Honey is!Unit 4 The Internet connects网络正逐渐走进我们的生活,而其利弊也都不同程度地显现出来。请以“Advantagesanddisadvantages of the internet”为题,写一篇不少于80 词的短文。要求: 1.要有表明自己观点的句子。、2.书写工整,句式规范,条理清楚,标点符号正确使用。3.短文中应包括提示内容,可适当发挥,但不能出现真实的人名、地名。One possible versionAdvantages and Disadvantages of the InternetInternetis nowcomingintoourlife.It bringsus notonlya lotofconvenience,happiness but also troubles.Some students use Internet as a tool to study. They look up the meanings of newwords, the background of an event or a story, the information of a company or afamous person, etc. They also read news or send e-mails through it. Internet helpsthem learn more and study well.Every coin has two sides. Some students play games, chat with friends, and see thepictures or films even the unhealthy ones on the Internet the whole day. They arenot interested in their subjects. It is very dangerous for them!The Internets advantagesanddisadvantagesare shownclearlytous. I thinkweshould make good use of it and stay away from the unhealthy websites.Unit 5 Buying and selling-可编辑修改 -。在生活中,我们或许都曾有过买东西或卖东西的经历。请把你记忆最深刻的一件事写下来,与大家分享。要求: 1.结构清晰,语句通顺,表达流利2.至少有一个宾语从句3.80 词左右One possible versionThere is a very interested experience in my memory. Thatsabout selling fish.Itwas lastyear.Oneday, myfathercaughtlotsoffishin theriver.Mymothercooked some for us but there were still many left. What should we do? My mothertold me that we could sell them. So I took them to the market. When some peoplecame up to my basin full of fish, I told them that the fish were fresh and cheap. Theybought them at once. Soon I sold out of all the fish. How excited I was!I think that was a useful experience for me. Do you have a similar experience?Unit 6 Be a champion假如你正在给笔友Julie 写一封电子邮件,描述你的理想,并询问一下他的思想。One possible versionDear Julie,I just watched a woman volleyball competition. It was very exciting. All the playersworked together and they got the gold medal. Their spirit moved me greatly.I like sports too. Volleyball is my favorite. I


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