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2022-2023学年山西省太原市师苑中学高二(上)第一次月考英语试卷一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共 45.0分)AEnders GameAliens have attacked Earth twice and almost destroyed the human beings.We couldnt loseanymore.Therefore,the world government has started to train military geniuses(军事天才)in the artsof war.Ender Wiggin is taking part in this training.He wins all the games.He knows time is running out butcan he save the planet?It is a good science fiction for boys.HatchetIt is the story of a boy named Brian.On a trip to the Canadian oilfields to spend the summer with his dad,the pilot of the Cessna he is traveling in suffers a heart attack and dies.Brian must land the plane in theforest.Brian learns to exist in the forest.He faces many dangers including hunger,animal attacks,and evena tornado(龙卷风).Ball Dont LieSticky,17,is from the streets and has had a tough life so far.But,his hope for his life to be good and getbetter is basketball.His basketball skills may be his ticket to a better life.This book is encouraging,andraises questions about race and the difficulties in getting ahead in life when youve had a bad start.CrackbackMiles Manning likes to please people,his father,his coach,and his friends.He is a starter on a winningfootball team that is favored to win the match and have a chance to go to state.However,everybody ispressing Miles to be bigger,stronger and faster,including his new head coach,his demanding father,and his best friend.She,a college professor and his young student follow instructions on a broken pottery shard(陶瓷碎片)that lead them to a fabled(传说中的)lost city in the jungles(从林)of Africa,where they She WhoMust Be Obeyed,the ruler of the land.1.Why does the world government train military geniuses in Enders Game?A.To attack aliens in the future.B.To help people learn more about wars.C.To make sure humans win the next war.D.To destroy the planet aliens are living on.2.Which book is sutable for Johnson who is interested in wilderness self-help?A.Crackback.B.Hatchet.C.She.D.Ball Dont Lie.3.Which two books are related to sports?A.Enders Game and Crackback.B.Ball Dont Lie and Hatchet.C.She and Hatchet.D.Ball Dont Lie and Crackback.4.The underlined word encounter in the last paragraph me a n s.A.meet B.create C.explore D.missBOne time a young man,who hoped to study law,wrote to Lincoln for advice,and Lincoln replied,Ifyou are determined to make a lawyer of yourself,the thing is more than half done already.Always bear inmind that your own determination to succeed is more important than any other thing.Lincoln knew he had gone through it all.He had never,in his entire life,had more than a total of one yearsschooling.And books?Lincoln once said he had walked to borrow every book within fifty miles of hishome.A fire was usually kept going all night in the small house and he read by the light of it.He walked twenty or thirty miles to hear a speaker and,returning home,he practiced his talkseverywhere in the fields,in the woods,before the crowds.He joined several societies and practicedspeaking on the topics of the day.A lack of confidence always troubled him.In the presence of women he was shy and dumb.Even when hewas in love with Mary Todd,he used to sit there,nervous and silent,unable to find words,listening whileshe did the talking.Yet that was the man who,by practice and home study,made himself into the speakerwho debated with the famous speaker Douglas!That was the man who,in Gettysburg Address,rose to theheights of eloquence(雄辩)that have seldom been achieved in all the human history.Small wonder that,speaking of his own great barriers and painful struggles,he wrote,If you aredetermined to make a lawyer of yourself,the thing is more than half done already.5.Which of the following statements is True?A.Lincoln read a great many books.B.Lincoln practiced speaking skills at home.C.Lincoln received good education at school.D.Lincoln was determined to become a lawyer.6.What is the key point of the fourth paragraph?A.Lincolns position.B.Lincolns progress.C.Lincolns courage.D.Lincoln*s eloquence.7.What is the most vital spirit reflected in Lincolns story above?A.Believing in oneself.B.Overcoming difficulties.C.Keep on practicing hard.D.Sticking to ones determination.cWith all the wars,fighting and sadness in the world today,it*s not only necessary,but also essentialto have a good sense of humor just to help us get through each and every day of our lives.Putting a smileon someones face when you know they are feeling down in the dump,makes me feel good and warms myheart.How would you feel if you could not joke around with your wife,husband,child,co-worker,neighbor,close friends,or even just someone that you are standing in line with at your corner store?I am alwayssaying things that make others smile or laugh,even if I dont know the person Im joking aroundwith.My Grandma always found humor in everything she did,even if it was the hardest job anyonecould imagine.This not only relieves stress in any situation,but also is common courtesy(礼貌)tospeak to others tha


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