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备战2024年高考英语名校模拟真题速递(广东专用)第一期专题06 阅读理解之说明文10篇(2023秋·广东湛江·高三湛江一中校考开学考试)Technology is developing by leaps and bounds. A device as small as a smartphone now has more processing power than rockets to the Moon once had. New tech brings many advantages, making our lives easier and opening up new opportunities. One piece of kit thats been really taking off recently is the drone. This pilotless mini aircraft, originally developed for photography from above and warfare, is now bringing us benefits closer to home. In the last few years, tech companies such as Amazon, Alphabet and Uber have promised us delivery dronesbringing goods to our doorsteps in a matter of minutes. Progress in developing them has, however, been slow.Drones are helping to connect with and enhance the lives of people in remote locations. In the UK, the Royal Mail wants a fleet of 500 drones to help deliver the mail to far-flung communities. Windracers, the company developing the drones, say they can fly in fog and produce 30% fewer emissions than comparable piloted aircraft. And in Coventry in the UK, construction has started on an air hub, which will act as a base for police and delivery drones. Urban-Air Port Limited is working with car-maker Hyundai on the mini- -airport, known as a skyport.Drones could also play a part in improving the health of millions of people. In Zanzibar, for example, theyre being used to spray wetlands against malaria(疟疾). And writing for BBC Future website, Harriet Constable describes an incredible development project by the University of South Australia. The plan is for drones to eventually be able to survey populations for disease by reading the blood oxygen levels of humans from the air. Theyll also be able to scan for other vital signs, like coughing and a high temperature.It seems that the skys the limit for what drone technology can achieve. The only thing that sometimes keeps it grounded is regulation. Writing for the BBC, Jessica Brown says, “If our skies are to become as crowded as our streets, airspace rules need updating to prevent accidents.” There are also related problems,such as noise pollution.1What was the primary use of the drone?AExploring the Moon.BSurvey and military.CSpecial delivery or express.DTransporting goods.2Which can replace the underlined word “hub” in Paragraph 2?ACentre.BBranch.CGarage.DField.3What does Paragraph 3 imply?ADrones could take over doctors duties in the future.BDrones can play a role in improving peoples health.CDrones can cure patients suffering from various diseases like malaria.DHuman beings will eventually overcome all kinds of stubborn diseases.4What does the author mean to do by quoting Jessica Brown?AEmphasize there is no limit for drones development.BIgnore the disadvantages the development of drones will bring.CUrge the rules of drones management need to be updated.DProve the development of drones is beneficial without harming.(2023秋·广东江门·高三江门市新会第一中学校考开学考试)Improvements to energy efficiency, such as LED lights, are seen by many authorities as a top priority for cutting carbon emissions. Yet a growing body of research suggests that a rebound effect could wipe out more than half of the savings from energy efficiency improvements, making the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change even harder to hit.A team led by Paul Brockway at the University of Leeds, UK, looked at the existing 33 studies on the impact of the rebound effect. First comes the direct rebound: for instance, when someone buys a more efficient car, they may take advantage of that by driving it further. Then comes the indirect rebound: fuel savings leave the owner with more money to spend elsewhere in the economy, consuming energy.Although the 33 studies used different methods to model the rebound effect, they produced very consistent estimates of its impact, leading the team to conclude that the effect wipes out, on average, 63 percent of the anticipated energy savings.“Were not saying energy efficiency doesnt work. What were saying is rebound needs to be taken more seriously,” says Brockway.The idea that increased efficiency may not deliver the hoped-for savings dates back to the Jevons paradox(悖论), named after the economist William Stanley Jevons, who, in 1865, observed that more efficient coal use led to more demand for coal.If the rebound effect does prove to be as big as suggested, it means future global energy demand will be higher than expected and the world will need far more wind and solar power and carbon-capture technology than is currently being planned for.But that doesnt mean nothing can be done to limit the rebound effect. One answer is to double down on energy efficiency and do twice as much to achieve the same effect.5Which of the following is a rebound effect?AA man uses LED lights to cut carbon emissions.BA company uses coal more efficiently to reduce waste.CA family saves mo


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