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高等院校研究生英语系列教材课件 Unit10 The Role of Education

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高等院校研究生英语系列教材课件 Unit10 The Role of Education

高等院校研究生英语系列教材综合教程(上)INTEGRATED COURSEUnit 10 The Role of Education ContentStarting outReading FocusReading MorePractical TranslationFocused WritingFinal ProjectTask 1 The following is a list of the core courses offered by colleges or universities. Select what you think are the three most important core courses from the list below. Compare your choices with those of your partners and give reasons for your choices. (P276)Starting outStarting outEconomicsGeographyHistoryPhysiologyPsychologyEnglish, dancing, etc)Arts (music, paintingMathPhilosophyChineseP.E.ComputerManagementReligionLawTask 2 In the mid 1980s, Chinas college enrollment rate stood at about 3% of the population, lower than that of many other developing countries. In the early 1990s, the number rose to 5%. In 1999, universities enrolled 1.59 million students, which was a 41.2 percent rise from the previous year. Since then, the numbers have just kept climbing. In 2002, the college enrollment rate reached 15% percent. It rose to 19% in 2005. Some people think the expansion policy is necessary to improve the quality of the nations education while others believe that the expansion is responsible for a decline in the quality of teaching as well as the intense competition in the job market. What is your opinion on this issue? Use examples, facts or figures to support your ideas. (P276)Starting outTask 2Starting outTask 2Task 2 Useful words and expressions:Starting outTask 2Starting outTask 2 a just, equitable and productive society quality of education skilled workforce low-income areas minority students rising tuition fees heavy financial burden meet the demands of the workplace incapable of tackling practical problems boost economic development increase the skill base of the countryTask 3In most parts of China, when students reach the second grade at senior high school, they are required to specialize in either science or arts courses. The two courses are very different and some people dislike being streamlined so early in their educational career. What do you think of this practice? Talk to your partner and tell them about your experience. (P277)Starting outTask 3Starting outTask 3Starting outStarting outNow watch a video about Princeton University. Listen carefully and complete the blank-filling exercise.1. Princeton University is located in Princeton, New Jersey in the suburban historic town of_ including farmlands and forests. 2. One of the things that weve seen in the last years is _in the class. 3. Princeton offers one of the strongest financial aid programs in the country. Thats why 58% of undergraduates receive financial aid thats not needed _. 4. Some of the most popular majors in Princeton are politics, history, _. 5. Our faculties are leaders in their fields and theyre pushing back _ in terms of their research.Starting outStarting outdiverse surroundingsthe gender balance to be paid backmolecular biology and engineeringintellectual limits The Role of the Academy in Times of CrisisReading FocusReading FocusGlobal Understanding 2Detailed Information3Critical Thinking4Language Points5Reading FocusReading FocusVocabulary in Action6Background Information1Listen to a talk on education and educational system, and answer the following questions.1) Whats the purpose of education? 2) Whats thought to be fashionable in many modern countries? 3) Why do some people refuse to do what they think of as low jobs? 4) Why is the work of a completely uneducated farmer far more important than that of a professor? 5) What kind of education is valuable to the society?Background InformationBackground InformationReading FocusReading Focus Global UnderstandingTask 1Its important to be able to find the main idea in a paragraph. The main idea tells the reader what the paragraph is mostly about. All of the other sentences in a paragraph are details that tell the reader more about the main idea. The main idea is usually stated in a topic sentence. The topic sentence is often the first sentence or it may come a little later in the paragraph or even at the end. Its important to be able to distinguish the main idea from the supporting details in reading materials. Sometimes the main idea is not written explicitly but rather suggested. Sometimes it may be expressed in more than one sentence. There are seven paragraphs in this text. Write down the main idea of each paragraph. (P283)Para 1:Para 2:Para 3:Para 4:Reading FocusReading Focus Global UnderstandingOur societys confidence in its institutions of higher education is clear from the generosity of government investment in research but it comes with expectation.Modern academic study relates to the world; it is not apart from it as in the past.American society


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