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考研英语一泸州市泸县2023年模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Since my early childhood, my parents have always told me to enjoy every part of my life, no matter how ordinary it may seem. Before the summer of 2005, I never thought there was anything 1 about living in Sugar Land, Texas. All I wanted was to 2 Texas.For most people, spending three weeks in the Tuscan countryside is a(n) 3 vacation. It also 4 my family. During my first week abroad, I admitted I 5 the foreign atmosphere. A new language and culture 6 me. For those seven days, I was totally absorbed in becoming something I could never bea(n) 7 . It was almost as if I wished to 8 my own identity for something new that was not 9 to me at all.At some point along the drive between Florence and Genoa, it 10 me: I didnt want to throw away who I was for any 11 wonders. Italy was an attractive and impressive country, 12 I had no emotional connection with it. I 13 Sugar Land. From that moment on, all I 14 was to return home.I think its 15 that I could never fall in love with my home until I left it. Now I 16 the everyday parts of my life in Sugar Land are really the most prized treasures in my heart. Now 17 , I find all my time spent living in Sugar Land made me 18 . Therefore, now I can 19 say that being a Texan is who I am, and theres no way I can 20 that.1、Aspecial Bcertain Cdisappointing Dordinary2、Aimprove Bleave Ccontrol Dignore3、Aadventure Bpublic Cannual Ddream4、Aexpected Bshocked Cattracted Dwelcomed5、Asensed Bcreated Cneeded Dliked6、Aupset Bamused Cimpressed Ddiscouraged7、Atraveler Bfarmer CAmerican DItalian8、Aabandon Bwaste Chide Ddamage9、Arude Brelated Cuseful Dclose10、Ahit Bwarned Cdisturbed Dembarrassed11、Aold Bforeign Creal Dpotential12、Aso Band Cbut Dor13、Arely on Bshow off Cstand for Dbelong to14、Adesired Bremembered Cadmired Dhated15、Ainspiring Bterrifying Cinteresting Drewarding16、Aprefer Bguarantee Cimagine Dunderstand17、Alooking back Bchecking up Cgrowing up Dfighting back18、Aexist Bsmile Cinsist Dsucceed19、Asafely Bsmoothly Cconfidently Dwarmly20、Aspot Bchange Cuse DlackSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 4-year-old Antonio Vicente has spent the last four decades of his life fighting against the trend. As Brazilian landowners cut down rainforests to make room for profitable plantations(种植园) and cattle grounds, he struggled to bring the jungles of his childhood back to life.“When I was a child, the peasants cut down the trees to make grasslands and charcoal, and the water dried up and did not come back,” he told the reporters, “I thought: Water is valuable, no one makes water and the population will not stop growing. What is going to happen? We are going to run out of water.”With only some donkeys and a small team of hired workers, Antonio Vicente set about bringing back the forest to his land. What started out as a weekend hobby soon became a permanent way of life, and Antonio recalls often spending whole days and nights in his young jungle, surrounded by rats and foxes, and eating banana sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Over the last 40 years, he has planted an estimated 50,000 trees on his 31-hectare land, which now make up a small but unique area of rainforest, and a haven for wildlife.As the forest grew, the water returned, and Antonio says that there are now over 20 water, sources on his land that were no longer there when he bought it. Then the animals started making a home there, Today, the forest is alive with the sounds of birds and insects living there, and more species are settling in every year.“There are toucans(巨嘴鸟), all kinds of birds, squirrels, lizards, and even the boars are returning,” 4-year-old Vicente says, “If you ask me who my family are, I would say all this right here, each one of these that I planted from a seed.”1、What do we learn about the Brazilian peasants?AThey wasted much water on farming.BThey focused on short-term profits,CThey cared much about the environment.DThey relied heavily on rainforests for a living.2、What used to be young Antonios biggest concern?AOverpopulation.BPolluted water.CLoss of grasslands.DWater shortage.3、What does the underlined word “haven” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?ATrapBDisasterCShelterDBalanc


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