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What would you do if you were rich?你如果有钱的话想做什么?你如果有钱的话想做什么? If I were rich enough , I would take a travel to Los Angeles .如果我足够富有,我想要去洛杉矶 旅行。(Where in the world do you want to go?你想去哪个地方?你想去哪个地方?) I want to go to Los Angeles . 我想去洛杉矶 Because I like watching movies very much 因为我非常喜欢看电影 , like the ,and so on 比如阿甘正传 阿凡达等等.Most of the famous movies are come out of the Hollywood-the center of movies in the world 很多著名的电影都出自好莱坞 世界电影的中心, and I could often see the Hollywood sign on the movies like 我经常能在电影上看到好莱坞的标志比如说后天, so I always want to go to Los Angeles and look the real Hollywood sign 所以我一直想去洛杉矶看一下真实的好莱 坞标志 .What movie do you like ?你最喜欢什么电影?你最喜欢什么电影? I like the science fiction movie best 我最喜欢科幻电影, for example 比如阿凡达 , because I very like the special effects in movies 因为我非常喜欢电影里面的特效, it looks miraculous and charming 这看起来非常神奇和充满魅力.Who is your hero ?谁是你的偶像?谁是你的偶像? I consider my mother as my hero 我把我母亲当做我的偶像, because she is an able woman 因 为她是个女强人, and she look after me very well 她把我照顾的非常好, you know 你知道的, I am naughty 我非常调皮任性, but she always have the patience to me 不过她总是对我足够 耐心 , so ,she is my good mum 她是我的好妈妈,and my forever hero .也是我永远的偶像Tell me about your family member?你的家庭成员?你的家庭成员? There are four people in my family 我的家庭里有三个人, my grandmother ,my mother , my sister and me 我姥姥 我妈妈 我妹妹和我. Our home town is HeNan 我们的老家在河南 ,but my mother and me moved to HaiNan in 2001 不过我妈妈和我在 2001 年搬到了海南, and my grandmother and sister moved there 2 years ago 我的姥姥和我的妹妹也在两年前搬过来了, so we are settling there now 所以我们现在都在海南定居了 .What do you like to do in your spare time ?你闲暇的时候喜欢做什么?你闲暇的时候喜欢做什么?(Tell me about time of your college ?你的大学生活?你的大学生活?) I always try to strike a balance between work and rest 我喜欢劳逸结合, so when I am leisure 所 以当我空闲的时候 , I like play computer games 我喜欢玩电脑游戏,watch some classical movies 看一些经典电影 , and I also do some excises like play basketball and swimming 我也会 做一些锻炼如打篮球或游泳. I enjoy the feeling of sweat 我享受流汗的感觉.Tell me about your future ?你的将来?你的将来? I think 我觉得 , whatever job I'll do in my future ,不管我将来会做什么工作 I never forger that I want to be a good man 我绝不会忘记,我想做个好人! I like to help the people who need help 我喜欢帮助那些需要帮助的人, and I always try my best to do it 我也尽我所能地去做, I think I will keep doing it in my future 我想我会继续这么坚持下去. What do you do on the birthday ?你生日的时候做什么?你生日的时候做什么? I have done nothing especial in these years 这几年我没做什么很特别的事, but I still remember the birthday when I was 18 不过我仍旧记得我 18 岁那年的生日, I went to donate my blood 我 去献血了, and the nurse give me a bottle of juice for thanks 然后护士给我一瓶饮料作为感谢 , I think that is my most meaningful birthday 我想那是我最有意义的生日 .When do you like to listen music ?你什么时候喜欢听音乐?你什么时候喜欢听音乐? I like to listen music every time 我随时都喜欢听音乐 , so I down lots of music in my computer and MP4 因此我在我的电脑和 MP4 里都下载了很多音乐, I like to listen the passionate music when I wake up in the morning 我喜欢在早上起床的时候听一些激情的音乐 , it make me more powerful in the day 这会让我这一天充满活力 , but I will choose the blues to help my sleeping 不过我会选择一些蓝调音乐帮助睡眠 .What is your favorite time of the year?你最喜欢一年中的什么时候?你最喜欢一年中的什么时候? I like Spring Festival best 我最喜欢春节! Because I miss my family and my friends very much 因 为我非常想念我的家人和朋友 , (Chinese spring festival 中国的春节中国的春节)we can get together when spring festival 我们可以在春节的时候齐聚一堂, then my mother could take me to many restaurants 我妈妈可以带我到很多餐馆, have lots of delicious foods 吃很多美味的食物 , I also can have some dates with my best friends 我还可以约会我的好朋友们, I enjoy the time with them 我喜欢和他们在一起的时光. Besides 另外, I can accept the red envelopes from my elders 我可以从长辈那里收到很多红包 .Tell me about yourself ?关于你自己?关于你自己? I think I am a humorous guy 我觉得我是一个幽默的小伙子 , I like laugh 我喜欢笑 ,I like make others laugh more 我更喜欢逗别人笑 . I like to help the people who need help 我喜欢帮 助那些需要帮助的人 , and I always try my best to do it ,并且我一直尽我所能地做做这些事 I think I will keep doing that in my future 我觉得在将来我还会坚持 . Hometown?家乡家乡 I was born in Guangdong 我出生在广东 ,but I live in Hainan since 2001 不过从 2001 年就住在 海南, and I like Hainan island most 我特别喜欢海南, it's a warn and charming city 它是一个迷 人的城市, it's small 它很小, but it's cute 不过它很可爱 , it's a vacation paradise 它是个度假天 堂.


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