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编号 XX 学 院毕业设计题 目自动穴盘育苗精量播种机设计学生姓名学 号系 部专 业班 级指导教师二一二年六月X 学 院本科毕业设计(论文)诚信承诺书本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文)(题目:半自动穴盘育苗精量播种机设计)是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。尽本人所知,除了毕业设计(论文)中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本毕业设计(论文)不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。作者签名: 毕业设计(论文)报告纸半自动穴盘育苗精量播种机设计摘 要本论文课题是设计半自动穴盘育苗精量播种机的结构与工艺。今朝,我国育苗下种主要以人工点播或者撒播为主,其效率低,重播、漏播率高,下种出苗不均,且需增长分苗工序,劳动强度大,远远不能满足现代化举措措施农业生产的需要。是以,火紧急需要要研究制造开发适应不同种类、外形、巨细的育苗精量下种机,处理完成工厂养育苗中精量下种的要害技能设备。外洋育苗下种机的研究与开倡议步较早,技能含量高,群体组成一套性好,但价格昂贵,合用于大型工厂养育苗企业。国产育苗下种机多为科学研究院所研究制造,现实投入生产较少,仅占育苗设备市场份额的10 %。常见下种机按原理分为机械式和气吸式二类,机械式又有槽轮式、型孔轮式、气吸式等。其中槽轮式、型孔轮式穴盘下种机因其排种不匀称,容易损伤胚珠或者种芽,不适于广泛推广;气吸式穴盘下种机具有排种精度高、不伤种芽等长处,但其打造成本高、操作调整未便,生产效率有待进一步提高 。这篇文章预设了一种结构简单、操作方便,生产效率高、下种精度好的气吸式半自动穴盘精量下种机,经生产考核,基本能满足温室大棚穴盘育苗高效生产的要求。功能分析:实现穴盘精量播种机取种,投种。取种:机械式、气吸式、磁吸、 气吸(不伤种)投种:自重、气力投种、 气力投种(清种)气吸:吸板(高效)、滚筒(复杂)、针式(精准)、 吸板+针式=嘴式吸盘(高效,精准)种与吸嘴接触:传统频率激震(震落种子)震动弹簧力=弹簧+牵引力=抛振装置(简单稳定)气力投种:气正压 气路切换 换向阀 控制 行程开关 撞 位移 水平位移四连杆机构、抽拉式、直滑轨(快捷)关键词 : 嘴式吸盘,抛震装置, 直滑轨 City manhole sludge extracting device designAbstractFactory nursery seedling,which has been developed internationally in recent years-IS an eect technologY to increase agricultural productionCompared to the conventional autumn seedling productlon technology,factory nursery seedling has many advantagesThe seedling groh environment can be effectively controlled because the seedlings are isolated from natural environment by greenhouse·I he seedIings can resist the cold temperature in the spring and the seedling recovering time IS greatly shonened after transplantingThe technique will be used more widely in China because of these obvious advantages· It is weII known that the nursery seedlings metering devices is the important tools for developing this techniqueTherefore,the development of the nursery seedlings metering devices is essential for eXtending the factory nursery seedling technical in different regions of China The research of the precision seedling metering device focus on the vegetables and flowers in the foreign country and the research focus On the rice in ChinaFunded by the national key science alld technique project”The design and research on the key equipment for the adaptive agriculture”sub-toplc ot ”The research on the metering device and transplanting equipment”in Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,we design and manufacture the novel sucker throw。vibrating prectston seedling metering devices for cotton seedlings based on the preliminary studies ofthe nursery sowing seed metering devices internationallyFurthermore,we do a series experiments on its theoretical analysis,computer simulation and numerical simulation study The papers commence from the whole machine Structure design of tray seeder,puts forward a new ideas of Seeds in boiling under the vibration force,designed a new ype of ejection device of the gram box, theoretical analysis of adsorption mechanism of the cotton and working mechanism of the ejection deVlce and established a mathematical model of the corresponding,determine the ects of adsorbability of the relationship between the main factorsThe structure of the nozzle and sucker is optimized by the somVare of CFDimprove the adsorption properties and accuracy of the nozzleNumerical simulation IS used to orthogonal test of the adsorption properties of the nozzle,identify the impact On the adsorption properties of the relationship between primary and secondary factors,found an optimal level of each factor and the optimal schemeThe main results of research for new precision air-suction seeder ofdesign,provided new ideas,methods and theoretical reference The results showed that the device had these characteristics,simple structure,convenient operation, low consumption,good performance in sowingThis device could be applied to different sowing seeds through the replacement of suction nozzle Key word:Throwvibrating;Precision Seeder;Industrialized Breeding;numerical simulation test.目 录摘 要iAbstractiii第一章 引言6第二章 抛振机构工作原理721 设计目标82.2 总体机构设计92.2.1 结构组成102.2.2 工作过程112.3主要部件结构参数设置102.3.1 气室(吸种盘腔体)形状尺寸的确定102.3.2 吸孔参数的确定112.3.3 气源的确定112.3.4 种盘的确定11第三章 理论计算143.1 气吸播种的理论分析153.1.1 种子吸附运动的流体力学的原理分析113.1.2 种子动力源特性分析113.1.3 抛振机构运动规律分析11第四章 结论与展望154.1 研究结论154、2后续工作及展望15致谢27参 考 文 献28iii 第一章 引言目前,我国实现工厂化育苗播种主要有两种基本途径: 1)通过购买国外整套自动化流水线或者单一播种设备; 2)依靠人工点播或撒播。国外整套设备虽自动化程度高,但其结构复杂、不易操作且价格昂贵,即便是单一播种装置价格也在5万元左右,显然不符合我国实际农业经济水平。人工手撒籽播种存在效率低,重播、漏播率高、劳动强度大且播种后出苗不均, 影响秧苗质量等缺点,远远不能满足现代化设施农业的需要。国产育苗播种机多为科研院所研制,实际投入生产的很少,不足育苗设备市场份额的10%种苗是园林花卉、绿化苗木生产的物质基础。近几年,随着农村产业结构及种植业结构的调整,园艺绿化植物的种植面积逐年扩大,我国各地的工厂化育苗技术在园林花卉,绿化苗木、蔬菜等育苗上迅速发展起来。工厂化育苗的重要性已日渐凸显,并已成大势所趋。 在工厂化育苗设备中精量播种装置显得尤为重要,它不但能够节约种子用量,而且决定了所育秧苗的素质,可以说它是整个工厂化育苗环节中的重中之重。实际中由于种子形状不规则,顶部与根部直径差异较大,在吸种过程中,顶部或根部与吸嘴口接触具有随机性,当种子根部吸附于吸嘴口时易卡死,不能自由落入穴盘而造成空


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