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牛津译林版六年级上册英语第八单元6A U8全部教案(含4课时)

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牛津译林版六年级上册英语第八单元6A U8全部教案(含4课时)

Unit8 Chinese New Year Period 1 Story time一、教学内容:译林版英语六年级上册Unit8 Chinese New Year (Story time)二、教学目标:(一)知识目标1、能听懂、会说、会读单词: firecrackers, fireworks,lion dance,red packet,get,Hong Kong, tangyuan,Chinese New Years Eve,Chinese New Years Day。2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子:What is/are going to do? be going to (二)能力目标1、能初步理解并朗读课文。2、能在理解课文的基础上讲述Anna一家是如何过中国新年的。3、能用所学知识与外国网友交流自己春节计划。(三)情感目标:1、能了解中国新年的风俗习惯。2、能通过学习,抒发爱国情怀,热爱传统文化,加深对我国传统文化的理解。 三、教学重点:1、能听懂、会说、会读词汇:get,Hong Kong,tangyuan, firecrackers, fireworks,lion dance,red packets,Chinese New Years Eve等2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子:What is/are going to do? be going to 3、能初步理解并朗读课文。四、教学难点:1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子:What is/are going to do? be going to 2、能在理解课文的基础上讲述Anna一家是如何过中国新年的。3、能用所学知识与外国网友交流自己春节计划。五、教学准备:多媒体课件,板书贴纸六、教学过程:Step1 Pre-reading1. Door1:Guess the song and review some holidays,then learn Chinese New Year;2. Door2:Guess the words about Chinese New Year;Step2 While-reading3.Door3: Read a story(1) 预测Anna的信息;(2) Watch and answer two questions;(3) Find out and underline the time about Chinese New Year;(4) Find out and underline Annas plans of Chinese New Year;(5) Read and order(书80页);(6) Lets imitate;(7) Choose one way to read;(8) Think and write(书80页)(9) Retell the storyStep3 Post-reading4、 Door4: Chat with e-friends about our plans for Chinese New Year;(1) Know the e-friends;(2) Chat with them about our plans for Chinese New Year.5、Door5: No task, be a wishStep4 Homework 1. Listen and read the email.2. Write to e-friends about your plans of Chinese New Year.七、板书设计Unit8 Chinese New YearWhat is/aregoing to do? am/is/are going tobefore Chinese New Year buy some new clothes and food make some cakes and tang yuanon Chinese New Years Eve have a big dinner light crackers buy some flowers Hong Kongon Chinese New Years Day get and give red packetswatch a lion danceon the 2nd day of Chinese New Year watch fireworks Unit 8 Chinese New Year Period2 Grammar & Fun time   教学目标:1、能进一步了解有关Chinese New Year等节日的活动。2、初步了解一般将来时,正确运用be going to句型,询问和表达计划做的事情。教学重难点:正确运用be going to句型,询问和表达将要做的事情。教学过程:Step 1. Warming up1.      T: Boys and girls, are you ready for class. Today is Christmas. Theres a nice box in each group and what are they? Cards. If you answer questions correctly, you can pick one. OK? Now, class begins.2.      T: Boys and girls, do you like games? First, lets play a game. 30 seconds Non-stop Talking. When you see the days, try your best to say the things you think about. The more the better. First, lets say sth. about 课件出示:Christmas。But Ill choose some of you to join the game. Now listen: the boys with glasses,the girls in Group 4, the students in black, the students in group 1.      课件:Christmas, Mid-Autumn Festival, Birthday, Chinese New Year     (回答的学生拿卡片) Step 2. Revision & Presentation1.      T: What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? (板书)S: Im going to (请两生回答)2.      Yes, people can do a lot of things at Chinese New Year. Whats Annas plan? What are Anna and her family going to do at Chinese New Year?(出示表格P80)Look at this form and try to retell.Annas Plan   S: 小组讨论,每人说一个时间说。T: Now, lets try to retell, which group wants to try?  课件出示:Chinese New Year is coming next week. Anna is very excited. Before Chinese New Year, she is going to 3. T: That is Annas plan. How about Su Hai? If you want to know Su Hai and her familys plan, what questions can you ask? Tips: 小组讨论,你想知道苏海和她家人的新年计划,你们会问哪些问题?  S: 讨论。 T: (引导学生提问)Maybe you want to know their before Chinese New Year/ On Chinese New Years Eve/ Maybe you want to know her father/mothers plan, what can we ask? Lets discuss in four. (板书时间状语词条)Su Hais plan for Chinese New YearBefore Chinese New YearOn Chinese New Years EveOn Chinese New Years Day  On 2nd day of Chinese New Year  T: What do you want to know about Su Hais plan for Chinese New Year?  S: What are they going to do on Chinese New Years Eve?What is Su Hais father going to do on ?    (老师根据学生的提问板书)3.      T: You have so many questions about Su Hai and her familys plan. What are they going to do? Let me show you. Wow, they are going to have a lot of activities. They are going to: (课件出示动词短语,带学生一起读:have a big dinner, buy a lot of things, get red packets, make tangyuan, watch fireworks, watch TV, make dumplings, visit relatives, light firecrackers, )Teach: light firecrackers (出图)   T: What are they going to do? Lets play a guessi


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