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2024届高考英语阅读理解五步法专项练(素材来源:长郡中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期末适应性考英语试题)It's difficult to hope sometimes but there are still a few instances telling us that something better awaits us whether we choose to hold on to it or not. Annie, a 19-year-oldblack Labrador, was given around a month to live when she was placed for adoption in June 2022.Annie's former owner had given up hope and sent her to a shelter house in Texas because she wouldn't eat or drink.Once Siler,31,discovered Annie's photo, she knew she had to help. Instead of a month or two, Annie was adopted by Siler and her roommate, Lisa, for an entire year. Siler knew what it took to care for an elderly dog because she had recently lost her own dog, whom she had since college. Siler shared, “I felt mentally and emotionally prepared to take on a dog that wasn't going to have long.” Siler described Annie as an easygoing dog. Her favorite pastimes included opening mail and sitting outside, watching people and cars pass by, earning her the nickname “nosy neighbour.”“People kept telling us she was having so much fun and enjoying life and that kept her going, and I hope that was the case. Annie lived almost exactly a year after being adopted by Siler and Lisa. Annie had the life we pray every senior dog we rescue gets to experience. Annie didn't just live out this past year, she flowered. Annie had an ill stomach. Surgical operation was her only option and that was never something we would put Annie through. Collectively, we made the hardest decision for us but kindest for Annie.” Siler kept in her diary.“I can't help but think that Annie would be so proud. She was one special dog whose story will live on through those who adopt seniors. She left a giant, giant hole in my heartbut times, where everyone who loved her can come together in her honor, will help start mending my broken heart.” Siler wrote in her post.24.Why was Annie placed for adoption in June 2022?A. Because she was too old for her owner to care for.B. Because her owner had given up hope for her refusal to eat or drink.C. Because Annie's owner was moving and couldn't take her along.D. Because she had a medical condition that required extensive care.25.What motivated Siler to adopt Annie?A. Siler wanted a guard dog for her house.B. Siler's roommate insisted on adopting a dog.C. Siler was an advocate for senior dog adoption.D. Siler sought company after losing her previous dog26.What did people say about Annie's life after adoption?A. She experienced enormous joy.B. She was miserable and lonely.C. She was constantly sick and in pain.D.She didn't interact with people or other dogs.27.What did Siler hope for in terms of Annie's story?A. Annie's story would be forgotten easily.B. Annie's story would encourage seniors to hunt.C. Annie's story would inspire senior dogs adoption.D. Annie's story would only be remembered for its sadness.【五步法解析】串联题干24. Why was Annie placed for adoption in June 2022?25. What motivated Siler to adopt Annie?26. What did people say about Annie's life after adoption?27.What did Siler hope for in terms of Annie's story?主题词:adoption收养24.Why was Annie placed for adoption in June 2022?A. Because she was too old for her owner to care for.(没有提及)因为她太老了,主人没法照顾她。B. Because her owner had given up hope for her refusal to eat or drink.因为它的主人对它拒绝吃喝已经不抱希望了。C. Because Annie's owner was moving and couldn't take her along.(没有提及)因为安妮的主人要搬家,不能带她一起走。D.Because she had a medical condition that required extensive care.(没有提及)因为她的身体状况需要精心护理It's difficult to hope sometimes but there are still a few instances telling us that something better awaits us whether we choose to hold on to it or not. Annie, a 19-year-oldblack Labrador, was given around a month to live when she was placed for adoption in June 2022.(安妮是一只19岁的黑色拉布拉多犬,在2022年6月被收养时,医生说她还能活一个月左右。)Annie's former owner had given up hope and sent her to a shelter house in Texas because she wouldn't eat or drink.(安妮的前主人已经放弃了希望,把她送到了德克萨斯州的一个收容所,因为她不吃不喝。)这个题注意的是有两个点前一句提出现象,后一句提出补充解析because=for因为25.What motivated Siler to adopt Annie?A. Siler wanted a guard dog for her house.西尔想要一只看门狗。B. Siler's roommate insisted on adopting a dog.西尔的室友坚持要领养一只狗。C. Siler was an advocate for senior dog adoption.西尔是老年狗收养的倡导者。D. Siler sought company after losing her previous dog西尔弗在失去了她之前的狗后寻求陪伴Once Siler,31,discovered Annie's photo, she knew she had to help. Instead of a month or two, Annie was adopted by Siler and her roommate, Lisa, for an entire year. Siler knew what it took to care for an elderly dog because she had recently lost her own dog, whom she had since college. Siler shared, “I felt mentally and emotionally prepared to take on a dog that wasn't going to have long.” Siler described Annie as an easygoing dog. Her favorite pastimes included opening mail and sitting outside, watching people and cars pass by,


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