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考研英语一洛阳市西工区2023年预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) I will never forget one summer in my childhood. While walking in the attic (阁楼), I stepped on something and 1 down, with my hand landing on a floorboard that popped up and almost hit me in the head. When I 2 and looked inside the open space, I could not believe my eyes: There was gold in there! I 3 a handful of shining gold cubes, an to the bottom stair and 4 ,” Mama. I found gold up here under the floor!”Back up the stairs I dashed. 5 my brothers almost knocked me back down as they ran right by me. When Mama opened the door and 6 her head m, she 7 said, “Honey, thats insulation (隔热材料). Now put it all back.”I felt really disappointed. I had thought I made a real 8 .When I 9 inside to put the fake gold back, my hand touched what felt like a book. I pulled it out. It was old and small: Bartletts Familiar Quotations, which Id never heard of. And 10 I was bored, I decided to see what was inside this little book. To my 11 , it was a book of passages, phrases, and proverbs and I could tell that this was going to be 12 .So I spent quite much time on it and found 13 in these pages, As I didnt know how to express things clearly, I often 14 to talk about them. This book helped me 15 that I didnt need to feel ashamed or 16 , because other people had similar experiences.When I went to college, Bartletts came with me. Over the years, Ive kept my original 17 , which to this day I often 18 . Although it was a 19 to find the book, it liberated me in a way. It helped me see more than my young mind and heart were able to understand.The book discovered under those floorboards was, 20 , gold.1、AslowedBcalmedClookedDfell2、Abent overBshowed upClay downDbroke in3、AstoleBproducedCseizedDhid4、AyelledBsighedCadmittedDcomplained5、AorBsoCbutDfor6、AnoddedBstuckCloweredDlifted7、AsimplyBthoughtfullyChonestlyDangrily8、AdifferenceBchoiceCmistakeDdiscovery9、AsatBslidCreachedDwalked10、AuntilBnow thatCunlessDso that11、AsurpriseBregretCreliefDdisappointment12、AabsurdBcontroversialCboringDinteresting13、AsympathyBcomfortChonorDdoubt14、AtendedBofferedCmanagedDhesitated15、AexpectBrememberCrealizeDimagine16、AembarrassedBsatisfiedCastonishedDtired17、AmindBcopyCplanDfile18、Aput awayBshow offCrefer toDpick up19、AdilemmaBdisasterCpityDcoincidence20、AsillBindeedCnormallyDhopefullySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1If you look on the Internet, you will see that almost every day of the year celebrates some kind of food. These “holidays” have become very popular across the United States. They often are trending stories on Twitter, and described in the U.S. media. They give people a chance to enjoy something they might not eat normally, like National Onion Ring Day, for example.Food holidays also give restaurants and other businesses a chance to promote their products.But where did these distinctly American “holidays” come from?Many are the invention of an Alabama man, John-Bryan Hopkins. He writes about food for his F website.Hopkins told Time magazine that when he began his site in 2006, there were only 175 “holidays.” “I filled in the rest,” he said. Some of his favorites are National Oreo Cookie Day on March 6 and National Tater Tot Day on February 2.The National Day Calendar has a list of all the different food and non-food related “holidays.” In the past, the website used to let anyone create their own day - for a price. But now, the site only accepts requests from businesses and other organizations.While some food “holidays” are indeed made-up, many have historical roots. For example, National Beer Day on April 7 marks the end of a U.S. ban on the production, transport, import and sale of alcoholic drinks. The ban lasted from 1920 until 1933. The Salvation Army, a Christian group, launched U.S. National Doughnut Day on June 1, 1938. It was meant to honor women who served soldiers doughnuts during World War I.But not everyone likes food holidays.Bethany Jean Clement is a food writer for the Seattle Times newspaper.She wrote, “I get that some people might be excited by, say, National Doughnut Day.But you really can have a doughnut any day you want!”Tavi Juarez, of F, thinks national food holidays are here to stay. She told the Seattle Times, “In my humble opinion, I believe that food holidays will continue to grow in popularity online. Be


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