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Using Germany's Strategy of Cyclic Economy for Reference to Promote Chinas Foreign Trade.Cyclic Economy means the principle of “3R”- reduce, reuse and recycle.TheThe DevelopmentDevelopment ofof CyclicCyclic EconomyEconomy inin GermanyGermanyGermanys Cyclic Economy is the most advanced one in European Union even in the whole world. Germany has gone through the process of “ waste treatment”, “ waste economy” and “cyclic economy”.经历了“废物处置”,“废物经济”,再到”循环经济“的转变。In 2000, 50% household garbage were reused, 90% construction waste were recycled, 95% mineral waste, over 70% dust and mud waste produced in metallurgical industry were reused.In 2005, more than 80% old and broken cars were reused.In Germany, cyclic economy has become an important industry. The reused garbage can create 42 billion Euro a year.The Major Measures Taken in Germany to Promote Cyclic Economy:1, Make federal laws and regulations. In 1972, Germany made the Law of Waste Disposal 废弃物处理法; In 1996, Germany put forward Cyclic Economy and Waste Management Law 循环经济与废弃物管理法.2,The support of the federal government. There are a series of policies supporting the environmental protection in Germany, such as the policy of Wast Charging, the policy of Ecological Tax and so on. 废物收费政策,生态税政策等3,Establish environmental protection agencies. A large number of environmental protection agencies in Germany are unprofitable. They help reducing, reusing and recycling the wastes produced in private life, public place and industry production.The Development of Chinese Foreign Trade China remains a developing country. Compared with other world trade powers, China's export industry remains at the low end of the global industrial chain. China's resource and energy inputs and environmental cost are relatively high, while the international competitiveness of enterprises and the risk-resistance of some industries are relatively weak. Enlightenment From Germanys Cyclic EconomyIn order to achieve the sustainable development of foreign trade, China must follow the principle of “3R”. What China Can do :1,China should strengthen and perfect the laws and regulations of environmental protection. Rewards and punishments should be clear. A person or a company that pollute the environment should be punished. And the government should support the green and environmental businesses by offering them financial and technical support.2, All the Chinese people should heighten the environmental awareness.Only the individual focuses on protecting environment and puts environmental protection into practice, can the whole nation develop sustainable cyclic economy.3, Foreign trade structure and mode should be optimized. China should encourage exporting environment-friendly products and limit the energy intensive products, change the extensive growth mode of foreign trade. China's transformation from a large trading country to a strong and environment-friendly trading power will be a comparatively long-term process requiring arduous efforts. 中国实现对外贸易可持续发展(借鉴德国的循环经济策略)中国实现对外贸易可持续发展(借鉴德国的循环经济策略)循环经济:循环经济:循环经济(cyclic economy)即物质循环流动型经济,是指在人、自然资源和科学技术的大系统内,在资源投入、企业生产、产品消费及其废弃的全过程中,把传统的依赖资源消耗的线形增长的经济,转变为依靠生态型资源循环来发展的经济。“3R 原则”是循环经济活动的行为准则,所谓“3R 原则”,即减量(reduce)原则、再使用(reuse)原则和再循环(recycle)原则。(-百度百科)德国循环经济发展现状德国循环经济发展现状德国的循环经济是欧盟乃至世界上最发达的,其经历了“废物处置”,“废物经济”,再到”循环经济“的转变。2000 年,德国 50%的生活垃圾得到了再利用,建筑废物的回收率为 90%,冶金行业产生的 95%的矿渣,70%以上的粉尘和矿泥已得到重新利用。2005 年,废旧汽车再利用率超过 80%。在德国,循环经济已成为一个重要的产业,仅垃圾再利用每年要创造 420 亿欧元的价值。德国发展循环经济的主要举措:德国发展循环经济的主要举措:1,制定联邦法律法规。1972 年,德国制定了废弃物处理法,1996 年又提出循环经济与废弃物管理法。2,联邦政府环保政策支持。德国有一系列政策支持环保:废物收费政策,生态税政策等。既为垃圾处理提供资金,又鼓励全民参与环保活动。3,创建环保中介组织。德国有很多非盈利性的环保组织,促进废物再回收,循环再利用。中国对外贸易发展现状:中国对外贸易发展现状:快速发展的对外贸易消耗大量资源和能源,使环境污染日趋严重。中国在对外出口时,总有绿色贸易壁垒和技术性贸易壁垒阻碍贸易的进程。从德国的循环经济中受到启发:从德国的循环经济中受到启发:在全球变暖的环境下,低碳经济已成为国际的主流。为了能在国际市场中有竞争力,为了对外贸易的顺利进行,中国必须要适应这一循环经济的趋势,做到循环经济的“3R”原则,实现对外贸易可持续发展。1,中国可以加强完善环境保护的法律法规,奖惩分明。对破坏环境的企业或个人进行处罚;另一方面,为相关绿色环保企业提供资金及技术支持。政府需要大力支持环保政策的落实,支持对外贸易可持续发展。2,提高全民环保意识。中国对外贸易的形象也是每个中国人的形象,只有全民关注并实践绿色环保行动,循环经济才能持续发展下去。每个中国人都做到环保,中国对外贸易自然就会绿色低碳地可持续发展。3,优化对外贸易结构与模式。鼓励能效较高的产品出口,限制资源类,能耗密集型产品出口。注重对外贸易商品生产中的废物回收,再利用,改变对外贸易粗犷型的增长模式。


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