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考研英语一永寿县2023年高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Iusedtoabandonmyselftodespair.Lastyearmymotherfromstroke(中风)andhadanoperationonherbrain.IfeltmywholeworldturnupsidedownandIhadnowhatIcoulddotohelphertorelieveher.TearswelledupinmyeyeswheneverIwasalone.LastmonthIpreciouswatch,whichwasan18-year-oldbirthdaygiftfrommyfather.IcouldnotfallasleepforacoupleofnightsbecauseIfeltabouttheloss.Therehavebeenmanyliketheseinmylife.IcouldneverfigureouthowtodealwithsuchtoughthingsIread“IfYouHaveaLemon,MakeaLemonade"byAmericanwriterDaleCarnegie.“Whenthewisemanishandedalemon,hesays,What48canIgetfromthis?HowcanImysituation?HowcanIturnthislemonintoalemonade?”hewrote.Isuddenlythatlifeisfullofupsanddowns,soIneedtostayallthetime.NowwhenIthinkofmypast,IwishIcouldhavehandledthingsWhenmymotherwasfightingfor,Ishouldhaveheldherhandsinmine,tellingherthingswouldgetbetterinsteadofandcrying.Severalweeksago,Itookpartinacampussingingcompetition.Ididn'taprize.IfIhadnotthisarticle,Iwoulddefinitelyhavefeltagain.Butinstead,Ismiledafterthecompetition.IwashappythatatleastIhadgotsomestageLifeisnotjustabedofroses.Therearethorns(刺)aswell,butthesethornshelpusbecomeandstrong.Whenlifeusalemon,let'strytomakealemonade.1、 AresultedBsufferedCsurvivedDescaped2、 AhopeBwonderCideaDdoubt3、 ApainBanxietyCfearDpressure4、 AreceivedBsoldCfixedDlost5、 AunbelievableBshamefulCangryDterrible6、 AdiseasesBmemoriesCincidentsDdifficulties7、AwhenBuntilCthoughDsince8、AlessonBlemonadeCdecisionDchallenge9、AcontrolBacceptCimproveDavoid10、ArealizedBthoughtCdiscoveredDpredicted11、 AhealthyBindependentCseriousDpositive12、AexactlyBdifferentlyCeasilyDpractically13、ArecoveryBlifeCfreedomDhappiness14、 AshoutingBhidingCquarrelingDregretting15、AexpectBmissCwinDrefuse16、 AfiguredoutBwrittendownCfoundoutDcomeacross17、 AembarrassedBdiscouragedCexcitedDconcerned18、 AperformanceBexperienceCprogressDeffect19、 AbraveBcalmCgreatDclever20、 AshowsBmakesCgivesDsendsSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Fikiri Kipondas path from accountant to marine (海洋的) conservationist was sparked by a chance encounter. After securing his dream job, Kiponda decided he wanted more. He wasnt quite sure what he was looking for until he ran across some turtle hatchlings.He didnt know it was turtle. Fortunately enough he got the right person to ask and he got motivated. That person was Nkindi, a staff member at the Watamu Conservation project who later invited him to volunteer on the project. He later left his accounting job and fully devoted himself into the world of sea turtles. Now,he runs and spends his time nursing critically endangered sea turtles back to health.Sea turtles have been around for nearly 110 million years and are now considered highly endangered. Their preservation rests on activities of conservationists such as Kiponda as these turtles face numerous threats and signs of their extinction in the next 50 years.Local fishermen traditionally catch them to supplement their own low catch rates and sell them for their oil. As changes are made to accommodate more hotels for tourists, there is less available beach land for turtle nesting.Kipondas passion has now spread to his community, changing their attitude towards sea life preservation with his “by-catch release programme.”Through this program, fishermen are now paid for returning turtles accidentally caught in their fishing nets. The healthy ones are tagged and released into the marine park while he takes care of sick and injured turtles back to health.Before the launch of pioneering spirit like this, turtles caught by fishermen were used for their meat and their oil extracted (提炼) for its medicinal properties.“Releasing the turtle back into the ocean is a very good feeling, like, you feel like youve done something concrete and I guess everybody would love to do that.so I guess its unique work.”1、What was Fikiri Kipondas dream job according to the text?AAn accountant.BA marine conservationist.CA guide to the Watamu Conservation Project.DAn advocate for turtles.2、What may be the main threat to the turtles?AThe rising sea level. BBeing caught by tourists.COverdevelopment in the tourism. DThe reduction in their nesting place.3、Which of the following words can best describe Fikiri Kiponda?AEnergetic but conservative. BEnthusiastic and caring.CArbitrary but considerate. DAmbitious and knowledgeable.4、Which of the following can be the best title for the


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