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2022年河南省鹤壁市育才学校高二英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. -Will Jones go skating now?-Not until she        her homework.Awill finish          Bwould finish    Chas finished                 Dhad finished参考答案:C2. That Japanese government claimed Diaoyu Island _ all pigs bursting into laughter.A. led to                  B. extend to                    C. force to                 D. inspire to参考答案:A3. _,  Many of us hope that Mr.Wang  put forward a good way to have our written English _in a shot period.  A.  To our great delight ,  improved      B. To our great delighted, improved      C. To our great delighted,   improve      D . To our great delight,  improving参考答案:A4. _ his school uniform in the stadium, David rushed back to get it and an acquaintance had taken it away.A. To lose    B. LostC. Having lost    D. Losing参考答案:C【详解】考查分词做状语。句意:把校服忘记在操场上了,David跑回去拿校服,一个熟人已经把它拿走了。句中动词短语lose his school uniform与David构成主动关系,且该短语表示的动作发生在谓语动词“rushed back to ”,要用现在分词的完成式表示主动和已经完成的动作,故选择C项。5. - Jack failed his test again.- Little_how disappointed his parents were.Ahe realized   Bdid he realize  Che did realize  Drealized he参考答案:b略6. It is our _ destination to build a wonderful country, a strong, rich, and harmonious country.Acomplete  BultimateCcorrect      Dremote参考答案:B句意:建立一个美好的国家,一个富强、和谐的国家是我们的最终目标。complete“完整的”;ultimate“最终的;根本的”;correct“正确的”;remote“遥远的”,故选B项。7. He looks younger _ his friend; in fact, he is three years senior _ his friend.A. to; to    B. than; by    C. than; than     D. than; to参考答案:D8. A distant is not _ a near neighbor.A. so far as    B. as well asC. as good as    D. so long as参考答案:C【详解】考查as-as结构。句意:远亲不如近邻。此处考查形容词原级,not as/so+形容词原级+as“-和-是不一样的”。结合句意可知答案为C。9. Well send you a copy as soon as it becomes_. We are working on it day      and night.       A. present     B. qualified     C. available    D. renewable 参考答案:C略10. I am confident about Alibaba's future success but some remain       about possible risks, including its product quality.A. curious    B. cautiousC. particular    D. sensitive参考答案:B【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。A. curious好奇的;B. cautious谨慎的;C. particular特别的; D. sensitive敏感的。句意:我对阿里巴巴未来的成功充满信心,但一些人仍对可能的风险持谨慎态度,包括产品质量。be cautious about表示“谨慎对待、担忧”,故B项正确。18. There is no need to worry too much. In fact we shall solve this problem _ law and education. A. by means ofB. in terms ofC. in case ofD. in control of参考答案:A略12. The problems are too complex  _ easily.   A. to be solved   B. to solve   C. solved    D. solving参考答案:A考点:考查不定式的被动形式。33. I _ toward the door to go outside when suddenly Jim opened it unexpectedly.A. walked    B. was walking    C. had walked    D. had been walking参考答案:B35. Why dont we go and talk about this somewhere quieter? _, you know.A. Once bitten, twice shy                      B. Money talks C. Walls have ears                   D. Like father, like son参考答案:C略15. Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management?If you make _ most of the modern equipment, there will be _ rise in productionA不填; 不填    Bthe; a      C不填; a Dthe; 不填参考答案:B16. No one _ this building without the permission of the police . A is leaving       B is to leave         C has left           D will be leaving参考答案:B略17. We are at your service. Dont _ to turn to us if you have any further problems.A. begB. hesitateC. desire  D. seek参考答案:B二、 新的题型18. How to Choose a Good BookYou love reading, and youre dying to get your hands on a book. But youve read all your books several times, and youre getting tired of reading the same ones. Youre planning to go to the library, but dont know what kind of books to get. With the right knowledge, its easy for you to choose a good book.Make a list answering these questions:What kind of books do you like? _16_ Is there a type of book that you would like to try? What are your interests? By doing this you will find books that you might like._17_Very often good books are quietly collecting dust in your own house. Maybe you forget about one, or someone who is living with you has a couple of good books. Also by searching your house, you can find books that you can read, and they wont even cost you any money._18_Read best-seller lists published in most newspapers or weekly magazines. Find out which new books are making headlines, and why._19_If it does, then use its search engine to find a certain book or books by a certain author, You can also do this at home._20_If you would rather have Book 1 over Book2,put Book2 back. If you would prefer Book 3 to Book 1, put Book 1 back.A. Search your house.B. What books have you read?C. Ask someone to recommend a


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