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高等院校研究生英语系列教材课件 Unit 5 Living A Healthier Life

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高等院校研究生英语系列教材课件 Unit 5 Living A Healthier Life

高等院校研究生英语系列教材综合教程(上)INTEGRATED COURSEUnit 5 Living A Healthier Life ContentStarting outReading FocusReading MorePractical TranslationFocused WritingFinal ProjectTask 1 Positive attitudes toward oneself are important components of maturity and emotional wellbeing. Read the table on P124 to understand your self-image.Starting outStarting outStarting outTask 2Starting outTask 2Task 2 Problem-solving Case scenario: Your roommate ended a long-term relationship last month. Ever since, your roommate no longer jogs every morning, no longer attends classes, and doesnt even want to go out to meet other people. Worse yet, even minor mistakes lead your roommate to berating herself (自我训斥). You are concerned about your roommates psychosocial health, and in fact your roommates mood is beginning to affect you. Discuss with your partner what you can do and list some ways in which you can help and support a friend who shows signs of psychosocial illness.Task 2 Solutions: 1) Ask your roommate to sit down with you and have a good talk. Find out what has led to the breakup between your roommate and his/her partner. Tell him/her that he/she deserves a better person and this may be a chance for him/her to find a better partner. 2) Spend some time with your roommate. Tell him/her you want to start jogging and you want him/her to jog with you. Tell him/her you need his/her advice and help. 3) Tell him/her that you have encountered some problems with your school work and you know that he/she would be able to help. 4) Go to parties with him/her. Ask her to dress up to be a beautiful woman. Encourage her to be self-confident. Starting outStarting outStarting outStarting outWhat can you do to keep yourself in a better psychosocial health.* Consider life a constant process of discovery and learning. * Accept yourself as the best that you are able to be right now. * Remember that nobody is perfect. * Remember that the most difficult times in life occur during transitions and can be opportunities for growth even though they are painful.* Remember that there are other perspectives than your own. * Recognize the sources of your own anxiety and act to reduce them. * Ask for help when you need it; discuss your problems with others. * Become sensitive to and aware of your own bodys signalstake care of yourself. * Find a meaning for your life and work toward achieving your goals.Starting outTask 2Starting outTask 2Starting outStarting outWeight Control CampListen to the following passage about healthy drinks and fill the blanks. The Ministry of Education and the John Tung Foundation recently sponsored a two-week camp for _and _ children from grades three through six. Nutritionists taught the students about _ content in a variety of foods, and generally helped them to see that regardless of our ages, we all make choices on what we put into our mouths, and when we put it there. One of the lessons the children reportedly learned at the _relates to sugar content in drinks. underweightoverweightsugar and greasespecial campStarting outStarting outIn general counseling with students who suffer from acne or weight problems, I often ask about _. A number of even bright students do not realize that soft drinks are more or less _. These students are often less than fully aware that many popular (and hefty) “tea“ or “coffee“ drinks may be laced with _ to promote flavor. We need to remember too that not all fruit juices are created equal. Some purported juices are filled with additives that offer _, but nothing of health value. Any piece of fresh fruit is a wiser health choice than a fruit drink that comes in a paper or _, and drinking plain tea or water is a much healthier way to quench one's thirst.drink consumptionliquid sugarunhealthy agentscolor and caloriesplastic containerYoga in AmericaReading FocusReading FocusGlobal Understanding 2Detailed Information3Critical Thinking4Language Points5Reading FocusReading FocusVocabulary in Action6Background Information1Background informationWatch a video clip of yoga and discuss with your partner what is said about yoga in the video. Work together with your partner and tell each other what you know about yoga. Reading FocusReading Focus Global Understanding1Origin of Yoga and its popularity in US2Two schools of hatha yoga3How to practice(Para. 1)(Para. 2)(Paras. 3-5)Reading FocusReading Focus Global Understanding4Benefits of practicing yoga5Philosophy behind yoga6Resistance to yoga(Paras. 6-9)(Paras. 10-11)(Para. 12)IntroductionOrigin of yoga Yoga is 5,000 years old. Artifacts detailing _ _Reading FocusReading Focus Global Understandingyoga postures have been found in India from over 3,000 B.C.Its popularity in


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