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成都大熊猫繁育研究基地Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding-Panda Scientific Discovery Center Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, What a beautiful day! Welcome to Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. I am (xxx), your local tour guide today. I am glad to be at your service, and I hope this trip is worthwhile for you. Today we are going to take a close look at China's national treasure-the giant panda. Now please allow me to introduce the base first. Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding lies in the northern suburb of Chengdu. It covers an area of 100 hectares and is only 10km away from the downtown area. It was first built in 1987, and enlarged for several times afterwards. It is now a world-class center for giant panda breeding and scientific research. The Panda Base has made a lot of scientific breakthroughs in the field of giant panda protection. Till now it has won many titles, such as the Global 500 awarded by the UNEP, National Demonstration Base for Popular Science Education in China. Here natural mountain scenery and beautiful artificial landscape form an ideal place for animals to live in and tourists to enjoy. The base has many buildings like panda museum, panda enclosures, panda hospital and kitchen, red panda enclosures. Today our journey will begin with Panda Scientific Discovery Center, and then we will move on to the Sunshine Giant Panda Nursery, Moonlight Giant Panda Nursery, and the No.2 Villa of Giant Pandas. Our visit will last about three hours. During the trip, please turn off the flash when taking photos, and do not feed the panda with any food. Thank you for your cooperation. Ladies and gentlemen, now I will make a brief introduction to this lovely animal. It is very much different from the image that you have seen in the movie Kongfu Panda. The Giant Panda has been living in this world for more than 8 million years. Since ancient times it was named as bamboo bear, spotted bear, or bear cat. Now its popular name is the giant panda. Though it feeds mainly on bamboo, it actually belongs to the carnivore order of the bear family. The giant panda is the national treasure and has long been regarded as the symbol of peace and friendship. The WWF(World Wide Fund for Nature) even took the image of giant panda as its logo. Ladies and gentlemen, now please follow me to the first stop-the Panda Scientific Discovery Center(熊猫科学探秘馆). Here we will explore the secrets of this mysterious creature. Oh, look at these pictures. They vividly show the mysterious life of the giant panda in its love affairs and genetics. As you can see from the picture, giant pandas seldom gather as a large group. They prefer to live alone. They only meet each other during the mating season. Because the mating season is short and female panda may have physiological difficulties, the success rate of both mating and pregnancy is very low. The pregnancy period of the female pandas is only around 5-6 months. Female pandas give birth to babies in August or September. Usually there is one cub, but occasionally twins. If in the wild, only one of them can survive, because the mother panda only chooses the stronger one to raise. Difficulty in mating, difficulty in pregnancy and difficulty in survival, these factors are the so-called "three difficulties" of the giant panda. Furthermore, pandas live on bamboo leaves and branches. However, bamboo will die after its blossom every few decades. This is the reason why hundreds of pandas died in the wild because of the death of bamboo in 1984. And because human keep destroying its natural habitats, there are fewer and fewer pandas in the wild. My dear friends, would you like to see this lovely creature die out before human beings? Yes, the answer is definitely no. In order to increase the birth and survival rate, scientists and researchers have spared no efforts to save the species both in the wild and captivity. A lot of scientific researches have been carried out here at the base, for example, artificial insemination, breeding and nursing. They also have made many achievements in bamboo planting and food structure adjustment for pandas. This is why you are not surprised to see our researchers alsofeeding them with many other foods, such as eggs, milk and bone powder. And even tasty apples have become the pandasfavourite food. Luckily, by the end of 2015, the population of pandas in the base had reached 152. It is hard to imagine that at the beginning there was only 6 sick and old ones rescued from the wild. Ladies and gentlemen, after you have got some knowledge of the reproduction of giant pandas, I am sure you can't wait to see this lovely creature. Let's head towards our next stop- the Sunshine Giant Panda Nursery. That's all for my presentation, thank you!碧峰峡Bifeng Gorge Scenic Area-The Giant Panda Base(B1套) Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to “the Rainy City”-Yaan a


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