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.wd.语音1. full put 2. ( ) on song 3. ( ) A. good B. classroom C. food D. cook4. ( )A. from B. hot C. October D. front单项选择:1. There are a lot _ people today than yesterday. A. of B. / C. most D. more2. Look ,he has _ computer. A. aquite new B. quite new a C. a very new D. very a new3. I want to _ this book for a week. A. borrow B. keep C.lend D. get4. Youd better _ late next time. A. not to be B. not be C. wont be D. dont be 5. What _ people _ in summer? A. does, do B. do ,do C. are ,do D. is doing6. December is the _ month of the year. A. twelve B. twelfth C. first D. last7. We shoul be _ when we cross the street. A. care B. careful C. carefully D. carefully8. Peter is _ with all his classmates. A. a friend B. friend C. the friend D. friends9. Tom has to wash his clothes _ seven days. A. every B. each C. all D. any10. There is _ interesting _ todays newspaper. A. anythingin B. nothing.in C. something.on D. nothing.on11. -Michael had a fever. -_ bad news! A. How B. What a C. What D. How a 12. He is the best _ English in our class. A. at B. in C. for D. to13. There are _boys in the classroom. Where are they ? A. a lot of B. very few C. very a few D. only few14. Please give me a pen _ A. to write with B. to write C. for write D. written15. I have seven dolls .I want to buy _ one. A. the eight B. the eighth C. a eighty D. an eighth16. Well have our winter holiday next month. The news makes everyone _.A. Excited B. interested C. happily D. luckily17. He often leaves the door _ A. opened B. open C. opening D. Opens18. _1st is the birthday of the Communist Party of China. A. June B. July C. August D. November19. The cakes are so delicious ,so she wants to have _ third one ,because _second one is so small.A. a, a B. a , the C. the ,the D, the ,a 20. I want to have some _for dinner , so I want to catch _ now. A. fish, much B. fishes, much C. fish, many D. fishes , many 21. What would the future city _? A. like B. likes C. is like D. be like22. I dont know_ A. what is their hobby B. what their is hobby C. what their hobby is D. their hobby is what23. Lisa tells me _A. Where is she going tomorrow B. where she is going tomorrow C. She is going where tomorrow D. where she goes tomorrow24. Our teacher wants to know _A. What does your father do B. what your father do C. your father does what D. what your father does25. LiMing is working hard _maths. A. from B. on C. in D. for26. My teacher always says to us _ a smile.A. to ,b. with, c. of ,d. for27. Youd better _late next time. A.not to be B. not be C. wont be D. dont be28. _ you worried about your lesson? A. Do B.Is C. Does D. 29. Everything begins to grow _spring , A. at B. to C. in D. on30. -whats the weather like in August in Tianjin?-Its _ A. cold B. warm C. hot D. cool31. There are some books on the desk. Please give one _ him. A. to B. for C. with D. of 32. Our teacher tells us _ in the street. A. not play B. no play C. not to play D. no playing33. Lily and Lucy _ the USA. A. is from B. come from C. come of D.is of 34. We are here _ a short visit. A. in B. at C. to D. on35. Its careless _ her _ her homework at home A. for, forgetting B. for, to forget C. of , forgetting D. of , to forget36. Do you do well in _ football? A. play B. playing with C. playing D. play with37. - _there any milk in the glass ? -Yes ,there is . A. Is B. Are C. Has D. Have38. There _thirty days in February. A. is B. are C. arent D. be 39. Does your mother _ after supper? A. likes walking B. like walk C. reading a newspaper D. like walking40. Welcome back _. A. school B. farm C. home D. to home41. What _ of cake would you like? -d like a heart-shaped cake, please. A. shaped B. kind C. color D. about根据汉语完成句子1. 这是给你的巧克力!_ _ some _ for you!2. 有时候她到家很晚。 Sometimes _ _ _ _ _3. Her grandma _ _ picture cards.(喜欢收集贺卡)4. Please _ _ _ soon.(请尽快给我回电子邮件)5. 春天是什么样子的? What _ _ _?6. Lily _(看)TV after supper in the evening.7. 圣诞老人正在给孩子们礼物.Santa clause _ _ the children _.8. -农民们正在割水稻吗?-是的,他们是. -_ the farmers _ _?Yes, _ _9. Does your sister _?(喜欢收集地图)综合填空 1. Jim and his mother are at t


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