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美国纽约(DMV) 酒精和其它药物问题驾照考试知识模拟测试真题(英文版)

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美国纽约(DMV) 酒精和其它药物问题驾照考试知识模拟测试真题(英文版)

1. It is illegal for a person under 21 years of age to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is:A. 0.08% -Eight hundredths of one percent or moreB. 0.01% -One hundredth of one percent or moreC. 0.05% -Five hundredths of one percent or moreD. None of the aboveExplanation : If you are under 21, Your driving privilege will be revoked for one year, if you are convicted of either driving with a BAC of 0.01% or higher or Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol and/or drugs.2. Drinking coffee after drinking alcoholA. Decreases blood alcohol content.B. Cancels the effect of the alcohol.C. Has no effect on blood alcohol content.D. Increases blood alcohol content.Explanation : The only way to effectively reduce your BAC is to spend time without drinking. Coffee, exercise and cold showers cannot reduce your BAC and the effects of alcohol. They might help you stay awake, but it cannot affect your BAC or make you sober3. What happens to your drivers license if you refuse to take a chemical test (breath or blood)A. There is no evidence to find you guilty of drunk driving.B. You cannot be arrested for drunk driving.C. Your drivers license will be taken away.D. None of these choices.Explanation : If you refuse to take the test after being arrested, your license will be suspended when you are arraigned in court on the alcohol or other drug-related charge.4. What does alcohol do to your driving skills and judgementA. It helps driving skills but harms your judgement.B. It harms both driving skills and judgement.C. It has no effect on either driving skills or judgement.D. It has no effect on judgement but it harms driving skills.Explanation : Alcohol slows your reflexes and reaction time, reduces your ability to see clearly, distorts your judgment of speed and distances, often reduces your inhibitions from taking chances, and makes you less alert.5. What are the consequences that can result from driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugsA. Possible imprisonment.B. A mandatory fine.C. Driver license revocation.D. All of these choices.Explanation : Penalties for alcohol / drug related violations include fines, jail sentences, and license penalties (including lifetime revocation)6. What effect might alcohol and another drug have when combined in your bloodA. Increase the effects of both.B. Have no effect on driving ability.C. Reduce the effects of the drug or medicine.D. Reduce the effects of the alcohol.Explanation : Never drink alcohol while you are taking other drugs. It could be dangerous, often multiplying the effects of the alcohol and the other drug. Taking one drink when you are also using an allergy or cold remedy could affect you as much as several drinks.7. Which of the following influence the effects of alcoholA. The amount of food in the stomach.B. The body weight of an individual.C. How much time passes between drinks.D. All three choices.Explanation : Your blood alcohol content (BAC) primarily depends on: How much alcohol you drink. How much time passes between drinks. Your weight.8. On average, the human body can dispose of the alcohol in 12 ounces of beer in aboutA. One hour.B. One day.C. Five minutes.D. Five hours.Explanation : For a male weighing 150 pounds, 12 ounces of beer would contain enough alcohol to increase his BAC by about .02 percent. On average, it takes the human body about one hour to dispose of that much alcohol.9. Which of the following does not happen after drinkingA. Your reflexes and reaction time slow down.B. Your judgement of speed and distance is distorted.C. You are less alert.D. You calm down so you can concentrate.Explanation : Alcohol slows your reflexes and reaction time, reduces your ability to see clearly, distorts your judgment of speed and distances, often reduces your inhibitions from taking chances, and makes you less alert.10. What kinds of drugs, other than alcohol, can affect your driving abilityA. An allergy medicine.B. Marijuana.C. A cold remedy.D. All of these choices.Explanation : It can be a criminal offense to drive while impaired by the combined effect of drugs or alcohol and drugs, illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, LSD, heroin and opium, and by some prescription drugs such as tranquilizers.11. A driver who is taking a non-prescription drug shouldA. Read the labels on the drug before driving.B. Drink alcohol instead.C. Continue to drive.D. Drive only during daylight hours.Explanation : If you are taking medication, even a non-prescription allergy or cold remedy, check the label for warnings about its effects. If you are not sure, ask your doctor or pharmacist about driving after taking the medication.12. Which of the following does alcohol affectA. Recovery from headlight glare.B. Reaction time.C. Judgement of distances.D.


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