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新视野英语一新视野英语一 unit9unit9editor n. 编辑 futurist n. 未来主义者 publish vt. 1.出版 2.发布;公布 impose vt. 1.把.强加于 2.征(税等) ,处以(罚款、监禁等) fate n. 命运 volunteer n. 志愿者 v. 甘愿 arithmetic n. 算术 a. 算术的 predict vt. 预测 performance n. 1.表现 2.表演 electrical a. 与电有关的;用电的 analysis n. 分析 diagnosis n. 诊断 treatment n. 1.治疗 2.处理;对待 interact vi. 1.相互作用; 相互影响 2.互通信息 interactive a. 1.相互作用;互相影响 2.(人机之间)可互通信息的 alternative a. 可选择的 n. (必须作的)选择 toll n. (通过路或桥等的)费用 engine n. 引擎;发动机 connection (英 connexion) n. 1.连接 2.关系;联系 household n. 家庭 a. 家庭的 security n. 1.治安保卫 2.安全 worldwide a. the percentage is rising as they start up small businesses of their own, often working from home. People are changing careers on average every ten years now, instead of staying in a job for life. Increases in information and knowledge-based businesses are reducing levels of middle management. Top managers get all the information needed to work together with front-line staff. Specialists are becoming more important than general workers. 7. The Environment Protection of the environment used to be the concern of special groups. Now governments and businesses realise bad air and water pollution affect everyone, making it difficult for cities to survive and for businesses to make a profit. London, England's biggest city, often suffers from air pollution which causes more than 1,000 deaths a year. Especially the very young, the elderly and cigarette smokers are at high risk. Many European countries and the United States check vehicles for gas and smoke emissions to make sure the levels are below the permitted output. For example, Germany has 600 sites that monitor carbon monoxide. 8. Your Health Physical fitness and healthy lifestyles have changed from fashion and hobby for a few to official policy for many businesses and governments. Smoking cigarettes is under siege as a habit. Smoking advertising is banned in many areas. Although pills for tension, heart conditions, weight and other life-threatening conditions are prescribed by Western doctors, most now require patients to develop healthy lifestyles by changing diets and exercising more to keep well. Trends for the 21st Century(Trends for the 21st Century)What problems will our world encounter in the next 1000 years? Social scientists and economists, farming experts and environmentalists pose this question and examine data, information from surveys. In every field, experts examine changes to understand the state of the field. To understand a country's economy, economists check growth in an industry such as steel. To understand the state of business, they may look at the number of building permits for new houses. The information learned shows increases or decreases. Important trends emerge in each field. Population Population is important to every person on Earth. People tend to live longer in most places. In Central Europe, however, life span is dropping because health care is not what it was a few years ago. Factors affecting general health include excessive smoking and drinking of alcohol and polluted water supplies. The population explosion on our planet has been increasing at an alarming rate but the percentage of increase is decreasing. One out of every five people on Earth is Chinese, yet China's growth rate has slowed. As the number of women going to school increases, the growth rate declines. Food Production The production of grain seems to be decreasing mainly because of climate changes. Natural disasters like storms and floods have washed away many crops. With less land for cattle and sheep, less meat like beef and lamb is being produced. Production of chicken, turkey and fish has increased, however. The amount of ocean fish has not increased, but fish farm production has. Fish farming is very efficient: producing a kilogram of fish utilizes less than 2 kilograms of feed, but it takes 2.2 kilograms of feed to produce 1 kilogram of chicken. One kilogram of beef requires 7 kilograms of grain. People, therefore, may eat less red meat in the future and more fish. Energy Using fossil fuels for energy has not altered very much but wind energy use is increasing significantly. Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Britain, and America have large wind power projects. China, India, Mexico, New Zealand, and the Ukraine are also developing wind power. Energy from nuclear power plants is steadily increasing but the problem of dangerous waste limits growth in many regions. Because many electrical companies consider nuclear energy too expensive, the trend is toward less dangerous sources of energy. While natural gas use increases, use of coal as fuel is decreasing. Natural gas, an outstanding energy fuel, can be used to heat homes, make electricity, and power cars. Economics As countries around the world trade more with one another, more products are available. But the fast development of world economy will bring about many new problems. With fewer trees, the paper industry is producing mo


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