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2017 年上半年教师资格考试英语学科(初中)真题1.【单项选择题】The main difference between/m/and/n/lies in _.A.manner of articulationB.place of articulationC.voicingD.length2.【单项选择题】_ is the main rhyming pattern in the sentenceAlices aunt ate apples and acornsaround A ugust.A.Reverse rhymeB.End rhymeC.ssonanceD.lliteration3.【单项选择题】Tom is snobbish,always _the influential people.A.making out forB.making upC.making up toD.making up for4.【单项选择题】Britain_ for control of the sea in the 17th century.A.contendedB.contrivedC.contentedD.confined5.【单项选择题】Which of the following best describes the relation between night and knight?A.metonymyB.homonymyC.antonymyD.hyponymy6.【单项选择题】Of the people who work here,_ are French and _ English.A.half.halfB.the half.the halfC.a half.a halfD.a half.the half7.【单项选择题】Youll find yourself thinking about nothing _when youre very nervous.A.whereverB.whatsoeverC.wheneverD.however8.【单项选择题】Mr.Johnson has a habit of asking questions _.A.and then not listen to the answersB.but then not listen for the answersC.and then not listening to the answersD.and then doesnt listen to the answers9.【单项选择题】On hearing the utterance Its hot here,the listener opened the door.It is a(n)_.A.locutionary actB.illocutionary actC.direct speech actD.perlocutionary act10.【单项选择题】What rhetoric device is used in the sentence Many hands make light work?A.Synecdoche.B.Simile.C.Metaphor.D.Oxymoron.11.【单项选择题】When the teacher attempts to elicit more information from the students by saying And.?,Good.A nything else?,etc,he/she is playing the role of a_.A.prompterB.participantC.managerD.consultant12.【单项选择题】For more advanced learners,group work may be more appropriate than pair work for tasksthat are _.A.linguistically simpleB.structurally controlledC.cognitively challengingD.thematically non-demanding13.【单项选择题】When you focus on utterance function and expected response by using examples likeHere you are,Thanks,you are probably teaching language at the_.A.lexical levelB.sentence levelC.grammatical levelD.discourse level14.【单项选择题】Which of the following tasks fails to encourage active language use?A.Reciting a text.B.argaining in a shop,C.Writing an application letter.D.Reading to get a message.15.【单项选择题】A teacher may encourage students to _ when they come across new words in fastreading.A.take notesB.ask for helpC.guess meaning from contextD.look up the words in a dictionary16.【单项选择题】Which of the following statements about task design is incorrect?A.ctivities must have clear and attainable objectives.B.ctivities should be confined to the classroom context.C.ctivities must be relevant to students life experiences.D.ctivities should help develop students language ability.17.【单项选择题】If someone says I know the word,he should not only understand its meaning but also beable to pronounce,spell,and_ it.A.explainB.recognizeC.memorizeD.use18.【单项选择题】Teachers could encourage students to use _ to gather and organize their ideas forwriting.A.elicitingB.mind mappingC.explainingD.brainstorming19.【单项选择题】When students are asked to go to the local museum,libraries,etc.to find out informationabout endangered animals and work out a plan for an exhibition,they are doing a(n)_.A.surveyB.experimentC.projectD.presentation20.【单项选择题】Which of the following tasks fails to develop students skill of recognizing discoursepatterns?A.nalyzing the structure of difficult sentences.B.hecking the logic of the author s arguments.C.Getting the scrambled sentences into a paragraph.D.Marking out common openers to stories and jokes.21.【单项选择题】请阅读 Passage 1,完成小题。Passage 1 Kimberley Asselin sits in a rocking chair in front of her 22kindergartners,a glistening smile across her face as she greets them for themorning.Even at 9 a.m.,she is effervescent and charismatic.Yet behind Asselins bright expression,her enthusiasm is fading.Asselin,24,is days away from finishing her first year as a teacher,the career of her dreams since shewas a little girl giving arithmetic lessons on a dry-erase board to her stuffed bears and dolls.While she began the school year in Virginias Fairfax County full of optimism,Asselin nowfinds herself,as many young teachers do,questioning her future as an educator.What changed in themonths between August and June?She says that an onslaught of tests that shes required to give toher five-and six-year-old students has brought her down to reality.It s more than a first-year teacher ever imagines,Asselin said.You definitely have a lot ofhighs and lows,and it keeps going up and down and up and down.New federal data that the Education Department released in April shows that about 10 percent ofnew teachers leave the profession within the first year on the job,and 17 percent leave within five yearsof starting.Though far lower than earlier estimates,it still means that many young educators bail fromthe classroom before they gain much of a foothold.For Asselin,testing has been the biggest stressor.The proliferation of testing in schools has become one of the most contentious topics in U.S.education.


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