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英山县2023年考研英语一临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后面各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Beingaphysicianwhofliesmuchoften,alotofmytimeisspentonplaneslisteningforthatfearful“Isthereadoctoronboard?”announcement.Ivebeen 1 onlyonce-forawomanwhohadmerelyfainted(昏厥).Butthe 2 mademequitecuriousabouthow 3 thiskindofthinghappens.IwonderedwhatIwoulddoif 4 witharealmid-airmedicalemergency-withoutaccess 5 ahospitalstaffandtheusualemergencyequipment.So 6 theNewEnglandJournalofMedicinelastweek 7 astudyaboutin-flightmedicalevents,Ireaditwith 8 .Thestudyestimatedthattherearea(n) 9 ofthirtyin-flightmedicalemergenciesonU.S.flightseveryday.Mostofthemarenot 10 ;faintinganddizzinessarethemostfrequentcomplaints. 11 13%ofthem-roughlyfouraday-areseriousenoughto 12 apilottochangecourse.Themostcommonoftheseriousemergencies 13 hearttrouble,strokes,anddifficultbreathing.Letsfaceit:planeridesare 14 .Forstarters,cabinpressuresathighaltitudesaresetatroughly 15 theywouldbeifyoulivedat5,000to8,000feetabovesealevel.Mostpeoplecantoleratethesepressurespretty 16 ,butpassengerswithheartdisease 17 experiencechestpainsasaresultofthereducedamountofoxygenflowingthroughtheirblood. 18 commonin-flightproblemisdeepvenousthrombosis(静脉血栓)-theso-calledeconomyclasssyndrome. 19 happens,dontpanic.Thingsaregettingbetteronthein-flight-emergencyfront.Thankstomorerecentlaws,flightswithat 20 oneattendantarestartingtoinstall(安装)emergencymedicalequipmenttotreatheartattacks.1、AaddressedBcalledCinformedDsurveyed2、AaffairBconditionCincidentDdisaster3、AsoonBlongCoftenDmany4、AprovidedBtreatedCidentifiedDfaced5、AtoBforCbyDthrough6、AbeforeBsinceCwhileDwhen7、AcollectedBpublishedCdiscoveredDconducted8、ApatienceBjoyCinterestDsorrow9、AaverageBamountCsumDnumber10、AsignificantBseriousCcommonDheavy11、AForBOrCSoDBut12、AinspireBrequireCengageDcommand13、AcontainBshowCimplyDinclude14、AenjoyableBstimulatingCstressfulDboring15、Awho B.whichCwhatDthat16、AhardBunwillinglyChappilyDeasily17、AmayBoughttoCusedtoDneed18、AAnyBAnotherCOtherDOne19、AWhereverBWhicheverCWheneverDWhatever20、AleastBworstCmostDBestSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Anger itself is neither good nor bad. Its what we do when were angry that matters. Anger is a tool that helps us to read and respond to the social situations that bother us. But how can we keep it under control?Its normal to think that getting angry is bad and many times we punish ourselves for doing so. But contrary to popular belief, research indicates that anger increases optimism, creativity and efficiency. In addition, studies suggest that anger can lead to more successful negotiations at work, as well as in our personal lives.In fact, suppressing(抑制)anger can be very bad for your health. In this sense, Dr. Ernest Harburg performed a study by monitoring a group of adults and their capacity(最大容量)for anger. What he found is that the men and women who suppressed their anger as a response to an unfair attack had a higher risk of developing bronchitis or suffering from heart attacks , and were more likely to die before their colleagues who let their anger surface when they felt bothered.When anger arises, we feel the need to either prevent or put an end to this powerful feeling for the benefit of our welfare or the welfare of those we care about. But this act of kindness, mercy, love or justice isnt beneficial in this way. However, its certainly a good thing to be cautious when anger begins to surface. Expressing your anger can be appropriate with certain people at certain times. The question lies in how to do it without losing control. The key to expressing your anger is finding the appropriate tone for expressing what it is that upsets you. But to avoid unnecessary shouting, hitting, or other violent reactions, its worth taking a moment to step back and think, even though we may be in the middle of an argument with someone.1、What do people generally think of anger?AIt is an important tool. BIt is a bad feeling state.CIt increases our happiness. DIt helps in social situations.2、What does Dr. Emest Harburgs study imply about anger?AIt needs a way out. BIt should be avoided.CIt can cause sudden death. DIt must be kept under control.3、What does the author suggest we do when were angry?AFind out its cause. BPretend to ignore it.CReact to it violently. DExpress it reasonably.4、Which of the following can be the best title


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