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1Unit 2 单元巩固练习单元巩固练习 一、重点词汇巩固练习: 1. official 1). They attended the ceremoney _( official ). 2). Chinese is our _( official ) language. 3). He is an _( official ) in the army. 4). Please come to my _( official ). 5). He is a government _( official ). 2. actually 1). He looked calm, but _( actually ) he was very nervous. 2). The _( actually ) price was lower than I had thought. 3. present 1). A lot of students were present _ the meeting. 2). All the girls _( present ) turned to him. 3). I am free _ present. 4). I want to give her _ present. 5). He wants to be a _( present ) in the future. 6). The prize was presented _ the winner. 7). The winner was presented _ the prize. 8). All of them were satisfied with the _( present ) of the plan. 4. use 1). This tool is used _ cutting wire. 2). He has used _ all the money. 3). Computer have come _ use in the class. 4). It is no use _( advise ) him. 5). You shoud make good use _ this chance. 6). I used to _( go ) fishing on Sundays. 7). He is used to _( get ) up early. 8). This book is _( use ) for young studetns. 9). This big stone can be used _ a table. 10). I dont want to buy it because it is _( use ). 5.request 1). I request that he _( come ) an hour earlier. 2). May I request you _( stop ) talking. 3). He went there _ the request of his parents. 4). We should make _ request for help. 6. expression 1). His face _( expression ) his disappointment. 2). The bride was lovely _ expression. 3). This is an _( expression ) train. 7.recognize 1). I _( recognize ) his voice at once. 2). They recognized him _( be ) a great leader. 3). He didnt recognize _ he had made a big mistake.24). He is recognized _ a hero. 5). He has changed beyond _( recognize ). 6). His handwriting can be _( recognize ). 8. in some ways 1). The changes are not great _ some ways. 2). There is a big stone _ the way. 3). _ no way should we give up. 4). I met him _ my way _ school. 5). Only _ this way can we solve the problem. 6). _ the way, can you tell me how to get to the station ? 7). I dont like the way _ you speak to her. 9. come 的短语 1). The problem came _. 2). The moon has come _. 3). When it comes _ tennis, you can beat her. 4). Youve come up _ a good isdea. 5). How did the accident come _ ? 6). I came _ his name on the list. 7). Has she come _ yet ? 8) . I firmly believe that my dream will come _ reality. 10. over time 1). True friendship develops _ time ? 2). _ time goes by, he has changed a lot. 3). _ time going by, he has changed a lot. 4). I got there ahead _ time. 5). _ one time there were so many cars. 6). _ times I go out to the beach. 7). We arrived there _ the same time. 8). He comes to see us _ time _ time. 9). He ate _ no time. 10). We should hand in our homework _ time. 11). She wiil be back _ time to prepare dinner. 12). It is time _ children _( go ) to bed. 13). I went there _ the first time. 14). It is time _ we _( have ) a rest. 15). In modern _( time ), people prefer shopping online. 16). It was the second time that they _( visit ) the museum. 17). She has been to Greece three _( time ). 18). _ time is it now ? 11. because of 1). I was late because of the _( rain ). 2). I was late because _ rained heavily. 3). He succeeded due _ his hard work. 4). Owing _ the shower, the baseball game was interrupted.35). He failure in the exam resulted _ his carelessness. 12. at the end of 1). _ the end of the street stood a bank. 2). We _( learn ) about 2000 English words by the end of last year. 3). They should put an end _ the ridiculous war. 4). Their project ended _ failure. 5). The party ended up _ an English song. 6). He ended up _ the head of the company. 7). The meeting came _ an end _ midnight. 8). The movie had a happy _( end ). 9). They brought the discussion _ an end at 4 oclock. 10). We can feel our parents _( end ) love. 二、语法填空: 1. He _( frequent ) visits Hong Kong. 2. Harry is more _ my neighbour. He is a good friend of mine as well. 3. I can see there h


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