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错误!未指定书签。1/8 2014 AMC 8 Problems Problem 1 Harry and Terry are each told to calculate 8-(2+5) . Harry gets the correct answer. Terry ignores the parentheses and calculates 8-2+5. If Harry's answer is H and Terry's answer is T, what is H-T? 哈利和特里都要计算8-(2+5)。哈利得到了正确答案。特里忽略圆括号,计算成8-2+5。如果哈利的答案是H 和特里的答案是T,HT 是什么?Problem 2 Paul owes Paula 35 cents and has a pocket full of 5-cent coins, 10-cent coins, and 25-cent coins that he can use to pay her. What is the difference between the largest and the smallest number of coins he can use to pay her? 保罗欠保拉35 美分,一个口袋装满的5 分硬币、 10 美分和 25 分的硬币,他可以用来付给宝拉的 35 美分。他付出的硬币枚数最多和最少相差多少?5×7=35,25+10=35.7-2=5 Problem 3 Isabella had a week to read a book for a school assignment. She read an average of 36 pages per day for the first three days and an average of 44 pages per day for the next three days. She then finished the book by reading 10 pages on the last day. How many pages were in the book? 学校作业是让伊莎贝拉用一周时间读一本书。她的前三天平均每天读36 页,接下来的三天平均每天读44 页。最后一天她又读了10 页才读完这本书。这本书有多少页?3×(36+44)+10=250 Problem 4 错误!未指定书签。2/8 The sum of two prime numbers is 85. What is the product of these two prime numbers? 两个素数的和是85,这两个素数的积是多少?Problem 5 Margie's car can go 32 miles on a gallon of gas, and gas currently costs $4 per gallon. How many miles can Margie drive on $20 worth of gas? 玛吉的汽车一加仑的汽油可以跑32 英里,且目前油价每加仑4 美元。玛吉用20 美元的油可以跑多少英里?Problem 6 Six rectangles each with a common base width of 2 have lengths of 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, and 36. What is the sum of the areas of the six rectangles? 六个矩形 ,每个宽度的都是2,长度分别是 1,4,9,16,25 和 36。这六个矩形的面积之和是什么?Problem 7 There are four more girls than boys in Ms. Raub's class of 28 students. What is the ratio of number of girls to the number of boys in her class? 在劳布班上有28 名学生,其中女孩比男孩多4 名。女生与男生的人数数之比是什么?Problem 8 Eleven members of the Middle School Math Club each paid the same amount for a guest speaker to talk about problem solving at their math club meeting. They paid their guest speaker $1A2 . What is the missing digit A of this 3-digit number? 错误!未指定书签。3/8 一个中学数学俱乐部有11 名成员,邀请嘉宾在会议上解决数学问题。每个成员支付相同款额给嘉宾。他们共支付给主讲嘉宾$1A2 。这 3 位数中 A 字是什么?Problem 9 In ABC, D is a point on side AC such that BD=DC and BCD measures 70°. What is the degree measure of ADB? 在ABC中,点D在AC上,且BD=DC,BCD=70°,求ADB的度数。Problem 10 The first AMC 8 was given in 1985 and it has been given annually since that time. Samantha turned 12 years old the year that she took the seventh AMC 8. In what year was Samantha born? 第一次于1985 年得到AMC 8 试题,自那时以来每年得到试题。第七届AMC 8时莎曼珊已经12 岁了,莎曼珊在哪一年出生?Problem 11 Jack wants to bike from his house to Jill's house, which is located three blocks east and two blocks north of Jack's house. After biking each block, Jack can continue either east or north, but he needs to avoid a dangerous intersection one block east and one block north of his house. In how many ways can he reach Jill's house by biking a total of five blocks? 杰克想要从他的房子骑自行车到吉尔的房子,是位于三个街区,东部和北部杰克的房子里的两个街区。后骑自行车每个块,杰克可以继续或东或北,错误!未指定书签。4/8 杰克想从他家骑自行车到吉尔家,杰克家位于三街区东、北。在自行车的每一块,千斤顶可以继续或东或北,但是他需要避免危险的十字路口一个街区,东和一个街区北部的他的房子。多少种方法他能在吉尔的房子骑着自行车共有五座?Problem 12 A magazine printed photos of three celebrities along with three photos of the celebrities as babies. The baby pictures did not identify the celebrities. readers were asked to match each celebrity with the correct baby pictures. What is the probability that a reader guessing at random will match all three correctly? 杂志印刷三张名人的婴儿时期的照片。宝贝图片没有确定的名人。要求读者为每个名人与正确的宝贝图片匹配。一个读者猜测随机将符合所有三个正确的概率是多少?Problem 13 If n and m are integers and n2+m2 is even, which of the following is impossible? n and m are even n and m are odd n+m is even n+m is odd none of these are impossible 如果n 和 m 是整数,且n2+ m2是偶数,下列哪一项是不可能的?Problem 14 Rectangle ABCD and right triangle DCE have the same area. They are joined to form a trapezoid, as shown. What is DE? 如图,矩形 ABCD 和直角三角形DCE 具有相同的面积。 他们一起形成一个梯形, 求 DE的值。?错误!未指定书签。5/8 Problem 15 The circumference of the circle with center O is divided into 12 equal arcs, marked the letters A through L as seen below. What is the number of degrees in the sum of the angles x and y? 如图, O 被等分为 12 段弧,标有字母A 到 L。角度 x+y是多少?Problem 16 The “Middle School Eight“ basketball conference has 8 teams. Every season, each team plays every other conference team twice (home and away), and each team also plays 4 games against non-conference opponents. What is the total number of games in a season involving the “Middle School Eight“ teams? “八中学”篮球赛有8 支球队参赛。每一个季节,每个球队都会其他队有两次比赛(无论主场还是客场),并且每个队有4 场非赛会的比赛。在一个赛季中涉及“八中学”篮球赛的各队比赛场数的总数是多少?Problem 17 George walks 1 mile to school. He leaves home at the same time each day, walks at a steady speed of 3 miles per hour, and arrives just as school begins. Today he was distracted by the pleasant weather and walked the first 1/2 mile at a speed of only 2 miles per hour. At how many miles per hour must George run the last1/2mile in order to arrive just as school begins today? 错误!未指定书签。6/8 乔治走 1 英里去上学。他每天在相同的时间离开家,以每小时3 英里的匀速行走,能按时到达学校。今天他被宜人风景的分心,前1 / 2 英里的速度只有每小时2 英里。乔治后1/2


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