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考研英语一珠海市香洲区2023年考前冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) I always remember one Christmas when we 1 outside of town. My older brother had a job in a different city 2 he always made it home to celebrate the holidays. During the few days before Christmas Day, we 3 a violent snowstorm with powerful winds. It was so 4 that the country road was almost impassable.The day before Christmas was more 5 than I had ever imagined. My older brother was stuck at a strangers home where he had been 6 to stay overnight because of the storm. The person was 7 enough to let him stay until morning. But, the 8 was that he couldnt get his car to start and there was no assistance available.So, my dad and I 9 . We were lucky enough to make it to where my brother was 10 . After his car warmed up, he thought it much 11 to head back to his place rather than try and make it home for Christmas. So we headed in 12 directions.The drive back got even worse. We got stuck in a huge snowdrift. A(n) 13 had to be made. We placed a shovel(铲子) about ten feet behind the car to 14 anyone else that there was an obstruction(障碍物) ahead.We left the cars in the 15 , wrapped(包裹) blankets around our heads and 16 on top of the snowdrifts. We made it about a mile up the road to a neighbors farmhouse where we 17 for the next mile walk home. We all made it 18 home that night.Christmas was very 19 that year. It didnt matter if there were 20 or not under the tree the next morning. We each got our giftthe gift of life, home with our family safe and sound. What better gift is there? None.1、AhidBlivedCrelaxedDwaited2、AorBsoCbutDsince3、ApredictedBdiscoveredCrememberedDexperienced4、AbadBuniqueCcoldDquiet5、ApopularBenjoyableCimportantDmemorable6、AorderedBforcedCinvitedDrefused7、AkindBstrictCsmartDcurious8、AfactBresultCproblemDmessage9、Agave inBset outCmoved onDturned back10、AworkingBwaitingCsleepingDstudying11、AwiserBcrazierCmore dangerousDmore interesting12、AdesiredBexpectedCoppositeDforward13、AexcuseBpromiseCchangeDdecision14、AcallBwarnCcriticizeDpersuade15、AsnowBgarageCchurchDbackyard16、AdancedBdroveCwalkedDstayed17、Awoke upBgot outClooked outDwarmed up18、AsafelyBregularlyCsuddenlyDproudly19、AbusyBstrangeCspecialDtraditional20、ArewardsBmealsCleavesDgiftsSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 For centuries, medical pioneers have refined a variety of methods and medicines to treat sickness, injury, and disability, enabling people to live longer and healthier lives.“A salamander (a small lizard-like animal) can grow back its leg. Why can't a human do the same?” asked Peruvian-born surgeon Dr. Anthony Atala in a recent interview. The question, a reference to work aiming to grow new limbs for wounded soldiers, captures the inventive spirit of regenerative medicine. This innovative field seeks to provide patients with replacement body parts.These parts are not made of steel; they are the real things - living cells, tissue, and even organs.Regenerative medicine is still mostly experimental, with clinical applications limited to procedures such as growing sheets of skin on burns and wounds. One of its most significant advances took place in 499,when a research group at North Carolinas Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine conducted a successful organ replacement with a laboratory-grown bladder. Since then, the team, led by Dr. Atala, has continued to generate a variety of other tissues and organsfrom kidneys to ears.The field of regenerative medicine builds on work conducted in the early twentieth century with the first successful transplants of donated human soft tissue and bone. However, donor organs are not always the best option. First of all, they are in short supply, and many people die while waiting for an available organ; in the United States alone, more than 100,000 people are waiting for organ transplants. Secondly, a patients body may ultimately reject the transplanted donor organ. An advantage of regenerative medicine is that the tissues are grown from a patients own cells and will not be rejected by the bodys immune system.Today, several labs are working to create bioartificial body parts. Scientists at Columbia and Yale Universities have grown a jawbone and a lung. At the University of Minnesota, Doris Taylor has created a beating bioartificial rat heart. Dr. Atalas medical team has reported long-term success wi


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