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某某Y国家开放大学管理英语3边学边练1-8(全)Unit 1 Organization Structure边学边练1、 将职务头衔和对应的管理部门进行匹配。Quality Controller(质检员)  Quality Control Dept.,Marketing Manager(营销部经理) Marketing Dept.,Purchasing Officer(采购部经理)  Purchase Dept.,Engineer(工程师) Engineering Dept.,Accountant(会计) Finance Dept.,President(总裁) Board of Directors,Production Manager(生产部经理)  Production Control Dept.,Training Officer(培训主管)  Human Resources Dept.2、 回顾一下会话演练的内容,和Wendy一起完成公司的组织结构框架图。1. Operations2. Customer Service3. Communications4. Sales and Marketing5. Finance&Administration回顾文章内容,判断正误。1、Companies today are responsible for employee's career.对错正确答案是“错”。2、It is the CEO who decides your place.对错正确答案是“错”。3、You need to understand your company well so that you can do things well.对错正确答案是“错”。4、Understanding yourself means knowing well about your strengths, weaknesses, your values, how you learn, how you do with others and so on.对错正确答案是“对”。5、Ordinary people cannot manage themselves well.对错正确答案是“错”。回顾一下短文内容,为下列题目选择正确答案。1、Hoogle Engineering was set up in “_”A.the twenty-first centurB.the nineteenth centuryC.the twentieth century正确答案是:the twentieth century2、There are many different “_” of management in a tall structure.A.kindsB.functionsC.levels正确答案是:levels3、People in a flat structure usually work in “_”A.familiesB.departmentsC.teams正确答案是:teams4、All of the following statements are true according to the passage EXCEPT that “_”A.there are more individual responsibilities in the fl at structureB.communication in the company is becoming more and more importantC.the author thinks the two structures have the same functions正确答案是:the author thinks the two structures have the same functions5、The best title for the passage is “_”A.Success in Hoogle engineeringB.Organization Structure in Hoogle EngineeringC.History of Hoogle Engineering正确答案是:Organization Structure in Hoogle EngineeringUnit 2 Human Resources边学边练听说Sabrina Lee有意我们部门的招聘岗位,你可以帮助他一起完成个人简历哦!Name: Sabrina LeeAge: 27_ : AmericanMarital status:_ _Denver University, Denver, ColoradoBachelor of Science, Marketing and Management, 20062009_ Director of Sales and Marketing 1/2013Present, R & Y CompanyResponsibilities:Leadership, direction and management of 9 sales and customer service employees.Regional Sales Manager 1/201012/2012, Copper Intelligence Co. LtdResponsibilities: Management of distribution channels._ Selling 30 robot systems in less than three years, worth over $1 million.Personal quality:Like sports. Very outgoing and organized. Able to work independently.答案:NationalitySingleEducational backgroundWork experienceAchievements词填空,辨析表示工资、薪酬的词语。1. These officers, though retired, are on full 回答_.2. Please ask the lawyer what his 回答_ would be to take the case to court.3. Charles works at a 回答_ of 10 dollars a day.4. She had been saving every cent she could for months, but twenty dollars a week which was the total of their 回答_.5. My 回答_ is paid directly into my bank account every month.答案:1. pay2. fee3. wage4. income5. salary1、According to research by Top Employers, many corporations have enough talents for their development.对错正确答案是“错”。2、The data shows the key to attracting talents is to offer high salary.对错正确答案是“错”。3、The biggest challenge for employers is keeping staff in the long run.对错正确答案是“对”。4、Not all employees believe that they can get a better offer.对错正确答案是“对”。5、The wages have been rising consistently since 2010.对错正确答案是“错”。1、正确答案是:  McDonalds(麦当劳),   Omega(欧米茄),   Apple(苹果),   Chanel(香奈儿),   Volkswagen(大众汽车),   Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯)2、正确答案是:  Mobile Devices Industry(移动设备行业),   Food Industry(食品行业),   Auto Industry(汽车行业),   Watch Industry(制表业),   Fashion Industry(时装业),   Auto Industry(汽车行业)3、正确答案是:polite  impolite,   available  unavailable, effective  ineffective,  satisfied  dissatisfied, regular  irregular,  legal  illegal4、完成选词填空。1. The price of a 回答regular ticket usually falls between 30 and 40 RMB yuan.2. It's not 回答polite to point to or talk about strangers in public.3. Organizations of all kinds now recognize the Internet as an 回答effective means for global communication.4. Basic food products are frequently 回答available in the state shops.5. He is very happy because there is a 回答atisfied look in his eyes.6. In some countries homosexual life is 回答legal and it's a great challenge to human life.Unit 3 Financial Budget边学边练1、 将企业预算词汇同相应的图片进行匹配。正确答案是:  license,   office rent, payroll,  advertisement,   training1、根据对话内容,Steven的投资形式有:选择一项或多项:A.a siteB.technologyC.machineryD.factory buildingsE.water, electricity and gas facilitiesF.equipment正确答案是:machinery,


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