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英语一、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1. Ben watched Tom and Jerry yesterday. _ cartoon made him laugh.A. AB. AnC. TheD. /2. Everybody, please keep _. Its not allowed to make any noise in the reading room.A. fitB. warmC. dryD. quiet3. Jack, I have no idea for the report.Me neither. Why dont we ask the teacher for _?A. helpB. jokesC. foodD. tickets4. There was a storm yesterday. _, most of the flowers in my garden are still alive.A. ClearlyB. LuckilyC. SuddenlyD. Firstly5. Thomas, where are my postcards? I _ find them.Theyre on the bookshelf.A. cantB. needntC. mustntD. shouldnt6. Mum, may I have more chocolate?Youd better not _ too much sweet food is bad for health.A. untilB. whileC. althoughD. because7. In China, people usually _ their houses to sweep away bad luck before Spring Festival.A. clean upB. look upC. make upD. put up8. Lydia, have you decided which city to travel to, London or New York?Not yet. Maybe I _ London to meet my friends this time.A. visitB. visitedC. will visitD. was visiting9. Nancy, do you know _?In 1957, I think.A. who wrote the play TeahouseB. what the play Teahouse is aboutC. when the play Teahouse was writtenD. why Lao She wrote the play Teahouse10. Dad, well play against s strong team in tomorrows football match._! Just try your best!A. Good ideaB. Come onC. Thank youD. Wait a minute二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Matt loved science, and he wanted to be the Science Star of the week. Now he was presenting his experiment in Mrs. Perrys class.“Let me show you _11_ to keep an egg in the middle of the glass.” Matt dropped an egg into salt water. But it fell to the bottom. “Look, Matts blushing!” Coco shouted. Matt, covered _12_ red face with hands.That evening he _13_ The Book of Wonderful Science Experiments. When it came to the last page, he smiled. “This is the right experiment _14_ me! Its impossible to fail this time.”The next day in front of his class, Matt spread small pieces of paper onto the desk and rubbed a spoon with cloth. “The spoon will lift up the paper.” He raised the spoon, but _15_ happened. The paper lay still.“Matts blushing again!” Emily pointed out. Matt was _16_ and ran back to his seat with his red face.“Becoming the Science Star seems so _17_,” Matt thought. That night he couldnt sleep, “I have to make it, but the only thing I could do right was blushing.” Suddenly, a _18_ came to his mind.The following morning, Matt appeared before the class again, _19_ his Mickey Mouse ears.“Mouse ears on the head are your _20_?” Someone laughed and Matts face burned.“No watch my _21_! Blushing is my experiment,” Matt answered. Everyone quieted down.Matt continued, “When you feel stressed, your blood vessels in the face open wide and fill the skin with blood, _22_ you blush.” He showed a picture of blood vessels. “Ive _23_ many times to control blushing, but now I know its a normal part of being human. So the best thing to do is to _24_ it.” The class cheered and Matts red face lit up the whole classroom.“Matt is the Science Star of the week,” Mrs. Perry announced. Matt walked _25_ back to his seat. What a perfect day!11 A. howB. whereC. whyD. when12. A. myB. yourC. hisD. her13. A. handed inB. looked throughC. waited forD. put away14. A. forB. withC. againstD. like15. A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing16. A. happyB. nervousC. calmD. bored17. A. difficultB. commonC. naturalD. safe18. A. questionB. numberC. planD. mistake19. A. passingB. throwingC. wearingD. repairing20. A. playB. songC. paintingD. experiment21. A. handsB. faceC. teethD. back22. A. whetherB. soC. unlessD. but23. A. triedB. advisedC. guessedD. cried24. A. finishB. changeC. hideD. accept25. A. secretlyB. strangelyC. proudlyD. worriedly三、阅读理解(本题有15小题。第2628小题,每小题1分;第2939小题,每小题2分;第40小题5分。共30分)阅读下面短文,第2639小题从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,第40小题在答题纸规定区域作答。AGood photographers are like reporters. They record peoples lives with cameras. They are also like artists or writers. Their photos can make people think or feel something. Fashion photographers mainly take pictures of new products like clothes.Portrait photographers take photos of different people.Landscape photographers usually take pictures outdoors in nature.Event photographers take photos of big parties and ceremonies.Robert Doisneau was French. He was well-known for his black and white street photos of Paris.Anne Geddes was born in Australia. Taking baby pictures has made her world-famous.Richard Avedon was from the USA. He mainly took photos of fashion and famous people. His photos h


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