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一九八八至九七年 中層經理級與專業僱員薪金統計數字 Salary Statistics of 1宜iddle-Level Managerial and Professional Employees 1988-97 本文敘述過去十年香港主要經濟行業類別內中層經理級與專業僱員的薪金變動情況,並提供有關僱員享有的各種附帶福利的最新數據。This article describes movements of salaries of middle-level managerial and professional employees in major economic sectors for the past 10 years. The statistics of employees' entitlement to various kinds of企inge benefits are also presented. 香港統計月刊一九九八年一月FAl 一九八八至九七年 中層經理級與專業僱員薪金統計數字 Salary Statistics of Middle-Level Managerial and Professional Employees 1988-97 1. 背景1.1 政府統計處定期進行兩項統計調查,以編製 不同類別僱員的工資率及薪金率統計數字。1.2 r勞工收入統計調查每半年搜集有關工資率的資料, 涵蓋範圍包括選定主要經濟行業類別督 導級或以下的僱員。1.3 至於中層經理級與專業僱員的薪金及附帶福 利資料,則由薪金及僱員福利按年統計調查一經 理級與專業僱員( 高層管理人員除夕的另 外搜集。 這項統計調查並 不包括高層管理人員,因為搜集有 關他們的正確薪金資料會比較困難。1.4 本文闡述薪金及僱員福利按年統計調查 經理級與專業僱員( 高層管理人員除外)J統計調查 的統計 方法及分析薪金率在 過去十年(即一九八八 至一 九九七年)的變動情況。本文亦介紹一 九九七年 僱員享有各種附帶福利的結果概要。有關這主題的 專題文章曾在 本刊一九九六 年一月號發表,本文是 一更新版本。2. 薪金及僱員福利按年統計調查的 目的2.1 這項按年統計調查的主要目的是編製薪金指 數,用以量度中層經理級與專業僱員薪金率的變動情況。FA2 1. Background 1.1 The Census and Statistics Department has been conducting two regular surveys for compiling wage/sala可statisticspertaining to different groups of workers. 1.2 The Labour Eamings Survey collects information on wage rates at half-yearly intervals, covering workers up to the supervisory level in selected m句or sectors of the economy. 1.3 The statistics of salary rates for workers at the middle-level managerial and professional levels, and their食品ge benefits, are collected separately by the Annual Survey of Salaries and Employee Benefits Managerial and Professional Employees (Excluding Top Management). The information of salaries for employees of top management is not included on account of practical difficulty in obtaining accurate salary data from them. 1.4 This article describes the general survey methodology of the Annual Survey of Salaries and Employee Benefits - Managerial and Professional Employees (Excluding Top Management) and analyses the movements of salary rates for the past decade (i.e. 1988 to 1997). The summa可 findings of employees' entitlement to various fringe benefits for 1997 are also presented. This article is an update of a previous one on the same subject which was published in the January 1996 issue of this digest. 2. Objective of the Annual Survey of Salaries and Employee Benefits 2.1 The main objective of the survey is to colIect statistics for compiling salary indices which are used to measure changes in the salary rates of middle-level managerial and professional employees over time. Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics anuary 1998 2 .2 現在附帶福利在很多公司的僱員整體薪 酬中 佔有重要部分,藉以提高僱員工作力及減低他們的 流動性。為使薪金統計數字更能反映實際情況,政 府統計處亦編製有關中層經理級與專業僱員享有各 種福利的百分率數字。3. 統計調查範圈3 .1 行業範圍 , 這項統計調查的範閻涵蓋五個 主要經濟行業類別,分別為製造業、電力及燃氣業 ; 樓宇建集、建造及有關行業 ;批發、零售及進出口 貿易業;運輸、倉庫及通訊業 ;和 金融及保險業。 在每個選定經濟行業類別中,只有主要的行業才列 入統計範間內。這項統計調查共包括20個行業組 別。3.2 職業範圍 - 在每個選定主要經濟行業類別 中,凡擔任符合這項統計調查範圍內一 般職業,而 職責範間有清楚界定的中層經理級與專業僱員,均 列入這項統計調查內。由於不同公司會就性質相近 的工作訂立不同的職位名稱,為確保數據的可比 性,政府統計處把職業分類及職責說明在統計調查 前已予以界定,並主要以國際標準職業分類為 根據。3.3 僱員範圍 . 這項統計調查的對象包括本地 及從外地聘請的中層經理級與專業僱員。3.4 商業單位值圍 . 這項統計調查以公司作為 統計單位。根據這項統計調查的定義,公司是指一 間經營商業業務的機構,包括其所有屬於同一 行業 組別,而商業登記號碼首 七位數字相同(即屬單一 擁 有權或控制權下的所有機構單位)的機構單位。為使 這項統計調查更乎合成本效益,祇有就業人數超過 某一 特定數目的公司才會列入統計範圍內。該 就業 人數下限則因行業而不同,視乎有關行業的營運特 徵及結構而定。香港統計月刊一九九八 年一月2.2 Fringe benefits nowadays consti阻tean important element of the pay package of employees in many companies to enhance their work effort and to reduce their切rnover.To put the entire pay package in perspective, statistics on the percentage of middle-level managerial and professional employees entitled to different types of benefits are collected and compiled. 3. Coverage of the Survey 3.1 Industry coverage -The survey covers five m句oreconomic sectors, namely the manufacturing, electricity and gas sector; the building and construction and related trades sector; the wholesale, retail and importlexport trades sector; 也e transpo此, storage and communications sector; and the financial institutions and insurance sector. Only principal industries within each selected economic sector are included. In total, 20 indus的r groups are covered by the survey. 3.2 Occupational coverage -Within each selected major economic sector, common occupations at middle-level managerial and professional levels falling within the scope of the survey and having clearly defmed duty areas are covered. Occupational classifications and job specifica位onsare defmed in advance of the survey. This is to ens叮e data comparability as different job titles may be given by different companies/frrms even though血ey have more or less the same job content. The job list used in the survey is based mainly on the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO). 3.3 Employee coverage - The survey covers both local and expatriate workers at the middle­ level managerial and professional levels. 3.4 Business unit coverage -A company is used as the survey unit. For the pu中ose of the survey,


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