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重庆市巴南区2023年考研英语一临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)One day I was doing a big clean-up when I 1 a knotted handkerchief with an old dark brown coin inside. I took one look and immediately 2 an unforgettable time.In 1991, I spent five months in Niger, with sandstorms and great heat. Its 3 and beggars were my biggest and most constant complaint. Street beggars would continually reach out their hands, shouting “Gift! Gift!”One day, I 4 for neighboring Burking to work in a health clinic.Arriving by taxi at our destination in Burkina, we began to 5 In darkness, a motorbike with two men approached slowly. Without any 6 , one of them grabbed my pack as the motorbike swept close by. Within seconds, the two were out of sight, 7 up by the night.The bag had my passport, money, travelers cheques, a camera, an airline ticket and other things 8 to me. I was in deep trouble.In the weeks that followed, I 9 guarded the rest of my valuables and regarded all 10 with suspicion. All I wanted was to leave this place.Then, walking through Burkinas streets, I met with an old woman. “Gift! Gift!” she cried. Id had enough. I was 11 of the country: its poverty(贫困), its thieves, the heat, and the dust. I told her angrily, “A thief stole all my money and now I cant 12 out of your country. I cannot give you anything.”The woman beggar listened attentively and 13 my words. Then she reached 14 the folds of her dress.“Then I will give you a gift,” she announced. Kindly, she placed an old, dark brown coin in my hand. I looked at it in 15 It was a very small amount of money, but for this woman, the coin 16 a meal. At that moment, I felt a shame. In spit of her 17 , she was able to give me something priceless.I saw then the 18 beauty of the people of Burkina, and appreciated deeply the quiet 19 of the poor. With the old womans gift, I hope never to part with the coin she gave me. With one small coin, she 20 my concept completely.1、Acared aboutBcame acrossClooked forDfocused upon2、ApresentedBgaveCrecalledDreminded3、AtrafficBdustCnoiseDclimate4、AheadedBstruggledCstoodDcame5、AmoveBunloadChideDpass6、AwarningBplanningCthinkingDarranging7、AhungBputCswallowedDcleared8、AobviousBexpensiveCfamiliarDprecious9、AelegantlyBcautiouslyCdependentlyDfrequently10、AlocalsBthievesCbeggarsDmen11、AproudBconsciousCsickDaware12、AgetBrunCcomeDrush13、Aattended toBlooked upCthought aboutDwrote down14、AforBintoCoutDat15、AorderBvainCserveDshock16、AmeantBmadeCdeservedDsuggested17、AdirtinessBpovertyCkindnessDsafety18、AupdatedBunfoldedCbrokenDunexpected19、AmomentBactionCdignity(尊严)Dlife20、AchangedBdamagedCfoundDacceptedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1It's comforting to think if you were somehow swallowed by a whale, you'd simply hang out in his stomach until he eventually spat you out, unharmed and whole. Unfortunately, your chance of ending up in this type of situation is pretty low.In 2012 reporter Ben Shattuck read the records at the New Bedford Whaling Museum Research Library. Despite his extensive research at one of the most comprehensive whaling archives(档案), he failed to find a single report of anyone ever being swallowed alive by a whale. He found plenty of reports of whalers who were bitten or injured by the creatures, and several who died after fighting with a whale, but none related to swallowing.With whales' large mouths, it certainly seems possible that a whale could swallow someone whole, so why is it so unlikely? Baleen whales, or whales without teeth, are some of the largest creatures on the planet. Despite their massive size, baleen whales could never get you into their bellies thanks to their relatively small esophagus(食道). These whales are designed to eat small sea creatures, and the opening in their throat is only about as large as a baske tball, so you'd never make it that far.But what about toothed whales? Sperm whales eat whole seals, so you could easily fit down their throats and into their stomachs. However, once you reached the first of the sperm whale's four stomachs, your journey would probably end quickly. Not only would the whale's stomach acid make quick work of you, but you'd experience a distinct lack of air on the inside. Actually, you're more likely to get eaten or injured as you try to make it past the sperm whale's sharp teeth. Plenty of whalers, have fought with sperm whales and lost their hands or lives due to these mean teeth.1、What di


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