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考研英语一黑龙江省伊春市红星区2023年高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) I did my first wing-walk two years ago, on my 86 birthday. Then last June, aged 88, I did it again and 1 my own record as the worlds oldest 2 wing-walker.There was something about being strapped (捆扎) to the 3 of a bright-yellow 1944 Boeing-Stearman that 4 my imagination. Its very exciting. The first experience was nothing but tame. This year, I said to the 5 , “Can you make it a bit more adventuresome? ” He said, “I could do a loop-the-loop (翻筋斗) if you like?”This time, he 6 doing half a loop which was very effective. You go down a bit, then straight up. All I felt was a bit 7 , because it was windy. But you are 8 strapped. The pilot makes sure everything is 9 . I had gloves on, earplugs and lots of layers, which protected me.Both times, we 10 from Gloucestershire Airport and were in the air for 15 minutes. You dont sit on the wingyou sit on 11 looks like a chair. I wasnt nervous. But when you look at the propellers (螺旋桨), you do feel a little strange. Youre 12 at the beginning that its a 13 dangerous activity and things could go wrong. However, I said: “Well, at 88 what does it 14 ? You ve got to go sometime and you might as well go in a flame of 15 .”At my age, a lot of people are 16 in their ways. I dont think any of my 17 from my retirement home wants to 18 me. I imagine most of them think Im 19 as a woman. But I do think people of my age should be doing more 20 things. You shouldnt sit back and feel sorry for yourself.1、AkeptBbrokeCsavedDprotected2、AdoctorBrepairCmaleDfemale3、AwingBheadCtailDbottom4、ApractisedBdisplayedCinspiredDbroadened5、AdriverBpilotCguideDdirector6、Aturned upBgave upCtook upDended up7、AshakyBdizzyCshinyDclumsy8、AtightlyBlargelyCsafelyDcorrectly9、AspecialBsecureCcautiousDaccessible10、Alet outBgot throughCbroke upDtook off11、AwhatBhowCwhereDthat12、AchargedBallowedCwarnedDcheated13、AactuallyBpotentiallyCdoubtfullyDcertainly14、AmeanBliveCdreamDmatter15、AgloryBsilenceCmemoryDash16、AcriticizedBbeatenCstuckDwashed17、AleadersBfriendsCopponentsDrelatives18、ApersuadeBpraiseCjoinDwin19、AcrazyBbraveCcalmDsteady20、AacademicBdifficultCadventurousDridiculousSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Police Force presents Community Roadshow 2019Want to find out more about police work? Come and visit us at the various locations across Singapore. Enjoy the performances by the friendly dogs from the Police K9 Unit and the Police Band.Come with your family and take part in the fun activities.Details of RoadshowDate: 16-17 June 2019Time: 10am-7pmVenues: Punggol ArcadeSerangoon CentreTam pines HubShuttle bus services will be available to and from the nearest MRT stations.Each can be promised a fun pack which consists of:·miniature police car·keychain·note pad·penPerformances·K9 Show at 11am and 3pm·Police Band at 6pmActivities·Rock Climbing· Bouncy Castle (for children below the age of 12 years)·Art CompetitionTo take part in the Art Competition, participants must register online at by 12 June 2019.This event is sponsored by:·Art for Us·Dally Minl Mart·Rock Climb CompanyLucky DrawTimings: 1pm and 5pm (daily)1st prize: $ 300 voucher (购物券)2nd prize: $ 150 voucher3rd prize: $ 100 voucher10 consolation prizes of $ 20 eachWinners who are not present during the draw will be notified via email by 19 June 2019.Organized by the Singapore Police Force1、What shall each participant get in Community Roadshow 2019?AA fun pack.BSome prize.CSome Voucher.DBouncy Castle.2、How should a person sign up for Art Competition?AOn site.BBy email.CBy phone.DThrough the Internet.3、Which of the following organized the activity?ASerangoon Centre.BRock Climb Company.CSingapore Police Force.DPoliceort Company.Text 2What can a 4-year-old do to end hunger? Start a hunger-relief organization. When most kids were just entering preschool, Joshua Williams discovered that people right in his neighborhood went without food. This surprised the young Miami resident, so with the support of his family, Williams founded Joshuas Heart Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to the fight against global hunger through the community service of young people.Now a high school senior, Williams is a hero for the one-in-six Americans who face hung


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