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邢台市任县2023年考研英语一模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)It is widely believed that inner beauty is the most impressive in the world.On the outskirts of a town in England lies a nice cottage with a large garden where there lives an old and aged man. The old man is 1 pruning(修剪), watering or fertilizing his flowers all the time. The garden 2 bees and butterflies dance and colorful flowers blossom all year around is so well-tended(被照顾地好)that every passer-by cannot but stop for a 3 with admiration.One day a young 4 went by the old mans garden. He stopped and gazed at the splendid garden and the special cottage, totally 5 the admiration at the beauty of these sceneries, 6 how happy he could be 7 he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, all of a sudden he found the old gardener was 8 .Greatly shocked, the young painter 9 that old man, asking “why are you busy 10 these flowers every day which you cant see?” The blind gardener gave a wide smile, explaining “First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I 11 like this job. Second, while I cant see these flowers I can 12 them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. 13 the last one, thats you.”“Me? But you dont know me.” responded the young painter.“Yeah. But I know flowers are angels which everyone knows and would never 14 . I know a great many people who show 15 for life would stop by and the beauty of my garden will get them into a good 16 . In the meantime, it also gives a 17 to me to have a word with you here and to enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.”The old man cant see the beauty hes created. 18 , every flower has eyes 19 which they can see the beauty and kindness of the old mans heart and the sweetness of his soul.The blind man grows flowers in his heart. Failing the sight of the beauty of blossoming, he surely can 20 the voice of it, I suppose.1、Aleft Bkept Cseen Dmade2、Awhere Bwhich Cthat Dwhat3、Achat Breturn Cdiscussion Dglance4、Apainter Bneighbor Cphotographer Dtraveler5、Afaced with Blost in Cdevoted to Dmoved by6、Athinking Bwondering Cpicturing Dbelieving7、Awhen Bif Ceven if Dsince8、Aparticular Bspecial Cblind Denergetic9、Aapproached Breached Cwatched Dprevented10、Aplanting Bwatering Cfertilizing Dtending11、Aeasily Breally Caccidentally Deventually12、Aget rid of Bgive a touch to Ccome up with Dhave fun with13、AWithout BIn spite of CAnd for DEven so14、Apick them up Bturn them down Clet them down Dgive them up15、Aenthusiasm Bcalmness Ckindness Dcaution16、Amood Bcondition Cplace Dlife17、Away Btime Cchance Dhand18、ATherefore BAnyway CHowever DBesides19、Afor Bin Cfrom Dwith20、Achange Bhear Cremind DacceptSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 With smart technology increasingly influencing all aspects of our lives, it is only a matter of time before someone invents “smart” shoesones that can be made based on personal needs. Called “ShiftWear”, the sneakers are the brainchild of a team of businessmen, and engineers led by New York-based designer David Coel.The adaptable shoes can be customized by using a smart phone app. Shoe owners will have the option of selecting a design from a variety of HD pattern by famous artists or creating one themselves. The companys founders imagine a marketplace where artists can not only share but also sell their designs to others. Despite being electronic, the designs are clearly visible even in the brightest sunlight. Whats even cooler is that by switching on a backlight, users can even show off their designs in the dark!According to Coel, the sneakers will keep their charge “forever” if only images are displayed. Though they will need periodic recharging, active users have nothing to worry about. Thats because the shoes are equipped with special walk-n-charge technology that powers the shoeswith every step. Inactive users also have options of charging the sneakers without using wires.The bottom part of the shoes is covered with Kevler fibers, a kind of strong material, reducing normal wear and tear. Even better? They are completely waterproof (not let water through) and can even be thrown into an ordinary laundry machine for a quick wash! The company predicts that the shoes will range the price from $150 to $1000 depending on the size of the E-panels where the d


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