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第 6 章(6)-3)Section 3 Operation and Control of Power Systems 第 3 节 操作和控制的电力系统 The purpose of a power system is to deliver the power the customers require in real time, on demand, within acceptable voltage and frequency limits, and in a reliable and economic manner. 该系统的目的,权力是为客户提供电力的时间为客户需要实际需求,对,在可接受的电压和频率的限制,在一个可靠和经济的方式。 In normal operation of a power system, the total power generation is balanced by the total load and transmission losses. 在电力系统正常运行的,总发电是平衡的总负荷和传输的损失。 The system frequency and voltages on all the buses are within the required limits, while no overloads on lines or equipment are resulted. 该系统的频率和电压的所有公共汽车都在规定的限额,而没有超载或设备上线造成的。However, loads are constantly changed in small or large extents, so some control actions must be applied to maintain the power system in the normal and economic operation state. 但是,负载不断变化幅度小或大,所以一些控制行动必须适用于维持在正常和经济运行状态的电力系统。Optimal economic operation 优化经济运行 It is an important problem how to operate a power system to supply all the (complex) loads at minimum cost. 这是一个重要的问题如何操作电源系统,以提供所有的负载以最低的成本(复杂) 。 The basic task is to consider the cost of generating the power and to assign the allocation of generation ( P Gi) to each generator to minimize the total “production cost“ while satisfying the loads and the losses on the transmission lines. 其基本任务是考虑发电成本的生成和分配产生的分配性(P 基)每个发电机,以尽量减少总的“生产成本” ,同时满足负载和传输线路上的损失。The total cost of operation includes fuel, labor, and maintenance costs, but for simplicity the only variable costs usually considered are fuel costs. The fuel-cost curves for each generating unit are specified, the cost of the fuel used per hour is defined as a function of the generator power output. When hydro-generation is not considered, it is reasonable to choose the PGi on an 总的经营成本,包括燃料,劳动和 维修费用,但只有简单的可变成本通常被认为是燃料成本。曲线每个机组的燃料成本是指定的,时间成本占燃料使用的是输出功率定义为一个函数的发电机。当水文一代是不考虑它是合理的选择上一的 PGI instantaneous basis (ie always to minimize the present production cost rate). 瞬间的基础上(即始终以减低目前的生产成本率) 。 With hydro-generation, however, in dry periods, the replenishment of the water supply may be a problem. 随着水电发电,但是,在干燥的时期,供应补给的水可能是个问题。The water used today may not be available in the future when its use might be more advantageous. Even without the element of the prediction involved, the problem of minimizing production cost over time becomes much more complicated. 今天使用的可能不会在将来提供其使用时,可能会更有利的水。即使没有参与预测的元素,最大限度地减少生产成本的问题变得更加复杂。 It should be mentioned that economy of operation is not the only possible consideration. 应当提及的是经济运行的不是唯一可能的考虑。 If the “optimal“ economic dispatch requires all the power to be imported from a neighboring utility through a single transmission link, considerations of system security might preclude that solution . 如果在“最佳”的经济调度要求所有的权力,是从邻国进口的效用,通过一个单一的传输链路,系统安全的考虑可能会排除这种解决办法。 When water used for hydro-generation is also used for irrigation, nonoptimal releases of water may be required. Under adverse atmospheric conditions it may be necessary to limit generation at certain fossil-fuel plants to reduce emissions. 当水发电用于水力发电也用于灌溉,水 nonoptimal 释放可能是必要条件。不良大气下它可能需要限制某些植物代化石燃料,以减少排放。 In general, costs, security and emissions are all areas of concern in power plant operation, and in practice the system is operated to effect a compromise between the frequently conflicting requirements. 一般而言,成本,安全和排放装置运行一切权力领域关注,并在实践中系统的运作产生影响,要求折衷之间经常发生冲突。 Power system control 电力系统控制 Power system control is very important issue to maintain the normal operation of a system. 电力系统的控制是很重要的问题,以维持系统的正常运行。 System voltage levels, frequency, tie-line flows, line currents, and equipment loading must be kept within limits determined to be safe in order to provide satisfactory service to the power system customers. 系统电压水平,频率,联络线流,线电流和设备装载必须保持确定的限度内是安全的,以提供满意的服务,电力系统的客户。 Voltage levels, line currents, and equipment loading may vary from location to location within a system, and control is on a relatively l ocal basis. 电压等级,线路电流和设备负荷可能不同地点间的系统内,控制相对升厄恰尔基础上。 For example, generator voltage is determined by the field current of each particular generating unit; however, if the generator voltages are not coordinated, excess var flows will result. Similarly, loading on individual generating units is determined by the throttle control on thermal units or the gate controls on hydro-units. Each machine will respond individually to the energy input to its prime mover. Transmission line loadings are affected by power input from generating units and their loadings, the connected loads, parallel paths for power to flow on other lines, and their relative impedances. 例如,发电机电压是由该领域目前的每一个具体单位产生,但是,如果发电机电压不配合,无功流量将过剩的结果。同样,对个别单位负荷发电,是由热量单位或确定的控制油门水文单位的大门管制。每台机器回应个别的能量投入到其原动力。输电线路荷载的影响,输入功率发电机组和他们的负荷,连接的负载,其他电力线平行的道路上流动以及其相对阻抗。 Active power and frequency control 有功功率和频率控制 For satisfactory operation of a power system, the frequency should remain nearly constant. Relatively close control of frequency ensures constancy of speed of induction and synchronous motors. Constancy of speed of motor drives is particularly important for sa


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