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Proposal for Web Site Optimization (WSO)

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Proposal for Web Site Optimization (WSO)

Orange Web Designs1 | P a g eProposal for Website Optimization (WSO) you may need to rewrite minor portions of your pages because you know your industry and its jargon. If you provide the content via email I will assist you by inserting it properly and by working closely with your marketing team to make improvements as needed. Be Prepared To Get Aggressive:You will need to make periodic additions to your sites, by way of new pages over the course of a year. Most of these can be press releases and generic articles that give advice to customers or specific training on your products. The latter are more likely to be linked by other sites if they dont contain too much self promotion. Make strong recommendations that will improve your ranking. I only make ethical recommendations because shady practices can get you banned from Google sooner or later. Keep Up The Momentum: After corresponding with you and your marketing/advertising team I will begin the job of bringing visibility to your web site. I will be making recommendations at this time for increasing visibility.Orange Web Designs2 | P a g eI will need to be able to reach you via email or phone at various times to gain approval or discuss options available to you this requires you to provide a contact that can respond immediately and has the authority to proceed. Orange Web Designs is dedicated to providing you as much Internet visibility as is possible. Services to be performed:Orange Web Designs agrees to provide the following consulting services for the purpose of achieving satisfactory search engine rankings: Key word research and analysis for keywords or phrases. Competitive analysis for main keywords/key phrases. Analysis of page design structure. Research and changes for improvement of page titles and Meta tags. Hand submission of web site to major search engines.Project Fees: By signing this contract you agree to pay Orange Web Designs $100 down and $125.00 per month payable via check or Cash. You may cancel this contract at any time by sending an email with your request for end of service prior to the start of the next month. We agree to begin work on this project within 5 days of receiving a signed copy of this proposal with down payment.Muhammad Naeem, President Signature: _ Orange Web Designs +92-3464671180Signature: _Company Name: _Address: _City: _ State: _ Zip: _


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