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2015年下半年教师资格考试英语学科(初中)真题 1.【单项选择题】Which of the following correctly describes the English phoneme/?A.voiceless dental fricative.B.voiceless alveolar fricative.C.voiceless dental plosive.D.voiceless alveolar plosive.2.【单项选择题】Which of the following consonant clusters may not serve as the beginning of a word?A./spr/B./skw/C./str/D./swt/3.【单项选择题】The gold medal was _to MsBarrette for her excellent performance in thedrama.A.distributed B.contributed C.awarded D.rewarded 4.【单项选择题】The visitors had made so much_that Mr Water had to spend several days cleaning upafterwards.A.trouble B.disturbance C.damage D.mess 5.【单项选择题】How many morphemes does the word telecommunication contain?A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 6.【单项选择题】In the foreign languages bookstoreto be found books in various languages.A.is B.is been C.are D.are been 7.【单项选择题】A person needs to know who he/she is before being able to know what _ makes him orher happy.A.is it that B.it is that C.is it which D.it is which 8.【单项选择题】There _ nothing more for discussion,the conference came to an end 20 minutes ear-lier.A.be B.to be C.being D.to have been 9.【单项选择题】Which of the following is an entailment of the utterance Annie broke the window?A.nnie was careless.B.nnie was disruptive.C.nnie did something to the window.D.It is Annie who broke the window.10.【单项选择题】The following conversation clearly violates the_.A:How did you finally go to school?B:The bus was so fast so I got to school very early.A.Maxim of Quantity B.Maxim of Relation C.Maxim of Quality D.Maxim of Manner 11.【单项选择题】Which of the following statements about a lesson plan is inappropriate?A.It is a teaching guide.B.It is a blueprint to be strictly followed.C.It takes into account syllabus and students.D.It describes in advance what and how to teach.12.【单项选择题】Skill-integrated activities allow teachers to build in more _ into a lesson,for the rangeof activities will be wider.A.certainty B.simplicity C.variety D.accuracy 13.【单项选择题】A language proficiency test that only consists of multiple-choice questions lacks_.A.construct validity B.content validity C.test reliability D.scorer reliability 14.【单项选择题】when a teacher asks students to rearrange a set of sentences into a logical paragraph,he/she is trying to draw their attention to_.A.grammar B.vocabulary C.sentence patterns D.textual coherence 15.【单项选择题】Which of the following activities would help students develop the skill of extracting specificinformation?A.Inferring meaning from the context.B.Recognizing the author s beliefs and attitudes.C.Using information in the reading passage to make hypotheses.D.Listening to the flight information to see if the plane is on time.16.【单项选择题】Which of the following activities can be used to check students understanding of difficultsentences in the text?A.Paraphrasing B.lank-filling.C.Story-telling.D.Summarizing.17.【单项选择题】When a teacher organizes group work,which of the following might be of the least con-cem?A.Increasing peer interaction.B.Increasing individual practice.C.eveloping language accuracy.D.Providing variety and dynamics.18.【单项选择题】If a teacher asks students to collect,compare and analyze certain sentence patterns,he/sheaims at developing students A.discourse awareness B.cultural awareness C.strategic competence D.linguistic competence 19.【单项选择题】When a teacher says to the whole class,Stand up and act out the dialogue,he/she isplaying the role of a(n)_.A.monitor B.organizer C.assessor D.prompter 20.【单项选择题】Which of the following may better check students ability of using a grammatical structure?A.Having them work out the rule.B.Having them give some examples.C.Having them explain the meaning.D.Having them explain the structure.21.【单项选择题】请阅读 Passage l。完成第小题。Passage 1 From James Moriarty to Ernst Stavro Blofeld,the idea of the evil genius has been a staple ofstorytellingBut is it true?Or,to put the matter less starkly,is there a connection between creativityand dishonesty in real people who are not bent on world domination,as well as in fictionalsupervillains?Writing in Psychological Science,Francesca Gino of Harvard University and Scott Wiltermuth of the University of Southem California suggest that there is-and that cheating actuallyincreases creativity.Dr Gino and Dr Wiltermuth tested the honesty of 153 volunteers with a task that involvedadding up numbers for a cash reward,which was presented in a way that seemed to them to allowthem to cheat undetected(though the researchers knew when they did)This was sandwichedbetween two tests for creativity,one of which was to work out how to fix a candle to a cardboardwall with a box of drawing pins,and the other a word-association testThis combination showed notonly that creative people cheat more,but also that cheating seems to encourage creativity-for thosewho cheated in the adding-up test were even better at word association than their candle-test resultspredicted.That result was confirmed by a second set of experiments,in which some people were givenmany opportunities to cheat and others


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