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考研英语一称多县2023年预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) At the far end of Islington Road in Newton, Massachusetts, lives a little girl near and dear to the neighborhood. Two-year-old Samantha Savitz is 1 , but she loves to talk to anyone who knows sign language. And her whole personality changes when its someone who can 2 with her.Her desire for communication has been 3 obvious to everyone in the neighborhood.  Whenever Sam tries to be neighborly, they 4 themselves lost for words. So they need to 5 more than a basic conversation with the child in the community.Unfortunately, this isnt something you can 6 with ease. Youd need the whole community to learn sign language 7 for a little 2-year-old girl. You cant 8 neighbors to do that. You can only appreciate them when they do.On their own, Sams neighbors got together, 9 an instructor, and are now fully 10 an American Sign Language class. Even the parents of deaf children dont 11 to learn sign language. Now Sam has a whole 12 to communicate with her.And this level of inclusion will almost certainly guarantee a happier, more 13 Sam. Her parents says there arent words in any language to express their 14 . In fact, theyre already seeing a 15 in their daughter. “The first thing she says to us is friend”, said her mother, “I think your heart would 16 just as mine did.”Sometimes it feels like America is losing its 17 of community but then you hear about a place like this where it takes a whole village to 18 a child. Now the village is alive and is here to 19 us that what makes a “good neighborhood” is nothing more than good 20 .1、AblindBdeafClameDdull2、AcommunicateBsingCplayDquarrel3、AcheerfullyBpeacefullyCpainfullyDdoubtfully4、AmakeBfindCletDhave5、Astrike upBput offCgo throughDtake in6、AconfirmBtrustCdiscoverDsolve7、AstillBevenCjustDalso8、AeducateBexpectCwishDhelp9、AtrainedBtaughtChiredDdismissed10、Atrapped inBinvolved inCaware ofDequipped with11、AagreeBplanCpromiseDbother12、AschoolBcommunityCfamilyDclub13、Awell-fedBwell-knownCwell-behavedDwell-adjusted14、AsympathyBdilemmaCgratitudeDlove15、AcomplaintBfaultCdifferenceDcommitment16、AmeltBraceCbreakDburst17、AcontrolBcreditCsignDsense18、AraiseBfeedCtellDrequest19、AurgeBwarnCguideDremind20、AneighborsBfriendsCpartnersDcolleaguesSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1The HandshakeI dont remember the exact date I met Marty for the first time. Like a lot of people who want to get through a checkout line, I found my thoughts on speed, nothing more. The line I was standing in wasnt moving as quickly as I wanted, and I glanced toward the cashier, who was receiving money from customers.He was an old man in his sixties. I thought, well, it probably took him a little longer to get the jobs done. For the next few minutes I watched him. He greeted every customer before he began scanning the goods they were purchasing. Sure, his words were the usual, “Hows it going?” But he did something differenthe actually listened to people. Then he would respond to what they had said and talk with them briefly.I thought it was strange, but I guessed I had grown accustomed to people asking me how I was doing simply out of a conversation without thinking. Usually, after a while, you dont give any thought to the question and just say something back quietly.This old cashier seemed sincere about wanting to know how people were feeling. Meanwhile, the high-tech cash register rang up their purchases and he announced what they owed. When customers handed money to him, he pushed the appropriate keys, the cash drawer popped open, and he counted out their change.Then magic happened.He placed the change in his left hand, walked around the counter to the customers, and extended his right hand in an act of friendship. As their hands met, the old cashier looked the customers in the eyes. “I want to thank you for shopping here today,” he told them. “You have a great day. Bye-bye.” The looks on the faces of the customers were priceless.Now it was my turn. I glanced down at the name tag on his red waistcoat, the kind experienced Wal-Mart cashier wore. It read, “Marty.”Marty told me how much I owed and I handed him some money. The next thing I knew he was standing beside me, offering his right hand and holding my change in his left hand. His kind eyes locked onto mine. Smiling, and with a firm handshake1、While the author stoo


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