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考研英语一湖北省武汉市青山区2023年全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完形填空This morning,I arrived at my office earlier to catch up on some emails.On the way to 1 ,I couldnt 2 it when I saw some beautiful flowers at the grocery store.I picked some up, 3 a few chocolate bars.With the office so empty,I decided to take the 4 to put the chocolate bars on some desks.I started heading towards areas 5 no one had come yet.I 6 one and a smile card on the CEOs desk.And then I went to his 7 desk and placed one there,and quickly put a third one on the desk of a quiet gentleman.Later,I entered the kitchen, 8 two cups of water and walked into the 9 I took out the flowers from my bag and 10 them in two bunches,one in each cup.With a little sigh of 11 ,I stepped out of the rest room and looked around.The office was still 12 empty and the people closest to me were 13 with a Monday morning “How was your weekend?” 14 I 15 and went back to my desk.It struck me that my housemate who had packed my lunch for me so 16 today snuck(偷偷地给) a chocolate bar in there,so I 17 place it on the desk of our receptionist to complete the circle as I headed out of the office this evening.Our receptionist is always the first person in the office,and she always 18 me with a smile when I come in.Maybe tomorrow morning,this 19 can greet her.I have no 20 how they feel when receiving the gifts,but they will surely smile!1、AworkBjobCcompanyDbusiness2、AstopBhelpCgetDafford3、Aregardless ofBalong withCexcept forDinstead of4、AadventureBauthorityCpossibilityDopportunity5、AwhenBbecauseCthoughDwhere6、AchoseBplacedCdeliveredDcarried7、AwifesBmanagersCassistantsDdirectors8、AdiscoveredBorderedCfilledDemptied9、Arest roomBmeeting roomCsmoking areaDoffice room10、AappliedBadjustedCarrangedDattached11、AregretBconcernCreliefDexcitement12、AespeciallyBthoroughlyCtotallyDpretty13、AconcernedBaccustomedClimitedDoccupied14、AconversationBcongratulationCconsiderationDcondition15、AamazedBsmiledCdelightedDcelebrated16、AsweetlyBobviouslyCwildlyDfortunately17、AneedBcouldCmustDdare18、AwavesBnodsCgreetsDmeets19、AgiftBperformanceCflowerDmethod20、AopinionBpointCviewDideaSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Resume (简历) writing is a skill, but not everyone is born with it. Fortunately, on , you will find free resume samples for different job needs Apart from giving you ready-made samples for the various posts; we also provide information and tips on how to write a particular job resume so that you can draft your copy on your own.By providing you with career tips and job information along with samples of resumes and application letters, we have made an attempt to make you an effective Writer, who can comfortably write his job summary, skills and experience in the most appealing way. You may be an Accountant, Fashion Designer, Doctor or any other imaginable professional, and our writing team has made sure that you have a resume that is tailor-made just for you.Every job has different requirements, and that makes every resume different. If you are looking for a sample for a specific job, see the categories and click on the particular section to view the examples for management, nursing, sales, medical, lawyer, and others. Remember that correct and effective resume is the key to getting the interview call.Writing a great resume is far from following specific rules and advice you hear from others. Some common beliefs like, it should just be a page long, are misleading. Resume is a tool to sell your skills to the potential employer. Thus, it should be appropriate to the post applied for. Use the samples provided here to describe your skills, personality, and experience effectively. Let your creativity flow through you to make your summary of personal and professional history look unique. If you attach a brief application letter along with it, you can have yet another great selling point up your sleeve!Since a resume has the power to make or break your chances of earning an interview call, you probably would have a lot of questions in your mind. To ease out the tension and answer all the questions, we have listed a list of FAQs, which are sure to make your life easier.1、Which of the following can help you get a job interview according to the text?APrevious working experiences.BAn appealing resume.CYour communication skills.DYour creativity and personality2、What do you have to do w


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