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考研英语一新晃侗族自治县2023年高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)It was on a summer burning afternoon in DenverThe sky was blue and the wind was blowing slightlyA man from a big 1 with a new wagon (马车) and a beautiful pair of horses was 2 along a country roadHe did not 3 much attention to 4 he was goingPretty soon he realized that he was 5 but he continued to drive, 6 to find his way or to meet someone who could tell him how to 7 to the townIt was a long 8 roadFor several hours he kept on driving 9 t was almost dark, he saw in a cornfield a tall farmer plowing (犁) the landHe stopped his 10 team of horses near the fence and called out, "Hello, farmer""Hello, yourself" the farmer replied, 11 plowing"Where does this 12 go ?""I haven't ever seen it go anywhereIt always 13 right where it is " , said the farmer, without stopping his work"How far is it 14 the next town?" said the stranger, speaking a little louder"Don't know, never 15 it " replied the farmerBy this time the city man was getting 16 , "What do you know? You're the biggest 17 I ever saw"The farmer 18 the plow and turned and looked for a long time at the city manThen he said scornfully (轻蔑地) , "Maybe I don't know much 19 I am a foolBut 20 I'm not lost!"1、AenterpriseBcityCfarmDcompany2、AdrivingBexploringCescapingDresting3、AfixBgiveCrecommendDprovide4、AwhichBthatCwhereDwhat5、AgoneBmissingClostDdiscouraged6、AmanagingBexpectingCrefusingDforgetting7、Atake backBbring backClook backDget back8、AlonelyBbusyCcrowdedDproper9、AIfBAfterCWhenDThough10、AtiredBexitedCboredDdisappointed11、AalreadyBstillCthusDmerely12、AhorseBtownCfieldDroad13、AtrainsBlivesCstaysDstands14、AinBtoCinsideDfrom15、AbuiltBimaginedCoverlookedDmeasured16、AannoyedBridiculousCconcernedDcontent17、AfarmerBbusinessmanCfoolDdriver18、AundertookBcontinuedCbeganDstopped19、APerhapsBLuckilyCExactlyDIndeed20、Ain turnBat leastCsooner or laterDat mostSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 A thrilling polar competition between two adventurers to cross Antarctica alone, unsupported and unassisted had a happy ending with both explorers achieving the unprecedented feat (功绩). American professional athlete Colin OBrady and British Army Captain Louis Rudd set off a mile apart at the same time on November 3, 2018, from the Atlantic coast with the aim to become the first person to ski across the remote continent alone.Louis Rudd maintained the lead at first. However, OBrady caught up with Rudd on November10 and never let the British man get close to him again. OBrady was the first to conquer the 930 mile icy land, arriving at the Ross Ice Shelf on the Pacific coast by way of the South Pole on December 26, 2018. The 33-year-old spent 54 days skiing the worlds coldest continent while pulling a 300-pound sled(雪橇) with supplies.Instead of leaving the harsh environment after completing the historic adventure, the explorer set up a tent on the worlds largest ice sheet and waited patiently for Rudd to complete the great undertaking. On December 29, just three days after OBrady arrived, the British explorer finished his adventure, becoming the worlds second person to complete the solo crossing of the frozen continent.Rudd was not disappointed at being second since he never considered it to be a “race”. Besides, the 49-year-old British Army Captain had a more selfless motive for attempting the feat. He was doing it in memory of his friend Henry Worsley, who had introduced him to polar exploration. The disaster happened while Worsley was trying to cross the continent alone in 2016. Rudd said, "I didnt want to get drawn into a race. All that mattered to me was that I completed it, and that I skied solo and unsupported, carrying the flag with Henrys name on it.”After spending a few days camping 10 feet away from each other, the two adventurers were picked up by a helicopter to the South Pole scientific research station.1、What do Colin OBrady and Louis Rudd have in common?AThey became the first explorers to cross Antarctica alone, unaided.BThey became the first adventurers to ski across Antarctica.CThis is the first time that they have arrived at the South pole.DThey crossed Antarctica in honor of their friend Henry Worsley.2、What do you know about the first leg(第一段賽程) of the race?AOBrady skied along with Louis Rudd side by side.BOBrady's sled with food supplies broke down.CLouis Rudd lost the tag


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