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考研英语一隆德县2023年预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)For long, a little boy was wondering why his deskmate could rank 1st in the class whenever he wanted to, while he himself failed to: he only ranked 21st.At home, he asked his Mom, “Mom, am I more 1 than others? I feel I am obedient and as careful as him, but 2 I always fall behind? ” Hearing the words, Mom was aware that her son began to 3 the sense of self-respect, which was now being injured by the ranking system. 4 at him, she went wordless, not knowing 5 to explain. In another test, the son ranked 17th, while his deskmate remained 1st. Back home he 6 the same question. Mom really wanted to inform his son that 7 differs, which means that students ranking 1st are supposed to be cleverer than normal ones. 8 , was this discouraging answer the one that her son was constantly 9 about? Thank goodness she did not open her mouth.How to answer her sons question? There were times when she felt an urge to say, “You are too lazy. You are not as hard-working as others” but she stopped 10 imagining her son suffering from the pains of unsatisfied grades and rankings. She thought it 11 to put any additional burden on his son and was trying to find out a perfect answer.Time passing swiftly, the son 12 primary school. Despite studying harder and better, he was still unable to keep up with his deskmate. To show her pride of him, Mom decided to 13 him to the sea. During the trip, she managed to give an answer.Now, the son no longer worries about his 14 , and there are no boring guys who would inquire his grades in primary school, because, 15 the 1st ranking, he is admitted to Tsinghua University. Back home in winter vacation, he was invited to 16 the students and parents in his high school, In the speech, he mentioned a valuable experience in his childhood, “When my mother and I were lying on the 17 , she pointed to the front and said, “Do you see the seabirds struggling for food over there? When the waves come near, little birds can rise 18 while awkward seagulls would take more time to complete the process. However, have you noticed birds that finally fly 19 the endless ocean are none other than the awkward seagulls?” The speech 20 many mothers present to tears, including his mother.1、AconsiderateBcarelessCstupidDclever2、Awhat ifBhow comeChow aboutDwhat for3、AloseBhaveCwinDbeat4、AShoutingBGlaringCStaringDPointing5、AwhichBwhyCwhenDhow6、AraisedBmetCansweredDgot7、AintelligenceBrightCknowledgeDstrength8、AThereforeBStillCThusDHowever9、AenthusiasticBcuriousCcrazyDclear10、AifBbeforeCunlessDwhen11、AcruelBimportantCdisappointedDnecessary12、AattendedBstartedCfinishedDentered13、AguideBtakeCbringDpush14、AhomeworkBbelongingsChealthDrankings15、AinBbyCwithDon16、AteachBdeliverCaddressDface17、AfloorBroadCbankDbeach18、AquicklyBsuddenlyCslowlyDsharply19、AintoBthroughCacrossDthroughout20、AmadeBmovedCimpressedDinspiredSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Researchers at the University of York in England published their findings on facial recognition that, on average, people can remember as many as 5,000 faces.There have been many studies recently on facial recognition technology. But the authors of this study say theirs is the first time that scientists have been able to put a number to the abilities of humans to recognize faces. Rob Jenkins, leader of the research, said the researchers study centered on “the number of faces people actually know.” and were not able to discover whether there is a “limit on how many faces the brain can handle.”Jenkins said the ability to tell individual people apart is “clearly important.” In todays modern world of big cities, we meet and deal with thousands of people. The study suggests our facial recognition abilities help us to deal with the many different faces we see on the screens, as well as those we know. The results of the study give a baseline for comparing the “facial vocabulary” of humans with facial recognition software.Today, facial recognition technology is used in many ways, including by law enforcement agencies to prevent crime and violence. Governments use it to keep secret areas secure and, in extreme cases, control populations. Some governments use the software to watch people and find out where they go and what they do. Even Facebook uses facial recognition. For example, when you name a friend, Facebook technology may r


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