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赣州市崇义县2023年考研英语一高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)In a land far away, once upon a time there was great poverty, and only the rich could manage without great problemsIt is said that one day three of those rich men and their servants were 1 together on a road when they came to a very poor villageThe first could not stand seeing the 2 , so he took all the gold and jewels from his wagons (四轮载重马车) and shared them out among the villagersHe wished them all the best of luck, and he leftThe second rich man, seeing the worrying situation, stopped for a short time and then decided to give the 3 all his food and drink, since he could see that money would be of little 4 to themHe made sure that they each 5 their fair share and would have enough food to last for some timeThen, he leftThe third rich man, on seeing such poverty, 6 and went straight through the poverty-stricken village without stoppingThe two other rich men saw all this from a distance and commented heatedly with each other on how the third rich man lacked sympathyIt was 7 that they themselves had been there to offer helpHowever, to their great surprise, three days later, they 8 the third rich man, who was coming in the 9 directionHe was still traveling quickly, but his wagons, instead of the gold and valuables they had been carrying, were now completely full of farming tools and bags of 10 He was rushing back to help them out of poverty1、AstandingBtravelingCgatheringDrunning2、AlandBwelfareCrichnessDpoverty3、AvillagersBservantsCothersDrest4、AinterestBconcernCuseDattraction5、AreturnedBpossessedCofferedDreceived6、Aspeed upBturn backCset outDshow off7、Aturned aroundBcertainCtrueDstrange8、AwelcomedBmetCacceptedDpersuaded9、AoppositeBsameCsimilarDfamiliar10、AfoodBjewelsCmoneyDseedsSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 When a special occasion arrives, a colorful gift bag or a box often finds its way to a doorstep, an office desk or a mailbox But once in a while, a present arrives at an unexpected moment as a reminder that someone is thinking about usWanda Anderson of Richland, US, remembers such a gift The rosebushes were finally in full bloom on that day in spring Seeing roses always brings to mind Wanda's childhood memories To this young girl, those flowers were a luxury "We never had money to buy extra things, so even a tired rose was something to cherish," Wanda saidNowadays, to have a backyard filled with many different roses is pure enjoyment Wanda especially loves the very first blooms Her husband, Dale, devotedly tends the roses and knows this little fact about his wife So, on this particular morning, he picked the very first flowers of spring, fresh from the garden But as Dale came back into the house, he was met by a neighbor who had stopped in for a quick visit As the woman turned to go, Dale graciously (有风度地) handed the roses to her And even though their visitor insisted she didn't want to take them, she was repeatedly convinced that the flowers were hers to keep "I told her I was happy for her to have the roses, but I really wasn't," Wanda said, recalling the emotions she was feeling right thenSeeing her very precious first blooms go out of the door filled her with regret, and a bit of selfishness Throughout the rest of the morning, Wanda argued with herself, knowing logically it was "better to give than to receive" Nevertheless, she wished she could have kept the roses for herselfLater that day, the couple headed to the post office, where Wanda waited outside in the car Then, without warning, an older woman suddenly appeared at the car's open window, with a bunch of multicolored roses in her arms "These are for you," she said, giving the flowers to Wanda "They're my first blooms this spring" Totally surprised and overwhelmed (不知所措的), Wanda thanked the woman and bent for a moment to inhale (吸入) the roses' rich fragrance When she looked back, the mysterious visitor was goneTo this day, that "special delivery" changed Wanda Now, her very first blooms always go to someone else, as a reminder that someone is thinking of them1、Why does Wanda love roses so much? _AShe thinks that they stand for pure loveBShe was given them often as a childCHer husband always sends her rosesDShe couldn't afford them when she was young2、How did Wanda feel after the neighbor left? _AWorriedBUpsetCSatisfiedDRelieved3、What changed Wanda's opinion of giving gifts? _AThe flowers her husband bought herBThe gifts he


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