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Step 1 Lead-in 导入 BrainstormClass begins. Good morning, boys and girls. Today we will learn a new unit together. First lets get to know the man, who is called Mr. Nature. He is very emotional. When he is happy, he stays calm and shows us beautiful natural scenery. But when he gets angry, he becomes a troublemaker and causes many natural disasters. Do you know the meaning of natural disaster? Yes, it means 自然灾害, for example, the earthquake happened in Yaan last month, which caused great damage. Besides earthquake, what other kinds of natural disasters do you know? Please brainstorm and try to think of as many natural disasters as you can. Suggested answers: typhoon 台风/ volcanic eruption 火山爆发 /thunderstorm 暴风雨Flood 洪水 /tsunami 海啸/ drought 干旱/ hurricane (tornado) 飓风,龙卷风Guys, youve done a great job. Have you experienced any natural disaster we mentioned just now? You please.Suggested answers: You have experienced flood in summer.What did you see? The flood water covered the whole city and you had to stay at home.Can you describe your feelings at that time? You felt frightened and nervous.Step 2 Reading 1) Skimming/ListeningYes, I totally agree with you. In most cases, natural disasters can be very frightening. Today we will read a passage about natural disasters. Please take out your handout and listen to the tape. After listening, please tell me the main idea of this passage and in what order this passage is organized. You only have 2 minutes. Ready? Go!Time is up. Who would like to tell us the main idea? Tom, would you please have a try? Suggested answers: This passage talks about Tangshan earthquake, the largest earthquake of 20th century. Very good? Can you tell me in what order this passage is developed?In order of time. How do you know that? Because the writer first describes strange things in the first part and then tells us the city was destroyed by the earthquake. Lastly, he says the army came after earthquake.Yes, you are right.2) ScanningIn the first part, the writer tells us strange things happened before the earthquake. We know that before some natural disaster, there are sometimes warning signs from nature. If we have such kind of knowledge, we can reduce the damage. Please go through the first paragraph quickly and try to figure out what signs did the author mention? You only have one minute. Here we go!Now lets read for more details. Lets go through the whole passage and try to find the answers to the following three questions.Step 2 Fast reading 泛读Read the text quickly and try to finish the following exercises. A. New words or phrasesburst: break open because of pressure from inside at an end: finishednation: all the people in the countrysteam: gas that hot water gives outin ruins: destroyed extreme: very great in degreeuseless: of no use shocked: surprised very muchrescue: save somebody or something from dangershelter: a place that protects you from the weather or dangerB. Questions1. When did the Tangshan earthquake happen? Suggested answers: The earthquake happened at 3:42 am on July 28, 1976.2. How many people were killed or injured in the earthquake? Suggested answers: More than 400, 000 people were killed or injured in the earthquake. 3. Was all hope lost? How did the army help the people there after the earthquake?Suggested answers: No, all hope was not lost. The army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help the rescue workers. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.Step 3 post-Reading 1.DiscussionSuppose an earthquake happens now, what should we do to keep ourselves safe?Please discuss natural wonders in groups and your discussion should be based on the two questions. This time, the group leader should take down your group members ideas and sum them up in your own words. Later, we will share your ideas with all of us here. Understand me?Time is up. Any group would like to share your idea with us?Suggested answers: 1. Dont be nervous and keep calm. 2. Dont try to run out of the classroom at once. 3. Protect your head by putting your school bag on your head.4. Squat under your desk.5. Leave the classroom after the earthquake. 2. InterviewHave you noticed that news reporters and interviewers play an important role in keep us informed after Yaan earthquake happened? Next, please choose a paragraph and act out an interview between a reporter and survivor from the Tangshan earthquake. Make a dialogue with your partner. I will give you three minutes and then I will invite some of you to act it out. Step 4 Summary and assiagnment We have done a lot of things today. Firstly, we have talked about. Then, we discussed. Next, we learned some useful words and expressions. Here comes your assignment:1. Retell the passage.2. Search the Internet to find more information about earthquake.


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