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精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 34钟彬娴在清华学子时代论坛上的演讲钟彬娴在清华学子时代论坛上的演讲 Andrea JungTsinghua University (Beijing) Oct. 23rdGood afternoon everyone. I can't tell you how honored I am to be here with you to talk about my thoughts on leadership and to share my experiences as one of only a handful of women today running a major global corporation. As I look out at all of you . some at the beginning stages of your careers.some well along the road to your future. wherever you are on your own personal path I can promise you a world of opportunity and excitement. Anything you choose to do is within your reach. How far you go will depend on how high you set your dreams and how hard you work to achieve them. But whatever path you take, the foundation provided by a good education will make success come that much easier, I promise you.I have shared my experiences on leadership with many different groups of people all over the world. But being here in the country where my parents and grandparents were born a country to which I 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 34continue to feel strong emotional and intellectual ties is an enormous privilege and a dream come true. I consider myself a relatively recent member of a new generation of business leaders faced with a dizzying pace of change and a global economic and political environment that are redefined by the day in this tumultuous 21st century.I was offered the job as CEO of Avon four years ago, and it has certainly been an experience of a lifetime for me ever since. We've had a spectacular success, modernizing everything about the company from top to bottom. With sales that this year will top 6.7 billion USD and a stock price which is at an alltime high, we've certainly had some incredible results. Avon has been named one of Fortune magazine's most admired companies and we've made Business Week's list of the world's most valuable brands for three years in a row.You may not realize this, but Avon does business in 143 countries and we sell our products 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 34through more than four million independent sales representatives through our nowfamous direct selling distribution model.Of all the countries where Avon does business, China is without doubt our fastest growing market. Avon entered China in 1990, and we were the first international direct selling company to open our doors here. Over the years we have adapted our selling techniques to the unique needs of the Chinese consumer. Today, we sell our products in a variety of different ways, with broad distribution through 5,000 independent Beauty Boutiques, owned and operated by entrepreneurs who are building successful Avon businesses.The majority more than threequarters of these Beauty Boutique owners are women, in keeping with Avon's founding principles of providing business and financial opportunities for women. This is really the core of our business vision and it is consistent from market to market all over the world.Today, Avon is proudly known as “The Company 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 4 / 34for Women“ in every country in which we do business. And our ability to provide women with both quality products and a significant earnings opportunity has become an important competitive advantage.It is one of the reasons our business in China has grown so rapidly right from the start. Over the past four years we have experienced robust sales growth of 30% annually. In 2003, we expect to achieve total sales of 150 million to 200 million U.S. dollars. We have become the number one brand of skin care for Chinese women, and we're also one of their top three favorite makeup brands. Our facilities include 74 Branches in 27 Provinces, plus a 41 million stateoftheart global manufacturing facility in Guangzhou. Going forward, our strategy for Avon recognizes China as the number one market in the world for future expansion, reflecting our strong commitment to bring new business opportunities to entrepreneurial women in every corner of this great country. (Pause)精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 5 / 34As I look back to all that we have accomplished over the past decade and particularly over the past four years, it has been a real period of breakout success for our company . breathtaking, but also exhausting. The roller coaster ride has opened my eyes to many things.about the increasingly complex demands of running a business today, about my own competencies and the need to constantly challenge and renew my own commitment to being a better leader.I had no idea at the moment I became CEO that I would experience such great fortune and such great challenge both at the same time.and how enormously my life would change as a resul


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