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考研英语一遂川县2023年预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中(A、B、C和D),选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A homeless man walked up to me and asked me for some small change, “ Ill give you a quarter if you tell me your story,” I said. He laughed, “Youll give me a quarter for my story? I laid the 1 in front of him and 2 myself “No, heres the quarter but it would be nice to hear your story.” Seeing him lost in 3 , I sat down next to him and 4 “ I was once a sniper(狙击兵)in the army.” he said. “ I was 5 to shoot down the enemy from the distance.” I listened attentively. He told me how he 6 to hunt with his family. He had his own way of 7 animals by not killing more than be needed. When the 8 came knocking on his door, he felt 9 and joined up. All those years of developing his hunting skills could now serve a larger 10 to defend us from the bad guys. He set out to 11 at the front .“ I was a sniper but I never really killed anyone.” he continued. “One day they asked me to 12 a lady from the distance. I saw the kids ne her and my hands were on the trigger(扳机). But I couldnt 13 it. She wasnt doing anything to an and she was 14 the kids.The story went on as he described 15 being put into prison for 180 days for 16 to follow orders. “ I have no 17 ,” he said. “ I may be homeless now, 18 I never killed that lady.” He continued, “ I can 19 being homeless, but I wouldnt be able to stand killing innocent people.”I met a hero. It just never 20 to me that a hero could be a smelly old sniper.1、AnoteBcoinCdollarDwallet2、AblamedBremindedCcorrectedDadded3、AargumentBactionCconsiderationDthought4、AwhisperedBnoddedCsighedDwaited5、AdemandedBsupposedCremindedDdetermined6、AdesiredBwishedCfailedDused7、AtrackingBraisingCtrainingDrespecting8、AarmyBministerCcommanderDcompany9、AannoyedBproudCastonishedDconfused10、AgroupBbusinessCpurposeDresult11、AserveBhuntCaimDsurvive12、AmurderBfightCshootDarrest13、AremainBfireCmakeDdecide14、AbesidesBalongCinsideDamong15、AgraduallyBeventuallyCdeliberatelyDdesperately16、AmanagingBfailingChesitatingDforgetting17、AideasBattemptsCregretsDfeelings18、AhoweverBotherwiseCbutDunless19、Awork outBmeet withClive withDget through20、AhappenedBseemedCstruckDoccurredSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1World records can be set even if you are over 100 years old.Robert Marchand was born in 1911 in northern France. He enjoys riding a bicycle, and started cycling seriously when he was in his 60s. Marchand is now 105 years old.On Wednesday, a crowd gathered at the Velodrome National, about 30 kilometers outside of Paris. They were there to see how far he could travel in one hour.The record for one hour is held by Britains Bradley Wiggins, a former Tour de France winner. Wiggins covered 54.5 kilometers in 2015. Evelyn Stevens of the United States holds the womens record. She went almost 48 kilometers in an hour last year.In 2012, Marchand set a record for riders over 100 years old when he traveled almost 27 kilometers in an hour. So the question many people asked this week was: “Could he break his own record?” Marchand set off on his record attempt as sports lovers cheered and photographers watched. He moved slowly but steadily around the cycling track.Marchand is relatively small. He is only 1.52 meters tall and weighs 52 kilograms. When the hour ended, he completed 92 times around the track. That is just over 22.5 kilometers.After the event, Marchand said he could have done better. He did not see his trainers telling him he only had 10 minutes remaining. “I would have gone faster. I would have posted a better time,” he said.But the news was still good, as he did set a new record for riders 105-years-old or older. “Im now waiting for a rival (对手),” he said.1、The main purpose of the first paragraph is to tell readers .Aan unbelievable factBbring in the topic of the textCany per son can set a world recordDsetting a world record is not so difficult as people think2、Which word can best describe the feeling of Marchand just after the event?ATired BProudCRegretful DDepressed3、Which of the following statements is NOT true?ABradley Wiggins set the cycling record in 2015BRobert Marchand is the record holder of cycling over 100 years oldCThe womens record of cycling record was set by Evelyn Stevens in 2016DThough Marchand didnt perform as well as before, he still set a record of cyc


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