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中口真题 200703 参考答案SECTION 1: LISTENING TESTPart A: Spot Dictation1. at fault 11. treat them fairly2. supervisors and chief executives 12. more likely to respect3. cover up 13. have offended4. character flaws 14. was viewed 5. affects 15. raised his voice 6. repairing your wrong 16. appropriate7. guilty party 17. embarrassment8. the individuals most hurt 18. were present9. admit mistakes 19. how timely10. the opposite is true 20. apologize for itPart B: Listening Comprehension1. Statements1. C2. D3. A4. D5. B 6. B7. A8. A 9. D 10. D2. Talks and Conversations11. B12. C13. C14. A15. B 16. C17. D18. D19. D20. C21. A22. B23. B 24. A25. C26. D27. C28. A 29. C30. BPart C: Listening and TranslationI. Sentence Translation1. Ladies and gentlemen, since the international club meets only once every semester, for this special event, the first thing on our agenda is to elect a person to chair our meeting.女士们,先生们,我们的国际俱乐部每学期只聚会一次,所以为了本次聚会,第一项议程就是选举出本次会议的主席。2. Scientists claim that animals, including men, can live 5 times longer than their normal period of growth. If this theory is accurate, our future generations can expect a life-span of 150 years. 科学家们认为,动物,包括人类,生命期可以是其正常生长期的五倍。如果这一理论是正确的,未来人类预期寿命可达 150 年。3. It seems that few employees know how to take criticism constructively. Its only too easy to misinterpret a critical comment about a piece of work as a personal attack.看来很少有公司雇员懂得如何建设性地接受批评意见。对于一项工作的批评太容易被误解为人身攻击了。4. Television can be harmful if it is watched constantly. However when it is watched in a moderate way, it is valuable as it provides relaxation, entertainment and education.如果我们不停地看电视,这对我们是有害的。但如果是适度观看,那么电视就是有价值的,它可以起到放松、娱乐和教育的作用。5. By the year 2000, the population of the developing world living in urban areas had risen to about 46% and it is estimated to reach more than 57% by the year 2025. 至 2000 年,在发展中国家,城市居民比例已上升至 46%,预计至 2025 年,这一比例将超过 57%。II. Passage Translation 1. It is not surprising that cheating is difficult to resist. Today the Internet offers many temptations there are term papers for sale along with articles that can be copied for free with the click of a mouse. A survey finds that 30 percent of students say cheating during tests happens quite often ,and over 65 percent admit asking their friends for help even when a professor has told them to work alone. It is hard to believe that these young people will change their ways after graduation.http:/tr.hjenglish.com参考译文:毫不奇怪,作弊是很难抵御的。今天的因特网提供了众多的诱惑-有学期论文供出售,还有文章可以免费摘抄,你只要用鼠标一点即可。一项调查发现,30%的学生说在测试中作弊常有发生,65%的学生承认,即使教授告诉他们自己要独立完成作业,也会向朋友求助。很难相信这些年轻人在毕业后会改变他们的这种方式。2. Despite the bird flu, chicken remains the most popular meat today for a number of reasons. First, its reasonable cost puts chicken within everyones reach. Second, chicken can be prepared so many different ways. It can ,for example, be cooked in spaghetti sauce or with noodles and soups. It can be baked, boiled or fried .Last and most important, chicken has a high nutritional value. Four ounces of chicken contain twentyeight grams of protein, which is almost half the recommended daily dietary allowance.h参考译文:尽管有禽流感的威胁,鸡肉仍然是当今最受欢迎的肉食品,有几个原因:第一,鸡肉价格合理,人人皆可承受。第二,鸡肉吃法众多,比如,可以同通心粉汁或面条或汤一起煮。鸡肉可以烧、煮或炸着吃。最后也是最重要的一个原因是,鸡肉营养价值很高。4 盎司的鸡肉含有 28 克的蛋白质,那几乎是推荐人体每日摄入量的一半了。SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLSQuestions 1301. A2. C3. C4. D5. B6. D7. C8. A9. C10. D11. A12. B13. A14. A15. C16. B17. D18. C19. B20. C21. B22. D23. D24. A25. B26. B27. D28. A29. B30.D SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST (1) 【参考译文】在 1972 年,100 万美元可真是一大笔钱。但对于住在巴黎的经营有方的美国古董商罗伯特海克特而言,就一个精美的古希腊花瓶来说,他向纽约大都会博物馆开出的这个价钱并不算高。这只花瓶的历史比耶稣诞生还要早 500 年,是由当时一个公认的美术大家绘制的。自从那宗古希腊花瓶收购之后,古董的价格一路飙升。然而,日益兴盛的古董买卖,其问题不在于价格离谱,而是远比价格更为重要的事情,那就是古董的来源。这些稀世珍宝来自何方?谁是其合法拥有者?日益增多的证据表明,越来越多的文物正在其所在国被非法挖掘。例如,最近英国对总数达 546 件文物的五大收藏进行了研究,确定其中 82%来源可疑。从意大利到希腊到土耳其,许多国家长期来一直在抱怨走私文物交易,却多半无法加以阻止。SECTION 4: TRANSLATION TEST (2) 【参考译文】China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international communitys support for and confidence in its reform and opening-up. The World Exposition will be the first one in a developing country since it was first held in 1851 in London, UK, which gives expression to the expectations the worlds people place on Chinas future development.The theme of World Expo 2010 Shanghai is “Better City, Better Life.” The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns every nation and its people, Being the first World Exposition on the theme of city, Expo 2010 will attract about 200 nations and international organizations to participate in it, with an estimate of 70 million visitors from home and abroad.


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