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http:/www.tszhonghao.com/建筑电气工程针对问题寻求突破保证施工质量 http:/www.sdymdkj.com/建筑建筑电电气工程气工程针对问题寻针对问题寻求突破保求突破保证证施工施工质质量量在建筑安装工程中,建筑电气工程占有非常重要的地位,为了保证电气系统的正常,对施工建设中存在的突出问题进行分析研究,并找出防治和预控措施是非常重要的。尤其近年来,电气材料等市场的进一步开放,施工质量面临的问题越来越复杂。本文从工作实际出发,对这些施工中的问题进行总结,提出相应的解决方法。 In the construction and installation engineering, electrical engineering building occupies a very important position, in order to ensure the normal electrical system, analyses the existing problems of construction, and find out the prevention and control measures is very important. Especially in recent years, the further opening up of electrical materials market, the construction quality problems facing increasingly complex. In this paper, starting from the practice, carries on the summary to these problems in the construction, put forward the corresponding solving methods.科学技术的进步在电力系统中体现在电气设备的巨大变革,各项电力设备的功能不断强大和完善,采用的材料可靠性越来越高,如果依然传承传统的设计理念,采用传统的施工方法,将会带来很多问题。 The progress of science and technology in power system is http:/www.xintainz.com/建筑电气工程针对问题寻求突破保证施工质量 http:/www.lingzhiren.com/reflected in the huge transformation of electrical equipment, the equipment functions have been powerful and perfect, and the reliability is higher, if still inherit the traditional design idea, the traditional construction methods, will bring a lot of problems.对于电缆的架设来说,常常会出现以下一些问题,有一些施工单位为了谋取私利,常常采用劣质的产品,谎报产品;对使用的各种电缆不进行系统性的分类,经常出现电缆的错误使用,由此造成施工现场的混乱,更重要的是为以后的电力运行带来隐患;很多时候电气的电力电缆和仪表电缆混合在一起,造成了各类仪表的测量误差和更为严重的后果。对电缆的终端没有进行有效处理,具体来讲就是没有将电缆的桥架和支架做可靠的固定和接地;在电缆的敷设时,没有设计足够的弯曲半径,在相应位置也没有设置标志牌等。 For cable erection, often there will be some problems, some construction units for personal gain, often use inferior products, false products; on various cable used do not classify system, often the wrong use of cable, resulting in the construction site of the chaos, more important is to bring hidden dangers power operation for the future; when a lot of electric power cable and instrument cable mixed together, resulting in error of measurement instruments and more serious consequences. Terminal to the cable and no effective treatment, specifically not http:/www.tszhonghao.com/建筑电气工程针对问题寻求突破保证施工质量 http:/www.sdymdkj.com/cable tray and support to do reliable fixation and ground; in the cable laying, not the design of bending radius is sufficient, in the corresponding position have no signs.在电气施工过程中,很多施工人员的专业素质不强,没有较强的职业责任感,对图纸的领悟和执行意识不强烈,造成经常不按照图纸的要求施工,或者是没有合理配合其他专业的施工,造成在配电箱盒的时候出现一些问题,比如:配电箱体以及接线盒的坐标出现了明显的偏移,没有按照图纸进行设置;对于灯位和吊扇钩盒没有放置在一排,出现了很大的偏差;没有将柱子内部的箱盒放置整齐,管子口的进箱盒太多,没有可靠牢固的将箱盒安放好,一旦出现振动,就会使其位移产生偏移。 In the electrical construction process, a lot of construction personnel 's professional quality is not strong, no occupation strong sense of responsibility, not strong on drawings understanding and execution of consciousness, which often not in accordance with the requirements of the construction drawings, or there is no reasonable construction with other professional, cause some problems, when in power distribution box for example distribution box and junction box: coordinate appeared obvious shift, not in accordance with the drawings are provided; for lamp and ceiling fan hook box has no place in a http:/www.xintainz.com/建筑电气工程针对问题寻求突破保证施工质量 http:/www.lingzhiren.com/row, there has been a great deviation; no posts inside the box placed neatly into the box, the mouth of the pipe too much, there is no reliable firm will the box is placed, once appear, vibration, will make its displacement offset.对于任何一个建筑物来说,避雷设备都是必不可少的。通常情况下,都是采用普通的元钢敷设,在实际的过程中,经常会出现塔接长度不足,焊接口也经常出现锈蚀等严重现象,当支架之间出现过大的距离时,容易形成支架的脱落。另外,由于屋面的金属物通常没有作防雷接地处理,接地的主干线没有和相应设备的接地直接接通。 For any building, lightning protection equipment is essential. Under normal circumstances, are used in steel for ordinary, in the actual process, often appear tower connection length, welding and often corroded serious phenomenon, when the bracket between appear too large distance, easy to form the bracket off. In addition, because the metal roofing is often not as lightning protection and grounding, directly connected to the grounding of the trunk line and no corresponding device.在电气施工的材料质量管理方面,对于人的因素来说,相关的管理者应该根据具体的情况,权衡好施工的技术难度,配置合适的施工技术人员,在施工班组的整合上,要注意优化劳动组合,采购过程中注意把好质量关,应该尽量选择信http:/www.tszhonghao.com/建筑电气工程针对问题寻求突破保证施工质量 http:/www.sdymdkj.com/誉好,质量有保证,售后服务好的厂家;对于进入现场后电气设备的处理,相关的保管员和材料质检员要协助监理工程师,检查相关货物的质量,清点数量,做好开箱的相关记录,防止劣质产品进入现场。 In the aspect of material quality management of electrical construction, for the human factor, the managers should according to the specific situation, the technical difficulty to weigh the good construction, allocation of construction technical personnel suitable, in the integration of the construction team, we must pay attention to optimizing the composition of labor, purchasing process note the quality, should try to choose the credit good, quality assurance, customer service service good factory; to enter the scene of electrical equipment, related to the keeper and material quality inspector to assist the engineer, ch


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