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高中英语牛津译林版-模块1教案:《Unit 1 School life》 Project 教学设计 1

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高中英语牛津译林版-模块1教案:《Unit 1 School life》 Project 教学设计 1

Unit 1 School life Project 教学设计1科目English年级One备课时间年 月 日课题Unit 1 School life Project教学目标1. to help the students get a general idea of school clubs by reading two passages.2. to help the students understand the key information to be covered when introducing a club3. to have students use what they have learnt to finish a project by working together.教材分析1. to help the students get a general idea of school clubs by reading two passages.2. to help the students understand the key information to be covered when introducing a club3. to have students use what they have learnt to finish a project by working together.实施教学过程设计procedures: Step 1. Lead-in1.Teacher: I know there are many clubs in schools, such as the movie club, the radio club. Have you joined any?2.Today well read about two clubs and see if they attracts you or not.设计说明:高一学生正面临着校园内各个社团招新的广告,从他们的实际生活说起,引起他们的兴趣。Step 2. Reading 1.Divide the students into pairs.2.In each pair, ask one student to read passage one and the other student to read passage two.3.Let students work in pairs and get information of the passage which they havent read by asking the other student the following questions:1)What club is it? 2)When was it started?3)Who started it?4)Why was it started?5)What does the club/ a club member do?4.Ask a few students to give a brief introduction of the club theyve learned by following the pattern:The_ club was started _by _ to _.The club/ club members _. 设计说明:让同桌的两个同学分别阅读两篇文章中的一篇,使学生之间形成信息差,再让他们用一组问题来从对方获取信息。在通过问答实现了信息的传输后,再让提问的同学把了解到的信息用一段话做一个概要总结,完成信息的整合与输出。在此过程中,学生练习了通过阅读、提问等多种渠道获取信息。Step 3. Group -discussion1. Which of the two clubs will you choose? (Students with the same choice can form groups of six.)2. If you are a member of the club and you are asked to design a poster for this club, what information will be covered in the poster to attract more people to join?设计说明:呼应导入部分的提问,了解学生更喜欢哪一个club,并让有相同选择的同学形成六人小组。分组后,让学生讨论给这个club设计海报要涵盖哪些内容以吸引跟多人加入, 促使学生思考海报传递的信息内容。Step 4. Making a poster advertising a school club1. planning Divide the task among group members: collecting information, making the poster, presenting the poster.2. preparing Group members need to decide whether there is any information to be added to the poster besides the information they have agreed on from discussion. Also they need to think about how to make the poster more attractive?3. producing students do writing and drawing to make the poster.4. presenting Ask each group to present their posters in the front of the classroom.设计说明:学生在之前讨论的基础上,分工合作,制作海报,并上台展示,让学生体验在合作中学习。Step 5. Homework1.Part B1 on P87, workbook.2.Parts D1, D2 on P89, workbook.教学反思


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