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贵阳市花溪区2023年考研英语一高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)My sister and I have been a headache for my mother, because my father was in the army, he was not around too often. _21_, my mother brought us up almost single-handedly and it must have _22_ real strength of mind to bring up such naughty and stubborn children who got out from one trouble only to get into another.Bonus and I werent scholars either. _23_, we hated studying from the very beginning. We were _24_ to spend time with our schoolbooks-out of the fear of Mums scolding. I almost did not make it to 10th grade. That entire summer Mum _25_ that I read my schoolbooks from the very first chapter till the last. I left _26_ college at 18. In my second year of college, while I was studying for my final exams, I got a phone call from Mum _27_ my sister had failed her 9th grade exams. Mum was heartbroken. My mother was an English teacher in a famous school in the city and it was a(n) _28_ for her. Then started another _29_ for my Mum. There always seemed to be people who would come and talk about how well their children were doing _30_ my mother would be having a tough time making sure we stayed on the right path. Mum was _31_ that we would do well for ourselves. She never let my sister and me _32_ that we had lost out on something and always told us: “Let this be a lesson. We are going to work really really hard._33_ will change.” Things did change, but very slowly and _34_, one little step at a time. Last year I finished with law school and started working. My mothers belief in me _35_. And just a few days ago I got a phone from Bonus. She had _36_ the exam with honors and was _37_ to the best university in the country. I was in tears. Later that night I _38_ Mum: “Mum, your two little failures didnt do as badly as everybody thought.” Mum _39_ and said: “You are my daughters and I knew you the best. I always knew that you would succeed. It was just a _40_ of time.”1、AHowever BThus COtherwise DBesides2、Adevoted Bspent Ctaken Dwasted3、AIn that case BIn this way COn the other hand DOn the contrary4、Apleased Bannoyed Cforced Dadvised5、Ademanded Bconcluded Cpromised Dmentioned6、Aat Bfor Cfrom Dafter7、Aannouncing Breading Cknowing Dsaying8、Ashame Bchallenge Cpride Dhonor9、Aexperiment Bresearch Cconflict Dtrial10、Athough Bwhile Cas Dunless11、Adetermined Bastonished Csatisfied Dconcerned12、Apredict Bimagine Cguess Dfeel13、AEnvironment BSociety CCircumstances DImpressions14、Aquickly Bextremely Csmoothly Dgradually15、Amade up Bpaid off Ctook on Dburst out16、Aattended Breceived Cpassed Dfailed17、Aaccepted Ballowed Cadmitted Dpermitted18、Aquestioned Bconvinced Cpersuaded Dcalled19、Anodded Blaughed Cshouted Djoked20、Amatter Bperiod Cwaste DlengthSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Vehicles often come into conflict with other vehicles and pedestrians when their intended courses of travel intersect (交叉), and end up being in each other,s way. The general principle that establishes who has the right to go first is called “right of way”, or “priority”. It determines who has the right to use the conflicting part of the road and who has to wait. Signs, signals, markings and other features are often used to make priority clear.A driver must yield (让) the right of way to other drivers: When approaching a YIELD sign. Slow down or stop to avoid a crash. Even after the light turns green when there are vehicles in the intersection. When approaching emergency vehicles using sounding or flashing sirens. After coming to a complete stop at an intersection where there is a stop sign or a flashing red signal. If there is no stop line, stop before the crosswalk. When making a left turn on a red light after a stop from a one-way street to another one-way street with traffic moving to the left. (See Figure A) When two vehicles on different roadways arrive at a four-way stop intersection at the same time, the vehicle should yield to the vehicle on its right. (See Figure B) When coming out of an alley, building, private road or driveway after coming to a complete stop. (See Figure C) When crossing traffic at the end of a “T” road with no traffic control signs or signals. (See Figure D)1、Whats the purpose of the text?ATo explain the law of right of way.BTo illustrate traffic signs and sign


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