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考研英语一湖北省武汉市黄陂区2023年高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A few years ago, an elderly woman entered my video store, along with her daughter. The daughter was displaying a serious case of  1   ,   2   her watch every few seconds. If she had possessed a leash(绳子), her mother would have been   3   to it as a means of pulling her along to  4   the rush of other shoppers.I   5   and asked if I could help her find something. The woman smiled up at me and showed me a  6   on a piece of paper.   7   rushing off to find the DVD for the woman, I asked her to  walk with me   8   I could show her where she could find it and I want to enjoy her   9  for a moment. As we walked along the back of the store, I  10  its floor plan: old television shows, action movies, cartoons, science fiction. The woman seemed glad of the unrushed  “trip” and  11   conversation.I said to her daughter, “  12   some advice?” “Of course not,” said the daughter. “ 13    her ,” I said. “When she's gone, it's the little  14   that will come back to you. Times like this. I know.” It was   15  . I still missed my mom and remembered the times when I'd used my impatience to make her   16  .Together they made their way toward the store's resting area. They sat there for a moment, side by side,   17   the holiday crowds. Then the daughter  18    and immediately regarded her mother lovingly. And slowly she placed her arm with   19   unaccustomed affection around her mother's shoulders and   20   guided her back into the crowd.1、Awarmth Bstrictness Cimpatience Ddepression2、Afixing Bchecking Cadjusting Dwinding3、Aaccustomed Bfastened Capplied Dstuck4、Akeep step with Bget away from Ckeep off Descape from5、Ajumped over Bwalked over Csat still Dlined up6、Areceipt Btitle Ctheme Dsubject7、ARather than BApart from CAfraid of DWorrying about8、Abecause Bthough Cso Dunless9、Atime Bstay Ccompany Dconversation10、Achanged Bdescribed Cupdated Dignored11、Aserious Bmeaningless Crough Dcasual12、AOffer BMind CTake DHave13、AForgive BSeize CFollow DCherish14、Achances Bfeelings Cmoments Dpresents15、Atrue Bimpossible Cunusual Drare16、Adifferent Bpuzzled Cupset Dcritical17、Aexpecting Bobserving Capproaching Dblaming18、Aglanced over Blooked down Cwatched out Dset out19、Asuddenly Bgradually Capparently Dbasically20、Asmoothly Bgently Cwisely DhurriedlySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1By trying to tickle(挠痒痒) rats and recording how their nerve cells respond, Shimpei Ishiyama and his adviser are discovering a mystery that has puzzled thinkers since Aristotle expected that humans, given their thin skin and unique ability to laugh, were the only ticklish animals.It turns out that Aristotle was wrong. In their study published on Thursday, Ishiyama and his adviser Michael Brecht found that rats squeaked and jumped with pleasure when tickled on their backs and bellies. These signs of joy changed according to their moods. And for the first time, they discovered a special group of nerve cells. These nerve cells made this feeling so powerful that it causes an individual being tickled to lose control.To make sure that he had indeed found a place in the brain where tickling was processed, Ishiyama then stimulated(刺激) that area with electrical currents. The rats began to jump like rabbits and sing like birds.“Its truly ground-breaking,” said Jeffrey Burgdorf, a neuroscientist at Northwestern University who reviewed the paper. “It takes the study of emotion to a new level.”Burgdorf has played a central role in our understanding of animal tickling. He was part of a team that first noticed, in the late 1990s, that rats made special noises when they were experiencing social pleasure. Others had already noted that rats repeatedly made short and high sounds during meals. But the lab where Burgdorf worked noticed that they emitted similar sounds while playing. And so one day, the senior scientist in the lab said, “Lets go and tickle some rats.” They quickly found that those cries of pleasure doubled.“The authors have been very adventurous,” said Daniel OConnor, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins University who studies touch. To him, that finding was very surprising.“Why does the world literally feel different when you are stressed out?” he said. “This is the first step towards answering that q


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