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考研英语一都昌县2023年预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Id like to take you back about seven years in my life.  I was called into a meeting that was already in 1 . That meeting turned out to be my exit interview. I was 2 , along with several others. I was 64 years old at the time.  I signed a stack of papers, gathered my 3 belongings, and left to join my wife who was waiting for me at a nearby 4 , completely unaware. Fast-forward several hours, we both got really silly drunk.So, 40 plus years of continuous 5 for a variety of companies was over. I thought Id be just 6 . I was an engineer in manufacturing and packaging.  Retirement was, like for so many people,  7 not an option for me.And then an idea began to 8 root, born from my concern for our 9 . I wanted to 10 my own business, designing, manufacturing green packaging from waste and 11 the toxic, disposable plastic packaging to which weve all become 12 . This is called clean technology, and it 13 really meaningful to me. A venture that could help to reduce the billions of pounds of single-use plastic 14 dumped each year.And so now at age 66, with 40 years of 15 , I became an entrepreneur for the very first time. However, there are lots of issues to 16 for a start-up, but hardly 17 for me. But five years later, Im proud to 18 with you that we have no debt, and our patent was 19 , with 20 awards for the work that weve done. But 20 , weve made a small dent(进展) in the worldwide plastic pollution crisis.1、AprogressBplaceCorderDcharge2、AfiredBpromotedCblamedDnoticed3、AvaluableBpersonalCsingleDactual4、AhospitalBschoolCfactoryDrestaurant5、ApaymentBimprovementCemploymentDdesign6、AstressedBterribleCfineDupset7、AhighlyBequallyCpossiblyDsimply8、AtakeBshapeCcoverDappear9、AoccupationBenvironmentChealthDneighbour10、AenlargeBbuildCmanageDabandon11、ArecyclingBreplacingCproducingDcollecting12、AdevotedBaccustomedCannoyedDaddicted13、AsoundedBtastedCfeltDsmelled14、ApackagingBbottlesCsurgeryDmaterials15、AhistoryBpracticeCexperienceDdevelopment16、Areply toBfigure outCtalk throughDdeal with17、AsmoothBpossibleCtypicalDinteresting18、AconsultBshareCcompareDcommunicate19、AapprovedBmadeCrecognizedDdiscovered20、Ain briefBon the other handCin consequenceDbest of allSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1We Brits love the idea of a real Christmas treebut not so many of us like the realities of dragging a 7ft Norway Spruce through the house and leaving needles all over the place.If you count yourself among the reluctant group,then it may be time to go fake (假白勺).After all, buying an artificial Christmas tree needn, t mean accepting defeat. ThereJ s a huge range of options and sizes, including pre-lit trees, which will save you the frustration of trying to string your own lights.Another big bonus of choosing an artificial Christmas tree is cost : artificial trees can last for decades, so they work out cheaper than paying for a real tree every year. Like now retailers (零售商)are offering great deals at the moment: at Tesco, there J s 25 percent off artificial Christmas trees. Meanwhile, you can take advantage of the current 3 for 2 offer at Argos to fill your house with not one, not two, but three. You may perhaps partner up with friends who are also looking to invest.Of course, keep your tree for years and years and it will start to pay you back in terms of carbon footprint; however,a “real” one will always have to be transported,used and dealt with every year.Are there any downsides? Yes. You might think you, re saving the planet, but a fake tree is actually not an environmentally friendly option. Most are made in factories in Asia, resulting in some serious air miles to reach the UK. They re made from metal and plastic,and many end their lives in landfill.Another problem with a fake tree is that they don' t look very naturaland of course you won t get that lovely pine smell either. You 11 also need to find space for storage.1、What does the underlined word “reluctant” in paragraph 2 probably mean?APassive. BRelated.CUnwilling. DSupportive.2、Which is the benefit of buying an artificial Christmas tree?AAbundant choices. BThe lovely pine smell.CCheaper than a real one. DFree for transportation.3、What can we learn from the passage?AFake Christmas trees are environmentally friendly.BBritish people like to drag a real Christmas tree home.


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