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黄石市大冶市2023年考研英语一模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Long long ago, a circle missed one piece of its own. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its 1 piece. But because it was 2 and therefore could roll only very slowly, it 3 the flowers along the way. It 4 with the worms. It enjoyed the sunshine. It found lots of different pieces, but 5 of them fitted. So it left them all by the side of the road and 6 searching. Then one day the circle found a piece that fitted 7 It incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll. 8 it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, 9 fast to notice the flowers or talk to the worms. After it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly, it 10 , left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.The 11 of the story, I suggest, is that in some strange 12 we are more whole when we are missing something. The man who has 13 is in some ways a poor man. He will never know what it 14 like to nourish his soul with the dream of something 15 When we accept that 16 is part of being human and when we can continue rolling 17 life and appreciate it, we will have 18 a wholeness that others can only desire, which , I believe, is 19 God asks of us not “Be perfect”, not “Dont even make a mistake”, 20 “Be whole”.1、AotherBmissingCrestDremaining2、AincompleteBuglyCordinaryDunusual3、ApickedBwateredCadmiredDplanted4、AplayedBchattedCsangDdanced5、AneitherBeachCallDnone6、Acarried outBput onCworked outDkept on7、AespeciallyBpermanentlyCperfectlyDconstantly8、AAlthoughBNow thatCUnlessDAs long as9、AveryBtooCsoDhow10、AstoppedBcontinuedChesitatedDcried11、AlessonBrootCreasonDcause12、AdegreeBlevelCsenseDmanner13、AnothingBsomethingClittleDeverything14、AsmellsBfeelsClooksDsounds15、AbetterBcommonCimpracticalDworse16、AstrengthBkindnessCimperfectionDbenefit17、AbehindBatCofDthrough18、ArecognizedBsearchedCachievedDfounded19、AwhichBhowCthatDwhat20、AbutBwhileCandDotherwiseSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Dont put it off, do it now!Why do we spend so much time not doing the work we should do, or putting off small jobs that have piled up to create a big problem? Procrastinating, as putting things off like this is called, is in our character we have naturally since birth; we avoid dull or difficult jobs until its too late to do anything else.“We often put things off although we know it will make life more stressful,” says Dr. Steel, an authority on the science of motivation. “If these tasks were fun, wed just do them now. We put off what is difficult or unpleasant, such as the paperwork that needs doing before leaving the office or cleaning the bits of your home that people cant see. But the fact is, the less people procrastinate, the more money they have, the better relationships they have, and the healthier they are.” This is obvious when you look at the couples who dont argue about whether anyone has cleaned the kitchen, and the people who simply go for a run instead of endlessly rescheduling it in their heads.Of course, there are the rest of us, who feel the small jobs piling up around us daily. “Weve evolved to respond to the moment, and not to set our sights too far in an uncertain world,” Dr. Steel adds. “We are not set up to appreciate long-term rewards, whether its the benefit of a four-year degree, doing exercise or dieting. We usually feel the cost now and the reward comes much later.” According to Dr. Steel, we have two decision-making systems. They are the limbic, which is responsible for the short term, and the prefrontal cortex, which deals with the future. We bounce between long-term goals and short-term temptations, so we need goals that will translate our plans for the limbic system.Lets take the example of students writing essays. They should set themselves targets and word counts per day. These are thus turned from seemingly endless tasks into something concrete with measured progress. Dr. Steel recommends such techniques, or “pre-commitments”, adding that leaving you a month before the “deadline” makes it more likely a task will be completed. The benefit is that youll avoid the embarrassment of not following up on something people are expecting you to dotelling everyone you are going to take up jogging makes you more likely to do so.Overcoming procrastination finally comes down to planning, which, if youre not careful, becomes procras


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