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上海英语高级口译证书实考试卷(2011.03)上海英语高级口译证书第一阶段考试SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes)Part A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. Now lets begin Part A with Spot Dictation. Renowned U.S. economist, John Rutledge, who helped frame the fiscal policies of two former U.S. presidents, warned that an abrupt rise in Chinas currency could lead to another Asian financial crisis. The founder of Rutledge Capital told the media that if the yuan rises _(1) it would discourage foreign direct investment in China while _(2) by market speculators. Currency change is more difficult for investors and _(3).The Chinese currency has appreciated by _(4) since July 2005 when the country allowed the yuan to _(5) within a daily band of 0.3 percent. The analysts are expecting the currency to rise _(6) by the end of this year. But if the yuan rose 20 to 30 percent, as some U.S. politicians are demanding, it would _(7) causing a recession and deflation. Similar advice to allow an abrupt appreciation of a currency led to _(8) in 1997, and came very close to destroying _(9). The U.S. economist says that investors want foremost to _(10) associated with large fluctuations in currency and inflation. They _(11) after evaluating risks to benefits such as _(12). A rising yuan would drive up labor costs for foreign investors and would not _(13).Earlier reports said that currency speculators had pumped _(14) U.S. dollars into China by the end of last year, with another 70 billion U.S. dollars _(15) in the first three months of this year. There is no way to _(16) of this type of investment and many economists disagree that _(17) is so high. Instead of further appreciating its currency, China should make the yuan _(18). If the yuan were more easily converted into foreign currencies it would allow Chinese companies to expand overseas, _(19), and provide management experience and capital that China needs. It would also _(20) and reduce speculative money coming into the country.Part B: Listening Comprehension Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Now lets begin Part B with Listening Comprehension. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation. 1. (A)Younger people are more comfortable with technology than adults. (B) Adults are less intimidated by technology than they used to be. (C) Robert himself is comparatively better with computers than other people. (D) Most of his friends are a lot more addicted to games than he is.2. (A)E-mail is very convenient. (B)E-mail messages make better keepsakes. (C) E-mail messages make a casual form of communication. (D) E-mail is great for just saying hello and checking up on people.3. (A) Playing games. (B) Checking on little things. (C) Instant messaging. (D) An interesting program.4. (A) The Internet makes too many things accessible to people. (B) His generation is hooked on the Internet. (C) Some of his friends make the Internet their whole life. (D) Not everyone has access to the Internet.5. (A) They cannot become part of the work force. (B) They wont be an added asset as they are today. (C) They will have to get over their fear of these skills. (D) They are going to be at a disadvantage. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news. 6. (A) Because the nuclear reactor is Pakistans property. (B) Because Russia helped build the reactor in the 1960s. (C) Because the uranium was provided by other nations. (D) Because its neighbors are very sensitive about its nuclear program.7. (A) Insisting that the revelations were unlikely to affect world events. (B) Dismissing those diplomatic cables as untrue. (C) Purposely making some confidential materials public. (D) Effectively containing Irans nuclear program.8. (A) He thought the elections should be cancelled. (B) He was open to letting the results be counted. (C) He thought he was one of the two front-runners in the balloting. (D) He proposed that reelections should be held as soon as possible.9. (A) 1.5%. (B) 1.8%. (C) 3.3%. (D) 4.8%.10. (A)Few people expect a breakthrough on reaching an international treat


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