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考研英语一山东省滨州市邹平县2023年全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)The rain was sudden and heavy on a cold night. My bus was not going along its 1 route and had stopped at the station because of the 2 . With 2km still to go, I was running out of 3 to pick up my daughter from her childcare centre. I arrived at the day care wet through. 4 I was glad to be only a few minutes late. Now I could face the 5 problem. There were no buses and I couldnt afford a 6 . Home was too far to 7 in the rain with a young child and it was getting dark. We stood outside the childcare centre staring at the rain pouring down with no 8 of stopping. I just barely noticed 9 parent pull up and race inside to 10 his child ten minutes later. I did not recognize him.Having recently gone through an unpleasant 11 , I was a single mother with no family and no close friends I could 12 in Canada. I had to do something; we could not stand on the steps all night. I had to get us somewhere 13 some protection. Suddenly there came a 14 from behind, “How far are you going?”I 15 to face the parent whod arrived late. I could hardly believe that there was a chance of a 16 and I told him where I lived. He then 17 offered to take us,saying “Im going that way.” I nervously informed him that I was very 18 . But he didnt seem to mind, and was 19 happy to do us a favour.To this day I am still grateful, for we were in trouble 20 the kindness of this stranger.1、Amain Bcommon Cnormal Dordinary2、Alight Bthunder Cflood Dwind3、Amoney Btime Ccourage Dstrength4、Afor Bso Cor Dbut5、Aentire Bprevious Coriginal Dnext6、Ataxi Bticket Cphone Dbicycle7、Amove Bwalk Chead Dleave8、Asign Bsymbol Csignal Dmark9、Athat Beither Canother Deach10、Aadopt Bcollect Cfind Dgather11、Aplace Bmarriage Catmosphere Dtrip12、Acall Bmake Cmeet Dbelieve13、Awith Bfrom Cto Dunder14、Awhisper Bscream Cvoice Dyell15、Aturned around Blooked up Cwent over Dcame around16、Arescue Breturn Csurprise Dlift17、Acasually Beasily Cexcitedly Dthoughtfully18、Atired Bgrateful Chappy Dwet19、Abriefly Bcommonly Chardly Dsimply20、Aregardless of Binstead of Cbut for Dexcept forSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1The pills we take to treat anxiety may affect the behavior of fish, new research in the journal Science suggests.Swedish researchers found a common drug in rivers downstream of wastewater treatment plants. It is a drug for treating anxiety, called oxazepam. It is accumulating in fish and makes them bolder. Wastewater treatment plants are not designed to get rid of drugs. As a result, the drugs end up in wildlife, reaching harmful levels.“Its something we dont think about very often, but there are a lot of similarities between fish and humans. So some of our responses to drugs can be seen in fish as well,” said Karen Kidd. She is a biologist at the University of New Brunswick, Canada. The mood-altering drugs get into waterways when people taking the prescriptions throw unused pills into the waste stream.The researchers let perch(鲈鱼)swim in lab tanks with concentrations similar to those found downstream from wastewater treatment plants. “The perch preferred to swim alone rather than in large groups. They were more likely to explore their environment,” said Micael Jonsson of Umeå University in Sweden, who helped lead the research.Jonsson said, “This adventurous behavior required more energy. And they ate more plankton(浮游生物), or tiny algae-eating animals, to guarantee enough energy for their activities. This could reduce the population of plankton.” The result could be more algae(水藻). On the other hand, the new behavior could lead to the opposite effect. If perch make themselves closer to their natural enemies, they are likely to be eaten by them.None of the scientists is suggesting that people should give up these drugs. They just want to reduce the effects of the medicines on the environment. They recommend wastewater treatment plants should be redesigned to get rid of these medicines. But Kidd said that would be too expensive for some communities.Bryan Brooks, director of the Environmental Health Science Program at Baylor University, said drugs could also be designed to break down more quickly in the environment. And the government could continue to run recycling programs where p


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