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宁波市2022年初中学业水平考试英语试题试题卷I一、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Andy was throwing an empty box when a woman and her daughter ran over.“You smell _1_!”Andy said to the woman.The woman said, “I just want you to _2_ me the box. Its how my daughter and I survive (生存)” “But its just trash (垃圾),” said Andy.“One persons trash is another persons _3_,” the woman said, reaching out her hand, “Can I have it?”“_4_ you want it, just take it out of the trash bin by yourself,” Andy replied _5_. Then he threw the box and walked towards his mothers car. The woman didnt say anything and took the box.Andy told his mother about the dirty woman. His mother said in a _6_ voice, “Andy, not everyone has good _7_. Your father left us when you were two years old. We lived a hard life. I couldnt find a _8_, so we had to live on the streets. One day, I met a lady and she _9_ me to make money by recycling boxes. I _10_ her suggestion and our life changed after that.”Hearing this, Andy got out of the car and _11_ to the lady. “I am sorry for what I did. Youre right. One persons trash is another persons treasure.” Then his mother came over and was _12_ to find the woman was just the lady who helped them out of trouble a few years ago. She said to the woman with _13_,” You did so much for us. Its my turn to _14_ you. I would like you and your daughter to come and stay with us.” The girl and her mother were moved to tears.There are always some people who give us unexpected _15_. So wherever we are be kind to people around us.1. A. sweetB. niceC. terribleD. smoky2. A. buyB. giveC. showD. lend3. A. prideB. supportC. powerD. treasure4. A. ThoughB. UnlessC. BeforeD. If5. A. impolitelyB. gladlyC. nervouslyD. hopefully6. A. funnyB. softC. coldD. strange7. A. luckB. fameC. natureD. behavior8. A. reasonB. dreamC. jobD. hobby9. A. allowedB. advisedC. neededD. sent10. A. checkedB. questionedC. followedD. forgot11. A. climbedB. rushedC. rodeD. jumped12. A. surprisedB. afraidC. relaxedD. worried13. A. fearB. interestC. sadnessD. joy14. A. teachB. understandC. praiseD. help15. A. successB. pleasureC. warmthD. pride二、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共计30分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(A)How do you look after your catIntroductionThe first step to becoming a good cat owner is to choose the right kind of cat. It is how a cat behaves that is the most important, not what she looks like or how old she is. She is going tobe your best friend. You will spend a lot of time playing together. But remember, you need to look after her every day. Not just to start with, but for all her life.Understanding your petBy watching your cat closely, you will learn her special way of talking. From the movement of her tail or ears, you will see if she is happy or sad. And you will soon understand what she is saying when she miaows.Caring for your petYou will only be your cats best friend if you care for her properly. You will need to make sure that she eats the right foods, always has water, and can get plenty of exercise every day. You will also have to bathe (给洗澡) her often and spend some time training her.16. How long will you need to look after your cat?A. For some days after shes born.B. For the whole of her life.C. Until she has babies of her own.D. Until she is badly ill.17. To understand your cat, you need to _.A. watch her very carefullyB. bathe her oftenC. talk to her every dayD. feed her proper food18. The last part of the passage describes _.A. which food cats like bestB. how difficult it can be to train catsC. the type of exercise cats enjoy mostD. the things cat owners need to do(B)Victors projectAs part of my history project on transport, I did some short interviews with people in my neighborhood. My first interview was with my friend Susans grandmother, Mrs. Sanderson.Question 1How did you get to school when you were young?I walked to school with my friends, except for Fridays when we had to carry all of our things for school sports. Then we caught the bus. I enjoyed walking because we could chat on the way. I didnt like it when it was raining though, but Mum always made sure I wore my raincoat and gumboots. On the other hand, I became a strong walker, and I believe thats why Ive been healthy all my life.Question 2My parents drive me to school. Why didnt you go to school by car?You know, we were not rich enough at that time. We could not afford a car until after I had finished school.Question 3How did you get around when you werent going to school?We often went for a family trip by train. Most weekends we went on picnics and I loved playing with my cousins in the park. The trip took much longer than it would take by car today of course.Question 4How do you get around now?


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